Monday 3 December 2007

Eco-Conflict and the Death of the West

In the Sunday Times on September 5 th 2004 the nominated European Union incoming Justice Minister, Rocco Buttiglione, stated that the 1951 Geneva Convention on Refugees may be changed to include the concept of 'Environmental Refugees' and thereby allow into Europe by 2010 up to 50 million 'Eco- Refugees' and up to 150 million more by 2050.

A few weeks later he was removed from his post. Though he had been removed, the plan still proceeds.

According to the Red Cross 'environmental refugees' now number 25 million people, 58 % of the total worldwide population of refugees. Though the Geneva Convention was drafted in order to provide assistance solely for those internally displaced citizens of Europe as a result of the end of World War two it is now about to be used to destroy Europe itself through the process of Eco-Conflict and allowing unlimited immigration into the West.

The threat of Eco-Conflict is linked not only linked to climate change but also to the threat of the 150-250 million estimated refugees that are expected to enter Europe both legally and illegally in the next forty years, and all of them will be allowed by the Labour Party, the Tory Party and the Liberal Party to just enter our nations when and how they wish as they have already been doing for decades. This is treason on a scale unparalleled in British history. It is the total surrender of our nation to first of all a European Union that has already decided to allow Europe to be invaded and then to the incoming eco-migrants themselves. Britain and Europe will both be destroyed.

No other word exists for this other than treason. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and all the other politicians of the mainstream parties that will refuse to tackle this issue in the name of political correctness are traitors and therefore have no moral, legal or political right to rule over us.

The fact that 80 % of the British public want our national borders strengthened not destroyed forever, and the fact that our people have had no chance to vote on this issue which features that most fundamental of all rights - who we let live amongst us in our national community - means this is not a decision that emanates from the people that form our democracy and our nation. This is the decision of a fascist
government and it means that this country is no longer a democracy.

Eco-Conflict refers to the process by which people take either collective action (non-violent protest or violent rebellion) or individual acts of protest or terror against governments or other groups to protect themselves, and the group with which they have aligned themselves, when they perceive that their individual, racial, national, tribal or familial well being or national or ethnic group survival is threatened by environmental change, mass immigration or unequal access to scarce resources. Aspects of eco conflict can renew old intra-national conflicts or substantially protract ongoing ones or create new intra-ethnic conflict as a result of mass immigration into a nation. It will also lead to new surpa-national conflicts and resurrect old ones over water, oil, food and land.

Resource scarcity as an issue can lead to three types of conflict: simple scarcity conflict (where at least two states or groups engage in violent conflict or warfare), group identity conflict (where groups are displaced from a resource scarce region to another region, resulting in tension and conflict), or relative deprivation conflict (where one group feels deprived of a resource relative to other groups)

What, according to various theories, is broadly labeled as 'environmental security matters' involves environmental change (i.e. the decline in the quantity or quality of renewable resources that occurs faster than the renewal of that resource by natural processes and the use of technological processes ) and its political, economic, social and humanitarian consequences. This includes population-induced ecological stress, land scarcity, ethnic conflict, the depletion of water supplies, deforestation, desertification, air/water/land pollution, deforestation, ozone depletion, climate change, natural catastrophes, energy security, nuclear safety issues, famine, diseases and migration (immigration pressures and refugee flows), intra-national conflict , terrorism , the removal of civil rights, the creation of Eco-Dictatorships and the breakdown of the social order of nations. These issues have the potential to influence greatly influence the future of the planet but because they directly lead to a serious and irreversible decline in the quality of people's life and new political tension at the national, regional and global levels their implications are of utmost National Security interest. Thus, both ' British Nationalists ', European Nationalist parties and the British public should be more aware of the significance of the role of environmental change among other more traditionally recognized (political, economic and social) issues that threaten the stability of Britain, Europe and the planet.

Environmental change can generate displaced communities (i.e. environmental refugees) and environmentally induced Eco-Conflicts.

