Friday 14 December 2007

Lets get a few things straight

Lets get a few things staight ;

There has been so much nonsense posted on the internet over recent days the following facts need to be explained ;

1) In regard to the allegations concerning 'under age sex' that are being thrown at Mark Collett and Dave Hannam, these are complete lies. Collett and Hanam were disciplined simply for bringing a non-BNP member into the hotel as that is all they did, and that is not an expulsion offence. He was drinking in an over 18's nightclub with a woman who was with her 15 year old daughter and friend who she was buying alcoholic drinks for. At no time did either the woman or the girls reveal their true age to collett or hannam. The fact that the bouncers on the doors and the bar staff in thre club also thought the girls were over 18 and allowed them in and served them alcoholic drinks in the night club should suggest to people that these were not young girls that resembled young girls.

It is reasonable to assume in those circumstances for people in the club including the bar staff, door staff, collett and hannam to assume the girls in the club were over 18. The moment Collett was informed that the girls were under 16 he and Hannam took them out of the hotel, put them in a cab and paid for their fare home.

Collett and Hannam did not know the girls were under 16, they did not touch them in any way and as soon as they were informed of their ages they removed them from their presence. I am pretty sure that the girls would not have had their birth certificates on them in order for them to prove their age, and were also probably using fake ID to get in the club anyway.

Therefore neither hannam or collett committed any offences that would sustain a punishment of expulsion.

You can only be punished for what you DO not what you did NOT do.

The lies being spread by ex-senior officials of the party about this incident are total fabrications. If the chairman were to have expelled Collett and Hannam for what they did not do ( they did not have sex with those girls) then the expulsions would have been unlawful, and left the party open to legal challenge.

Demanding the party expel them for this incident without any regard to their legal rights as members, their constitutional rights as members, the potetnial legal costs incurred by the party if they fought the expulsion and also the basic unfairness of arbitrarily expelling people as part of ' mob rule ' - merely shows the people demanding their expulsion are motivated not by legality, but simpy by venality.

If they had indulged in sexual intercourse with those young women then I would have been the first to demand they leave - but they didnt.

They are guilty of stupidity and gullibility and thats it.

Unlike other establishment politicians like Lib Dem leadership candidate Mark Oaten, who is still in the Lib Dem party, they did not hire Eastern European teenage rent boys to urinate on them and nor did they get caught having sex with male strangers on clapham common whilst looking for badgers like Ron Davis of the Labour Party or have sex with their prostitutes then lie on oath about it like Jeffrey Archer of the Conservatives.

To get some perspective read here ;

Conservative Party Criminals


. Tory Party General election candidate, Michael Powell - Convicted and jailed for 3 years for downloading hardcore child ****.

. Tory Party Councillor (Wickbar/Bristol) Roger Talboys - Convicted and jailed for 6 years for multiple sex attacks on children.

. Tory Party Vice-Chairman of Welsh Conservatives, Andrew Baker - Received a banning order for stalking women.

. Tory Party MP (Billericay) Harvey Proctor - Stood trial for sex offences of a sado-masochistic nature against teenage boys, and was forced to resign.

. Tory Party Councillor ( Stratford-upon-Avon ) Christopher Pilkington - Convicted of downloading hardcore child **** on his PC. Placed on sex offenders register and forced to resign.

. Tory Party councillor ( Coventry ), Peter Stidworthy - Charged with indecent assault of a 15-year old boy.

. Tory Party Mayor ( North Tyneside ), Chris Morgan - Forced to resign after being arrested twice in 2 weeks, for indecent assault on a 15-year old girl, and for suspicion of downloading child ****.

. Tory Party MEP, Tom Spencer - Caught smuggling drugs and **** through customs.

. Tory Party councillor and former Mayor (Wrexham), Michael Morris - Convicted and put on probation for 2 years, for the indecent assault of another man, which was captured on CCTV.

. Tory Party Liaison Manager on the London Assembly, Douglas Campbell, who's job includes running the Tory GLA website - Arrested for allegedly downloading child ****. He is currently suspended while the Police investigation continues.


. Tory Party MP (Henley), Boris Johnson - Caught on tape plotting to have a man beaten up by a hired thug. The man was a journalist who had written an unsympathetic piece about Johnson's close friend - Convicted fraudster, Darius Guppy.

