Tuesday 6 November 2007

The Lens

For those who have read my article on the media and how it uses 'Paradigm Control ' to enforce a false social consensus and condition the masses, I know give you the final tool in the kit to allow you to understand how to analyse the media and the lies they print.

This is 'The Lens'

The Lens is a mechanism for analysing the media and its reporting.

Heres how it works ;

1) You need to understand that each of the papers are propagandists for a particular political party

a) The Guardian - The Labour Party

b) The Independent - The Lib Dems

c) The Times - The Tories

d) The Telegraph - The Tories

e) The Daily Mail - The Tories

f) The Express - depends on the will of its owner Richard Desmond at election time and how much he can squeeze from the parties before he gives them his support

e) The Sun - either Labour or Tory depending on how much sucking up to Murdoch the party leaders have done before an election and how much money that have promised him once they get into power via them passing new laws to allow him to buy up more of a stake in the UK broadcasting industry by deregulating the industry. Blair travelled to Australia for a meeting with Murdoch in 1996 before the 1997 elections to get supprt from the Sun



According to Gale, "It's well known that Blair, before becoming prime minister, traveled to Australia to meet with media mogul Rupert Murdoch."

What did they discuss? According to Tracey Kinchen, a former MI-6 intelligence field agent, "Blair and Murdoch struck a deal. Murdoch told Blair that he would switch the support of his British tabloid -- The Sun -- from Major to Blair. The quid pro quo was that Blair would, when taking the chair of the rotating European presidency [Britain was given first crack at the presidency as an inducement to join the EU], grant Murdoch's satellite TV network almost unlimited broadcasting rights around the European continent. Poor John Major, he was a very nice and decent man. But he had too many principles and owned too few newspapers and satellites."

Now you know why the Murdoch papers are presently pushing for Tony Blair to become the President of the EU, because Blair will then deregulate the European broadcasting rules and allow Murdoch to set up his own European wide broadcasting network.

So here we have The Lens and its basis.

2 ) Then you see what the papers write and their stance on an issue - then the Lens allow you to see why they have taken their stance on the issue.

In the media its all about the self interests of the owners of the papers and the pet political parties they own.

Lets take the events in Pakistan ;

The Guardian as a mouthpiece for the Fabians / Far Left despise Musharraf as he is a nationalist, he imprisons the Leftists / Liberals who work with the Islamists who are plotting to destroy the Pakistani state and absorb it into the Global Caliphate -therefore the Guardian reporting is totally hostile. Compare the Guardians hostility to Musharraf with their constant arse licking of Fidel Castro and his dictatorship and Hugo Chavez and you can see how the Guardian has no logical or moral 'position' from which it operates other than the interests of its owners, editor and the Labour Party at election times.

The Telegraph as a mouthpiece for the Capitalist Right despise Musharraf as he is a nationalist. The Telegraph like the Tory Party is a supporter of Globalism who regards nationalism as an ideology as a barrier to free trade and the free movement of capital around the world for the super rich global billionaire elite. Musharraf has jailed the Judges and the NGO activists that work for the US and Saudi Arabia. The Telegraph supports Saudi Arabia as it has historic funding links to the Tory Party. The last Conservative government sent innocent British people to prison rather than admit it was selling arms to Saddam Hussein during the Matrix Churchill period.


Britain secretly helped to arm Saddam Hussein's Iraq. The facts about this were concealed until the Matrix Churchill trial took place. The trial began at the Old Bailey before a jury on 12 October 1992. The three defendants, accused of illegally exporting munitions machinery to Baghdad, had been charged twenty months earlier, in February 1991. But extraordinary delays had stopped their case from being heard in public until well after the general election of April 1992 which confirmed John Major - victor of the Gulf War against Iraq - in office. The eventual trial of the three men was scheduled to last until Christmas. But four weeks later after a memorable cross-examination of Alan Clark, a former minister of the Crown, it abruptly halted. The prosecutor of the charge brought by HM Customs had not even finished presenting his case: but the jury was discharged and the three defendants in the dock formally acquitted. That afternoon's splash front page in the London Evening Standard accurately conveyed a sense of the storm that was about to break: 'IRAQI ARMS DEAL TRIAL COLLAPSES. Three cleared as ex-Minister's evidence is called inconsistent.'

Alan Moses, QC for HM Customs, told the judge that the Crown could no longer continue with the case because Alan Clark's evidence under oath was 'inconsistent' with what he had originally told Customs investigators in a witness statement. Clark's testimony had been elicited by Geoffrey Robertson QC, counsel for the main defendant, with the help of a stack of Whitehall documents of the type normally kept secret in Britain - briefings prepared by top officials for Ministers; records of meetings of those Ministers; and, most secret and unprecedented of all, records from Britain's two intelligence agencies, MI5 and MI6. John Major's Cabinet Ministers had signed orders concealing all this information from the court - Ministerial orders eventually overturned by the judge. Intelligence officers, as well as senior civil servants and government Ministers, were forced to come to the Old Bailey to testify.


The Independent despises Musharraf as he imprisons the leftists / liberals that work with the Islamists to bring down the Pakistan nation. The Independent despises nationalism. Therefore the Independent attacks Musharraf as he is a nationalist.

Use the Lens wisely - it allows you to see the real world not the illusions they try and depict as reality.

Understand that in this country the papers are simply mechanisms for specific interests in our society to take power and get richer.

Those that believe what they read in the papers, who trust the people that tell the lies in the papers and who believe the world is as the papers say are complete fools.