The TEN STAGES of social breakdown that lead to Eco-Conflict are plotted in the list below ;

Stage I (Overpopulation Pressure): Population pressures increase due to dense human settlements, and stem from high birth rates of immigrants (the birth rates of the racially British people are falling beyond replacement levels), increasing urbanization, and the continuing influx of foreign migrants. This causes intra-ethnic violence in the host communities that have to 'absorb' the new migrants and a corresponding adoption of ever more draconian laws by national states to stem this tide of protest against mass immigration by the indigenous people. As the laws on free speech and assembly are restricted by the government, courts and the police to counter legitimate public protests by the host community the 'anger' of the host community manifests itself more and more in urban street conflict against the migrants. Migrants will also begin to battle other migrants for resources as the migrant groups cluster together around racial, religious and cultural issues. In Britain we have already begun to witness this in places such as Bradford, Peterborough and Oldham where relations between the indigenous population and immigrants have reached 'Crisis point' according to the Home Office and the CRE. The movement of millions of Eastern Europeans into the UK has also generated new flashpoints with other racial groups in the ares where they now live.

Stage II (Growing Demands): As the national population increases, human activities increase generating new demands ( more children born , more pressure on the NHS, Schools, Housing and Agriculture etc) and the growth per capita of resource consumption increases as the the demand for a higher standard of living and the production of biological and industrial human wastes escalate. Additionally, the average individual's level of consumption or affluence is raised further by resource consumption and pollution-generating technology development: This level of growth is now unsustainable. Supply cannot ever match Demand. As more and more people are forced to drop into poverty as the 'breaking point' approaches in society in regard to the sustainability of demand increases, their expectations of affluence and more income are simultaneously being raised by the media and other factors in our conscumer society - this generates frustration, frustration turns to rage, rage turns to hate, hate turns to war.

Stage III (Environmental Stress): Increasing mass immigration and its growing demands on the nation increase resource shortages and environmental damage through a vicious cycle - when the resource supply becomes scarce or less accessible, then it requires excessively high costs and greater environmental damage in order to provide resources for additional people. This accelerates the breakdown in the environment and effectively destroys the 'natural resource base' for future generations. In order to sustain the people of the present we must leave the children of the future to starve.

Stage IV (Competition and Tension): Environmental stress, including scarcities and degradation, instigate competition among the affected population (local people and migrants) within a society, generating political,racial, religious and social tension. During times of competition over ecological and financial resources, the affected country's people usually become more self-conscious and self-assertive of their group identity. This is already happening in Britain. As the resources of the country diminish in the coming decades then more tensions will be raised. Already in 2004 we have for the first time become dependent on foreign energy sources to power our national economy. Our North Sea oil supplies are almost empty, the coal mines closed and our economy dependent on Russian gas and Arabian oil. In 2006 24,000 pensioners died of hypothermia in their own homes and in the coming years this will rise even more. The BNP as a political party will continue to rise in strength and power whilst traditional parties, both Left and Right, will become obsolete. Identity Politics will grow in power and under the mechanism of 'Multi-Culturalism' this movement towards an 'Identity Politics' has been encouraged, though so far only for immigrants who have been encouraged to organise collectively as a community to demand ever more resources from the indigenous community. The British state has, at the same time as encouraging identity politics movements for immigrant groups actively attempted to undermine the basic civil rights of the indigenous people of Britain and prevent them asserting their inalienable right to an 'Identity' driven political party and movement, but further attempts to inhibit this growth will lead to more tensions on the streets leading to outbreaks of disorder. Positive discrimination policies in favour of migrants in Britain will lead to further tensions as the indigenous population are driven further down the 'Social Pyramid' into poverty whilst they are forced to watch as immigrant communities are given ever more resources to appease them before they seek to confront the State and demand more resources by force. Terrorism by ethnic group and religious groups that is rewarded and appeased by the government will result in a backlash where the host community will either demand an end to it or begin to mimic the terrorism of the minorities, as they see that the government represses free speech and legitimate protest but rewards terrorism.

The number of children living in poverty rose by 200,000 since 2006, according to a damning report which highlights the Government's failure to tackle the problem.

Stage V (Distribution Disorder): Growing competition over scarce resources places governments under heavy stress concerning the 'orderly' distribution of insufficient resource supplies among an increasing population. The greater the scarcity, the more likely is a breakdown of the distribution order. This is because advantaged groups, often including government elite members and cosseted minority groups composed of immigrants, wield their power to monopolize the ever diminishing resources of the State and Nation at the expense of other groups mostly the indigenous population. This exacerbates internal conflicts and increases the political necessity of an 'Identity Politics' based BNP party for the indigenous British people in order to ensure the indigenous people of Britain are not unfairly penalised for their lack of an 'Identity Politics' political party. This will also further reveal and increase the futility of the obsolete old parties such as Labour, Liberal and Tory based on the traditional 'right and left' ideologies or the purely 'national independence' issues in relation to the European Union as per UKIP as the necessity for an 'Identity Political' party for the British people grows in order for them to have representation in our political system that is predicated on group identity and rewarding the most politically active and cohesive groups in society.