. Tory Party Councillor (Folkestone - in Leader, Michael Howard's constituency), Robert Richdale - 41 year history of crime, involving 30 convictions and 5 prison sentences. Richdales enormous criminal record, which covers 10 pages of A4 paper, includes convictions for assault, theft, causing death by dangerous driving, forgery, drugs offences, possession of an offensive weapon, and sex attacks against underage schoolgirls. The Tory Party election campaign literature described Richdale as "a family man" who had a "compassionate personality"


. Tory Party councillor (Dudley), Abdul Quadus, who was also chairman of the Dudley Police Committee and a Tory Party spokesman on crime - Convicted and jailed for 6 months for passport fraud and assisting illegal immigration from his native country - Pakistan.

. Former Tory Party Cabinet Minister, Jonathan Aitkin - Convicted and jailed for Perjury and Conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice.

. Former Tory Leader of Westminster Council, Dame Shirley Porter - Fled to Israel to evade justice after indulging in fraud, corruption and gerrymandering on a massive scale, and stealing millions of pounds from local taxpayers.

. Tory Party Councillor ( Margate ), Colin Kiddel - Forced to resign after Police investigation into his alleged theft and embezzlement of funds from the local `Dreamland` Amusement Park.

. Former Tory Party Chairman and London Mayoral Candidate, Jeffrey Archer - Convicted and jailed for Perjury and Conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice.

Labour Party Criminals


. Labour Councillor (Newton Aycliffe) Martin Locklyn - Convicted and jailed for 15 years for sexually abusing 3 14-year-old boys.

. Labour Councillor (North Lincolnshire) David Spooner - Convicted and jailed for 1 year for masturbating in front of 2 young boys.

. Labour Mayor (Westhoughton/Lancashire) Nicholas Green - Convicted and jailed for 10 years for 3 rapes and 13 counts of indecent assault against little girls between the age of 6 and 10. He raped one woman on her wedding day.

. Labour Mayor (Todmordon) John Winstanley - Convicted and jailed for rape and threats to kill. After raping and threatening to kill his terrified victim, Winstanley then ordered the woman to go on all fours before urinating on her.

. Prominent Labour Party activist Mark Tann (who has met Tony & Cherie at Party functions) recently got a 15-year sentence for raping a 4-year old girl on 2 separate occasions.

. Labour's current Parliamentary Candidate (Reading East) Tony Page - Has 2 Convictions for Acts of Gross Indecency` in public toilets.

. Labour Mayor (Burnley) Mark Swainston - Convicted of sex offences in public toilet.

. Entire Labour Party conspired to conceal the activities of Labour Party activist and serial child-molester Mark Trotter, who died from AIDS before he could be convicted.

. Labour Councillor (North Yorkshire) Raymond Coats - Court appearance for indecently assaulting a woman.

. Labour MP (Rhonda Valley) Chris Bryant poses in his pants on the Internet to advertise himself for casual gay sex encounters. Describes himself as "**** as buggery" and says, "I'd love a good long ****".

. Labour Councillor (Manchester), George Harding - Charged with indecent assault on a girl of 12.

. Labour MP Ron Davies was mugged by a Rasta on Clapham Common while cruising for gay sex. He was photographed again by the media recently, engaged in some `man-on-man` action in a field off a motorway. "I was only looking for badgers" he said.

. Labour Councillor (Durham), Derrick Payne - Arrested by Police following a sex attack.

. Labour MP, Joe Ashton - Caught up in a Police raid while frequenting a brothel. Tried to lie his way out of the scandal.

. Labour Councillor (Shropshire), Derek Woodvine - Arrested by Police in anti-**** operation.

. Labour Councillor (Basildon), Tony Wright - Forced to resign after being caught using his council computer to download ****.

. Labour MP (Sheffield), Clive Betts - Suspended from Parliament for 7 days after being caught forging immigration papers to extend the stay of his Brazilian rent-boy gay lover.

. According to media reports, the names of 2 former Labour Cabinet Ministers said to be `Household names` appear on the `Operation Ore ` list of subscribers to hard-core child ****. The same FBI investigation, which led to the arrest of rock star Pete Townshend. So who are they Mr Blair?


. Labour Councillor (Kirkby, Merseyside) Charlie Preston - Convicted and jailed for 5 years in 1982 for assault and burglary. Preston broke into the home of a 64 year old man, and beat him up in his bed as he slept before robbing the house. The judge described the case as "As bad a matter of burglary as I can remember" Preston also holds the position on the Council of... `Deputy Cabinet Member for Youth, Citizenship, and Community Safety`.

. Labour Councillor ( Wales ) Denis Jones - Convicted and jailed for unlawful wounding after attacking a neighbour with a sledgehammer.