At the same time, Murdoch was urging his British papers to promote Margaret Thatcher, the Conservative Party leader, who was Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990. The Sun, a jingoistic News Corp. tabloid that sells more than three million copies a day, praised Thatcher’s proposals to slash income taxes, confront the trade unions, and privatize publicly owned enterprises. “I thought that what she was trying to do was basically right,” Murdoch told me. “Some of the methods she used were wrong. But you have to give her credit for the fact that she was in a minority in the Cabinet for the whole time she was there.”

Without the support of Murdoch’s papers, which relentlessly attacked the opposition Labour Party, the Conservatives would have struggled to remain in power. On the day of the 1992 general election, when Neil Kinnock, who was then Labour’s leader, was challenging Thatcher’s successor, John Major, the Sun printed a picture of a light bulb on its front page next to a headline that read, “IF KINNOCK WINS TODAY WILL THE LAST PERSON TO LEAVE BRITAIN PLEASE TURN OUT THE LIGHTS?” (Major won the election.)

When Tony Blair took over as the head of the Labour Party, in 1994, he was understandably eager to court Murdoch’s favor. According to Andrew Neil, who was then the editor of the Sunday Times, Murdoch and Blair first met in September, 1994, at Mosimann’s, an expensive club in Belgravia. “The dinner went very well,” Neil wrote in his 1996 memoir, “Full Disclosure.” “Blair discovered Rupert was not the ogre his party had painted, and Rupert found what Blair had to say a refreshing change from the usual Labour nostrums. Blair indicated that media ownership rules would not be onerous under Labour, Rupert that his newspapers were not wedded to the Tories.” After Blair left, Murdoch remained at the club chatting with colleagues, including Neil. “Well, he certainly says all the right things,” Murdoch remarked. “But we’re not letting our pants down just yet.”

In 1995, Blair travelled nine thousand miles to Hayman Island, on the Great Barrier Reef, to deliver a keynote address at a News Corp. retreat. In the speech, he described himself as a radical modernizer, and as the natural heir to Margaret Thatcher. This time, Murdoch, who was tiring of Major and his scandal-plagued government, was receptive. “By the end of 1995,” Neil wrote, “Rupert’s editors were in little doubt that Blair was his man.”

During the 1997 general election campaign, the Sun and the News of the World, Murdoch’s Sunday scandal sheet, backed Blair. (The Times and the Sunday Times, which have greater editorial independence, stuck with the Tories.) After Blair’s victory, which ended eighteen years of Conservative rule, Murdoch became a frequent visitor to Downing Street, although neither side publicized the meetings. In 2001 and 2005, most of the Murdoch papers supported Blair for reĆ«lection, helping to make him the most successful leader of the Labour Party since its inception, in 1900.

Murdoch and Blair remain on friendly terms, even though Blair’s support for the war in Iraq and for President George Bush have gravely undermined his popularity. (Last month, he announced that he would leave office within a year.) On July 28th, Blair flew to San Francisco on a trip that was described as an effort to promote British technology companies. Many of the British reporters who accompanied him knew better. “The real reason he is here now is because Rupert Murdoch invited him here to meet with all of his executives,” Nick Robinson, the BBC’s political editor, told KCBS, a Bay Area radio station, referring to the News Corp. retreat that Murdoch was hosting in Pebble Beach that week.

News Corp. has been holding corporate retreats sporadically since the nineteen-eighties, but there hadn’t been one since 1998. This year’s conference lasted five days, and it was the grandest yet. Dozens of security men with walkie-talkies and guns had secured the Pebble Beach resort against potential terrorists (and reporters from rival media organizations). Two hundred and sixty-five executives and their spouses flew in from around the world. Among them were News Corp. veterans such as Jane Friedman, the head of HarperCollins, Roger Ailes, and Col Allan, along with Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson, the founders of MySpace, the social-networking Web site, which News Corp. bought last year.

Gary Ginsberg, the principal organizer of the conference, had put together a list of speakers that included McCain, Newt Gingrich, Al Gore, Shimon Peres, Lawrence Summers, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Blair delivered the opening-night speech. “Rupert, it’s great to be back at the News Corp. Conference after all these years,” he began. “When I first met you, I wasn’t sure I liked you, but I feared you. Now that my days of fighting elections are over, I don’t actually fear you, but I do like you.”

On August 2nd, the second-to-last day of the conference, Bill Clinton arrived. That afternoon, he played a round of golf with Ginsberg and Col Allan. With the help of several mulligans, he shot in the eighties. Then he attended a dinner for the conference participants, where he sat between Murdoch and his wife, Wendi, a thirty-seven-year-old former executive at Star TV, whom Murdoch married in 1999. The Murdochs’ table was cordoned off in a V.I.P. area, but Clinton mingled with the rest of the guests after he had eaten. When Murdoch and his wife retired for the evening, shortly before midnight, the former President, surrounded by people, was listening to a performance by the Australian singer Keith Urban and his band.

The next morning, Clinton began his speech, about the political implications of globalization, by thanking Murdoch and the band. “I thought they were fabulous last night, and I had a great time,” he said. “I don’t get to have that much fun anymore. When I was in politics, we always tried to invoke Clinton’s First Law, which is: ‘Whenever you are having a good time, you probably should be somewhere else.’ ”


  1. Excellent stuff keep it coming.

    Any chance sometime of the victim oppressor thing, and unintended consequences, majority being ruled by victim minority - you know the sort of thing.

    Where does all this stuff come from? I'm pretty sure most people haven't a clue.

  2. Regarding the Express. It seems to be the only National newspaper that allows pro-BNP sentiments to be posted in its comments sections.

    I would recommend that people buy the Express in preference to the Daily Mail.
