Friday 2 November 2007

The Big Lie Exposed - we can deport foreign criminals

How often is that we read in the papers that the Labour government via some pompous liberal Judge, usually married to a Labour minister or a member of the Labour Party, has refused to deport a foreign criminal from Britain as they say the laws of the European Union, the Human Rights Act and the ECHR all forbid the removal of immigrant criminals.$477468.htm$477420.htm

This has now been proved to be a total lie.

We can send criminals like Learco Chindamo back to where they came from under EU law any time we want just by passing a single law to do so. The Italians passed such a law in one night yesterday - it is just that in Britain the Labour government, the liberal media and the Liberal Judges all dont want the British people to realise that they have the power to deport immigrant criminals like Chindamo.

In The Guardian newspaper on Friday November 2, 2007 the truth has finally been revealed.,,2203953,00.html

Last night the Italian president, Giorgio Napolitano, signed through a decree put together in an emergency session of Romano Prodi's centre-left cabinet that will allow prefects - the local representatives of the interior ministry - to expel summarily the citizens of other EU states if they are judged a threat to public security.

The prologue to the new measure makes it clear it is aimed at Romanians. Officials in Brussels said the Italian government appeared to be within the terms of a European directive that allows member states to expel citizens of other EU countries if they are a threat to public health, public security, or have insufficient means.

Now we in Britain all need to work together to get the BNP voted into power so that the BNP can pass a similar law to remove every single illegal immigrant, bogus asylum seeker, inactive economic migrant and foreign criminal that is present unlawfully on our shores.

The BNP will also include in the new law the final provision of the European Directive to ensure that all economically inactive economic migrants can be removed. The law allows the removal of anti-social illegal entrants to our country to happen, but a political party needs to be elected with the will to impose this law in order for it to begin.

That party is the BNP. Either join us or support us, or watch as we lose our country forever and our society is destroyed by the thousands of criminals and killers allowed to live in our country by the gutless establishment politicians who are too scared of being called 'racist' to act to save us and our country.

Italian woman's murder prompts expulsion threat to Romanians ·

EU citizens judged to be security risk face removal·

24-year-old Gypsy held over fatal beating John Hooper in Rome

Friday November 2, 2007

The Guardian

Italian police arrive at the shantytown in Rome where the suspect lived with his mother. Giovanna Reggiani walked out of a suburban railway station into a horror story. She had been shopping in central Rome. On the lonely road that leads from the Tor di Quinto station, she fell into the hands of a frenzied attacker. She was robbed, sexually assaulted and then beaten with what a police spokesman called "unparalleled ferocity".

What befell the 47-year-old wife of a naval captain on Tuesday night not only left her unconscious and dying. It also changed the law of her country and sparked a continuing anti-foreigner outcry unmatched in Italy's recent history.

The man accused of murdering Ms Reggiani was one among hundreds of thousands of Romanians who have poured into Italy since 2002 after visa restrictions were lifted in anticipation of their country's entry this year into the European Union.

Last night the Italian president, Giorgio Napolitano, signed through a decree put together in an emergency session of Romano Prodi's centre-left cabinet that will allow prefects - the local representatives of the interior ministry - to expel summarily the citizens of other EU states if they are judged a threat to public security. The prologue to the new measure makes it clear it is aimed at Romanians.

"In the last few years the proportion of crime committed by foreigners has increased, and those who commit most crime are the Romanians," it says.

Unlike Britain, Italy did not seek a moratorium on immigration from Romania and the other poor new entrant state, Bulgaria. But the rapid growth in what is now Italy's biggest immigrant community has been accompanied by a string of vicious crimes.

In May an elderly couple were hacked to death, allegedly by the husband of their Romanian carer. The Roman Catholic charity Caritas puts the number of Romanians in Italy at 556,000 - less than 1% of the population. Yet, according to the interior minister, 5.6% of those arrested for murder are Romanian.

The government's move came amid mounting public alarm, growing media ferment and pressure, not just from Silvio Berlusconi's rightwing opposition, but also from within the governing majority. Foremost among those demanding action was Rome's mayor, Walter Veltroni, who last month became Mr Prodi's heir-apparent when he was chosen to lead a new united centre-left movement. Earlier this year Mr Veltroni flew to Romania to press the authorities to stem the flow of migrants, particularly Roma.

At a press conference on Wednesday widely credited with forcing the cabinet to act, he said: "Before Romania's entry into the EU Rome was the safest of cities." He added: "We need to start over with repatriations." Officials in Brussels said the Italian government appeared to be within the terms of a European directive that allows member states to expel citizens of other EU countries if they are a threat to public health, public security, or have insufficient means.

To the annoyance of the Italian right, the decree does not include the final provision. Franco Frattini, the commission vice-president for Justice, Freedom and Security, said last night: "The countries of the European Union must be lands of welcome, especially for citizens of other EU states. But we have to be tough on those who commit offences.

"Italy must not become a safe haven for criminals, a place where the rule of law is not respected."

Unlike Britain - where the liberals and leftists and the gutless media and useless Judges all conpsire to turn our country into a cage where the scum of Europe and the animals of the World come to live and that we pay for.

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