. Labour Councillor ( Wales ) Ken Brookman - Bit off a mans ear in a dispute over a seat on a train!

. Labour Councillor and former Mayor (Stockton), Keith Dobinson - Investigated by Police for alleged assault on an OAP, which left the old man of 79, hospitalised.

. Labour MP, Tommy Graham - Expelled from Party for his part in driving a person to suicide.

. Labour Councillors (Ilfracombe), Brian Cotton and Tony Cooper - Investigated by Police following serious allegations of Harassment.


. Labour Councillor (Sandwell) Mohamed Niwaz convicted of illegally obtaining £20,000 in Housing Grants.

. Labour Councillors in Doncaster - 23 Convicted and 2 jailed for massive fraud, corruption and theft of public funds. Investigation also uncovered massive Labour Party corruption in neighbouring Rotherham .

. Labour Party Councillor ( Blackburn ), Mohammed Hussein - arrested together with 6 Labour activists on suspicion of Election rigging.

. Labour MP Mohammed Sawar ( Britain 's first Asian MP - Glasgow) was the subject of a major News of the World investigation a few years ago into bribery and corruption. Despite this, the massive Asian population in his constituency keeps him safely in his seat.

. Labour MP (Leicester) and former Cabinet Minister, Keith Vaz - Investigated for fraud and corruption before quietly leaving his Europe Minister post with `health problems`. According to his former Secretary, Vaz does absolutely nothing in his constituency other than help local Pakistanis with their Immigration cases (which also helps to explain the `whites a minority` status of Leicester and the safe Labour seat of Mr Vaz)

. Labour Party Euro MP, David Martin is currently being investigated for an alleged expenses fraud involving `hundreds of thousands of pounds`.

. Labour Councillor (Glamorgan), Shawn Stringer - Forced to resign following Police investigation into financial corruption.


. Tony Blair recently appointed his close friend/crony and colleague of his wife - Ken Macdonald as the new Director of Public Prosecutions, despite the fact he has a drugs conviction.

. William Straw - Son of Labour Foreign Secretary, and former Home Secretary - Jack Straw, was cautioned by Police for drug dealing, amid a frantic Government attempt to cover up the matter and gag the media as to his identity. Jack Straw also has a brother who was convicted of a sex attack on a schoolgirl. Lovely family!

. Homosexual mass murderer; Dennis Nielsen, who strangled and dismembered 16 young men in the 1980`s, was also a highly active member of Labour fringe groups such as the Anti-Nazi League, and the SWP. That's when he wasn't busy boiling peoples heads in a pot, or masturbating over the corpses of his victims.

Liberal Democrat Criminals


. Lib-Dem Council candidate (Tower Hamlets), Justin Sillman - Convicted and jailed for 2 years for sexual abuse of young boys.

. Lib-Dem Councillor and Mayoral Candidate ( Sheffield ), Francis Butler- Prosecuted for indecent assault of a young boy.

. Lib-Dem Councillor ( Stockport ) Neil Derbyshire - Sexually assaulted a 16-year old boy in a public toilet. He was caught with a plastic bag containing lubricant, plastic surgical gloves, a condom, and underpants.

. Lib-Dem Councillor ( Preston ), Bill Chadwick - Charged with: Making an indecent photograph of a child, Incitement to rape, Incitement to murder, Incitement to kidnap, and Incitement to torture. Chadwick's gay lover - Alan Valentine, is also a Lib-Dem councillor.


. Lib-Dem councillor (North Norfolk), Catherine Wilkins - Also a nurse until she was struck off the nursing register after being found guilty of mistreating patients and abusive behaviour.

. Lib-Dem Parliamentary candidate ( Burnley ), Paul Wright - Charged with drunken assault on his `lodger`. Wright sobbed like a baby during the court case, and the case is to be re-listed and heard again after the jury failed to reach a verdict.

. Lib-Dem Councillor ( Sheffield ) Trevor Morgan - Convicted and jailed for 9 months for unlawful wounding/dangerous driving. After attacking an elderly woman's Golden retriever dog by throwing pepper in its face, he then seriously injured the dog's owner - 57-year old Barbara Johnson, with his car as she tried to stop him escaping.


. Lib-Dem Councillor (Peterborough), Michael Jackson - Prosecuted for 21 counts of Theft and False Accounting.

. 3 Lib-Dem Councillors convicted and jailed for Election Fraud in Hackney in 2001

. 12 Lib-Dem officials convicted of Election Fraud in Oldham in 2001.