Stage VI (Environmental Destruction): Without appropriate measures to prevent overuse and pollution of renewable resources, ecological stress passes a threshold of irreversibility. Even if the environmental condition is partially reversible, it will be a prohibitively long and costly process. This is what we are witnessing in the North Sea right now in relation to Cod stocks. Over fishing has resulted in damage that, if not irreversible, will take decades to recover. Also the same situation is analogous to our oil supplies.

Stage VII (Economic Decline): Environmental destruction such as depletion of fish stocks, decreases agricultural and industrial production and causes a lowering of average living standards and further impoverishment and malnutrition within developed societies. The spectres of Disease and famine once more haunt the West as The Golden Era of the promise of perpetual economic 'progress' comes to an end. More and more citizens are cast into penury and poverty as wages and living standards fall. Social cohesion breaks down and the state degenerates into a 'Eco-Dictatorship' where order and stability in the Nation are imposed through the utilisation of Para-Military Police, the Army and the removal of basic civil rights and freedoms.

Stage VII (Social Disintegration): Normally, environmental destruction and economic woes have the following social effects before producing violent conflict: disruption of authoritative political, financial, and legal institutions and accepted social relations; the spread of relative deprivation and frustration due to unequal distribution of both ecological resources and economic goods; and population displacement including mass migration of rural workers into cities or across the national borders. Another feature is the importation into the nation of massive amounts of workers and immigrants by capitalists who seek to sustain the national economy and keep it 'productive' in the Global Economy relation to other economies such as China with whom the British nation has to compete. For British workers this means wages will be forced to be on a par with China where the average wage for an industrial worker is twenty pounds a week if the British economy is to compete in the Global Economy. This is why a return to protectionist and autarchic policies and a withdrawal from the Global Economy is the only way to prevent the destruction of the 'British Working Class' who provide the labour for industries, the 'British Middle Class' that run the industries and the 'British Financial Class that fund and create the national industries. Each face total destruction in the face of Global Economics.

Stage IX (Eco Conflict): Environmental destruction and its disruptive effects not only create internal and external conflicts but also protract and exacerbate ongoing internal disorders. Since conflict is a 'process' and not a one-time event, environmental issues can add a new dimension to enduring social, national or ethno-political or religious disputes and newly created ethnic conflicts caused by the influx of mass immigrants into the nation. This is the final stage where the nation state is torn apart by internal conflict and the government has a choice - either impose a true 'Eco-Dictatorship ' or accept the destruction of the civic order and the nation states degeneration into a 'Balkans type blocs of competing groups using terror as a bargaining tool for the allocation of ever diminishing resources.

Unless the Nationalist parties of Europe organise now to deal with this threat to our nations and environment we may witness the death of the West in our lifetimes. This struggle against these plans of the European Union to allow in 'Eco-Refugees' must form part of a great 'Patriotic European Alliance' of all nationalist parties that represent the indigenous folk communities of Europe. We must begin the struggle now and not wait for the nightmare to begin. This struggle is the primary struggle of the 21 st Century for the European peoples and one that they cannot lose.

From Ireland to Greece, from Iceland to Serbia, from Russia to Spain the European people must unite and resist these plans and fight to create a Fortress Europe that will ensure the survival of our Folk, Race, our Environment, our cultures, our Rights and our Nations.


  1. Excellent post, Lee, again, thanks

    Pushing all the major buttons

    Any chance of it being turned into a booklet, including a related treatise on our British Constitution, which is about to be betrayed Thursday week, December 13th - an appropriate date - when the PM signs the EU Reform Treaty?

  2. Spot on analysis. Essential reading for all heads and non-heads in the f**king sand.

    Alas, I sadly believe, not many Europeons nor Britons will likely realise the fundamentals of this epoch collapsing evolution of events until over half way down your stage list.

    Here's hoping for a relatively short baptism of fire and highly offensive awakening (while indigenous people are still the majority here) with a culmination of Peak oil affects, global downturns people start to get into that important 'mad' mindset and no longer 'spoilt' with pinkastic chinese plastic, cosy ethnic chic and wonderous rose tinted face masks

