Friday 2 November 2007

IAN BLAIR - RACIST BIGOT - must be sacked

Yet again that pathetic Liberal Fascist worm Ian Blair of the Met Police, who as head of the Met Police should have taken full corporate responsibility for the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes, is trying to squirm his way out of trouble as his political masters queue up to protect him.

Even that vile pustule on the face of British politics, Ken Livingstone, the admirer of Islamist Jew killers and republican terrorists, is defending the man he used to call one of the 'fascist pigs'.

This because all the real Liberal Fascist pigs in the police work for and support the Labour Party.


Ian Blair is a convicted racist - and yet he kept his job.

This was because the people he was , as head of the Met Police , racist towards were white officers.

Only under New Labour would a convicted racist, and now a person who as head of a corporate body is liable to be prosecuted for corporate manslaughter, be allowed to keep their job instead of being taken to court for murder.

Blair should be prosecuted for Corporate Manslaughter or Involuntary manslaughter by gross negligence.

But he wont be - thats because their is one law for Liberal Fascist pigs that gorge from the trough of their Labour masters and one law for everyone else.

Say hello to the New Nazism - it wears the uniform of the State , murders innocent people and gets away with it.

As this excellent post on another blog states ;

Sir Ian Blair was found guilty, in July 2005, of racial discrimination against white Police Officers after his Force was found to have racially discriminated against three white Officers who were disciplined after falsely being alleged to have made racist remarks at a training day. The Employment Tribunal said Sir Ian Blair, barely five months into his post, had “hung his own Officers out to dry” and was also found guilty of “prejudicing internal disciplinary proceedings against the three CID Officers and of treating them unfavourably”.

Sir Ian Blair, who at the time of the allegations was Scotland Yard's Deputy Commissioner in charge of Diversity, was said to have trusted the word of an female Asian Officer, Detective Sergeant Shabnam Chaudhri, over that of the three white Officers, who were later absolutely and unconditionally cleared of any wrongdoing whatsoever by the force's most senior Asian Officer, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur.

Detective Constable Tom Hassell, 60, Acting Detective Inspector Paul Whatmore, 39, and Detective Sgt Colin Lockwood, 55, won their claim for racial discrimination against the Metropolitan Police. The Tribunal Panel, sitting in Stratford, East London, ruled in favour of all three Officers, saying they had been treated differently and prejudicially because of their white race. The hearing was told that Sir Ian's attempted intervention was made without his having investigated the case or even seeing the evidence used by the Police Investigations Board.

Tribunal Panel Chairman Ian Pritchard-Witts said: "We take the view that what this Deputy Commissioner (Sir Ian Blair) wanted was an example. We take the view, using his own words that white Officers were to be hung out to dry. He prejudiced the matter; why else ask for a judicial review of his own Officers' decisions. It points unerringly to unfavourable treatment."

Sir Ian has said that the finding of the Tribunal Panel that the Metropolitan Police was institutionally racist against indigenous white Officers was hurtful to the force, despite this clearly and demonstrably being the case. Rank and file Officers believe that he has betrayed their fellow Officers and now regard the Metropolitan Police as an anti-white racist Police Force operating to a New Labour political agenda.

Sir Ian described the remarks at the heart of the Employment Tribunal defeat as Islamophobic, stating: "That language was gratuitous, offensive and deliberate. Officers can expect to be disciplined for using language like that. I want this Force to have no place for racism". The fact that the Tribunal Panel found that the words claimed by Sir Ian Blair to have been used were not in fact used seems entirely to have escaped Sir Ian Blair.

Regrettably the Officers targeted by Sir Ian Blair did not sue him for libel and abuse of authority within the Police, as not only was the language they actually did use proved not to be racist, as defined in common law, but it is also a fact that Islam is a religion not a race, and therefore Sir Ian merely further damaged the reputations of the Officers themselves. The fact that Sir Ian Blair can still call those Officers “racist”, even after having been found guilty of racism himself by the Tribunal Panel, shows the arrogance, malice and utter incompetence of the man.

In an interview with The Guardian, Sir Ian Blair revealed that he intended to continue to racially cleanse the Police Force of white Officers for political reasons and make to make the Force less white, less male and more in line with the politics of the New Labour Party. Sir Ian Blair said the Metropolitan Police and British policing in general had no choice but to embrace diversity, because it somehow “delivered better protection to the public”, adding that: "Issues about understanding diversity, about respect for different communities, respect for different traditions in many occupations is broadly a moral case. For the Police Service and Metropolitan Police in particular, it is a fundamental, brutal business case. You can't police London without understanding the diverse communities we serve. How can you police the Chinese community, the Tamil community, emerging East European communities, North African communities, how can you do this without understanding and showing respect to the cultures of which this city is made up?”

The fact is that to Sir Ian Blair, racism also includes adopting proactive racist policies against whites, but such anti-white racism does not make up for historical racism against ethnic minorities and merely increases distrust of the Police themselves. The adoption of racist, sexist policies that seek to ethnically cleanse the Police Force of white, male Officers would be regarded as illegal and repugnant if the Officers to be expelled on the basis of their race were black or female. Therefore the adoption of racist policies against white Officers is a declaration that the Police no longer regard whites in the capital, and within the Force itself, as citizens with equal civil rights compared to ethnic minority Londoners. Therefore the Metropolitan Police is now a racist Police Force whose policing priorities are defined by how successful those racist policies are when measured against the ethnic cleansing of white Officers from the Police Force.

The paternalistic anti-white racist notion that the various communities in London are obsessed about how anti-racist the Metropolitan Police actually is demeans those who, from all ethnic groups within London, just want the Police simply to cut crime. The fact that Sir Ian has adopted the Neo-Marxist ideology and rhetoric of 'Identity Politics' shows that he has politicised the Police Force itself. If a senior white Police Officer had been found guilty of racially discriminating against black Officers and “hanging them out to dry”, then he would have been made to resign from the Police Force within 24 hours. The fact the journalistic placemen in the media lined up to defend Sir Ian Blair shows how corrupt the media itself has become, as it seeks to defend those such as him from being cast out of the power structures they have been put into to subvert from within.

For the sake of respect for the Police and so that white indigenous Londoners can have faith in the Metropolitan Police, Sir Ian Blair must resign. If he does not, then we will have no choice but to regard the Metropolitan Police as an institutionally racist body that has embarked upon an overt political and racist agenda against indigenous

1 comment:

  1. "" Sir Ian Blair said the Metropolitan Police and British policing in general had no choice but to embrace diversity, because it somehow “delivered better protection to the public”, adding that: "Issues about understanding diversity, about respect for different communities, respect for different traditions in many occupations is broadly a moral case. For the Police Service and Metropolitan Police in particular, it is a fundamental, brutal business case. You can't police London without understanding the diverse communities we serve. How can you police the Chinese community, the Tamil community, emerging East European communities, North African communities, how can you do this without understanding and showing respect to the cultures of which this city is made up?” ...""

    If that isn't straight out of the Common Purpose textbook I'll go lick a chimpanzee's red arse.