. Julie Roberts - Convicted of 9 counts of benefit fraud in 2003. 2 weeks after the court case, she was elected as a Lib-Dem councillor in Leicester !

. Lib-Dem councillor (Portsmouth), Ray Race - Convicted and jailed for 4 months for election rigging, along with Lib-Dem colleague Michael Hayward. Race was arrested again in July 2003 for threatening a witness who helped to convict him.

. Lib-Dem councillor (Lambeth), Gabriel Fernandez - Forced to resign after being investigated for benefit fraud.


. Former Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe - Stood trail for conspiring to have his blackmailing gay lover murdered.

2) The disciplinary tribunal in all cases can only occur after an investigation into the events have finished , evidence gathered and passed to the accused, dates agreed for the hearing and all parties in agreement when it should be held. This takes a long time, primarily as the people who are accused have a right to a fair trial.

The resignation of members of the party to put pressure on the chairman to not hold a tribunal and reinstate those who were dismissed was nothing more than blackmail and could not and will not be tolerated.

The resignation of members and officers of the party to blackmail the chairman into sacking members of the party just because they were not liked, was also blackmail.

The time for resignations and threats to resign should have been AFTER the disciplinary tribunql and not before it even happened.

All those who have been expelled have a constitutional right of appeal tot hat expulsion, and all have said they will appeal their expulsions so therefore those who resigned have pre-judged the outcome of that tribunal and their actions are both immoral and unlawful.

Blackmail is a crime.

The investigation into the recent affairs will take a while due to the length of time these activities have been going on and also due to the depth of the activities.

There will be no tribunal until the investigation is fully finished and all sides are able to mount a fair case / defence.

We will not be blackmailed by anyone into either speeding up the tribunal, stopping the disciplinary process or expelling members.

To ever think people in the party would give in to such blackmail shows people have lost their senses.

The BNP constitution was changed a few years ago after the Andy Sykes case as at the time of the Andy Sykes crisis in the party under the old constitution the party was unable to expel Andy Sykes until AFTER a full tribunal and appeal was heard even though he had admitted he had been working for searchlight. This state of affairs had to be changed and a new constitutional power drafted to allow the Chairman in cases where the party was under threat to expel an individual immediately and then allow them to have an disciplinary tribunal.

This was required to protect the party, the security of the members and also to stop any further internal sabotage. This as to prevent members details , information and party information still being passed to an official even though they were under investigation.

We could neither sack Andy Sykes nor force him to leave his role until after he had been through the discplinary procedure, even though he was on film admitting to being a searchlight spy.

Once the disciplinary process begins, then it cannot be stopped or altered at the whim of the chairman - this is explained below.

This is explained in the letter below I sent to Tony LeComber after this letter about the issues ;

This is my response to the letter of Tony Lecomber.

Tony ,

From what I can ascertain the main complaint of the Kenny / Sadie camp is about Mark Collett not being kicked out of the party by the Chairman and the secondary issue for their anger is the chairmans alleged use of arbitrary power.

I understand your well meaning intervention but the fact is that there is no right or power in the BNP constitution for the Chairman to arbitrarily create any new procedures, either formal or informal, in the disciplinary procedure process that could authorise or legitimise any ‘reconciliation procedure‘.

The BNP constitution clearly says that individual members have rights to appeal to a disciplinary tribunal with a constitutionally defined powers and procedures. The right of the Chairman to immediately expel an individual if the circumstances so require is enshrined within Section 6 (7) (a,b) of the BNP constitution, whilst Section 6 (6) (b) of the Constitution ( Ninth Edition, published September 2005 ) defines the rights an individual member as in relation to their appeal rights and the disciplinary procedure itself if they are suspended, whilst sections 6 (8) and 6((9) define the procedures of the tribunal.

There is no power in the BNP Constitution that would allow the Chairman to create a 'reconciliation process' that may discredit and undermine the constitutionally defined disciplinary process itself, and thereby leave the party open to potential legal challenges in the future or that may also be financially dangerous for the party as per future external legal appeals procedures.

The idea that the Chairman should have the power to ingore the constitutionally defined disciplinary process, and create arbitrary and artificial procedures at his whim, is the antithesis of a fair and responsible disciplinary procedure.

The disciplinary procedures are defined in the constitution to ensure the protection of the members, not to cater to the whims of disgruntled cabalists.

Nor is their a power in the BNP constitution to expel and sack individuals in offices of the party because some people in the party do not like them or have had a falling out with them. The powers of expulsion are available to the Chairman for use in limited circumstances of a proven serious nature, and cannot and nor should not, be used as legitimising or authorising a right or power for the Chairman to arbitrarily remove the constitutionally protected rights of members.

This is the true slippery slope we must avoid.

It is ironic that those who are attacking the Chairman for not exercising his powers in a tyrannical and arbitrary manner and sacking John Walker, Dave Hannam and Mark Collett immediately under some contrived ‘charge’ are in fact also those attacking the Chairman for supposed alleged ’previous’ arbitrary abuses of his powers in the past.

It appears that they despise arbitrary power except when it is exercised in their favour.

This outbreak of absurd hysterical mob mentality disgusts me.

Those who regard power and political responsibility with such contempt that they would usurp and remove the constitutionally protected rights of members on the basis of a personality clash, are those who should never be trusted with power.

I would rather tolerate a single powerless idiot in the party, than be ruled by a cabal of power crazed lunatics who do not respect the party constitution itself.

I am a Constitutional Nationalist who believes the Rule of Law is the line that separates our society from the chaos and anarchy of arbitrary power exercised in the name of that most pernicious and malleable of pseudo-doctrines, those of the 'moral' interests of the party or in the name of the public good.

That way, lays the path of Laventa Beria and The Cultural Revolution.

It is not the path to our victory.

Those in our ranks who cannot understand that the only permanent revolutions are built on Constitutional foundations, are the ones we need least to lead us.

L. J. Barnes

3) The fact is that those who are attacking Collett for his talking rubbish to journalists when he was in his early twenties, are also those who have been caught on film doing far worse things in the past and at a far older age. Just as their stupidity was tolerated , then so was Colletts stupidity tolerated. This is because we value loyalty and stand by people, even over the stupid mistakes they make.

We do not discard people on a whim, but reward loyalty with loyalty.

The one thing we will not do is tolerate disloyalty and blackmail.

To demand Colletts expulsion for talking rubbish to the media, would mean many of the senior officers attacking him at the moment would have been expelled in the past and would never have been allowed to fill their senior positions in the party. This includes those officers and activists that were filmed burning life runes at a drunken party and praising a certain dictator a decade ago and who then allowed the DVD to get into Searchlights hands, those that have been arrested, prosecuted and convicted for foul mouthed drunken racist rants at members of the public whilst serving as senior members of the party in the past two years, those who attended concerts by racist organisations and sold merchandise at those events contrary to all laws of common sense and those who have been threatened with arrest by the police for the idiotic things they have said to the media as an official spokeman for the party.

I took no notice of their past stupidity as they were good in their jobs and loyal to the party , though they appear not to have given such considerations to others.

The utter hypocrisy of those those attacking Colllet for his idiotic statements to the media are also those who stand convicted for doing the same things.

4) There was no break in or theft from Sadie Graham. The door to her house was opened with a key by Nina Brown, the computer removed was a BNP computer given to her to use whilst acting as a BNP official and the information on that computer was owned by the BNP and only allowed to be held by her as long as she remained in her position in the party.

There was no beaking or entering or theft.

These allegations are simply lies. The people who removed the computer had the authority from the law and the chairman to do so.

Nick ordered the computer removed as the party had to be protected and the members protected. This duty to protect data defined as sensitive information under the DPA 1998 is binding in law upon the party. Once we collect sensitive data, we then have a duty in law to protect that data.

The computer was removed in order to protect the information on it. This is what happens in all companies where an employee is suspected of any unlawful acts. The individual is not allowed to return to their desks, their computers are seized to prevent them wiping information from them or transffering that information to a third party, and they taken from the premises.

As the allegations against the people expelled include the unlawful collection of internal party information and hacking into private BNP e mails, and they also had details of members home addresses etc then the party was well within its rights to retrieve that information to protect the parties and the members interests.

The Data Protection Act 1998 says that once an employee of an organisation is removed from their post, then they no longer have any right as authoried by the data holder ( the BNP) to hold that data.

Unlawful obtaining etc. of personal data

S.55 Unlawful obtaining etc. of personal data

(1) A person must not knowingly or recklessly, without the consent of the data controller—

(a) obtain or disclose personal data or the information contained in personal data, or

(b) procure the disclosure to another person of the information contained in personal data.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who shows—

(a) that the obtaining, disclosing or procuring—

(i) was necessary for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime, or

(ii) was required or authorised by or under any enactment, by any rule of law or by the order of a court,

(b) that he acted in the reasonable belief that he had in law the right to obtain or disclose the data or information or, as the case may be, to procure the disclosure of the information to the other person,

(c) that he acted in the reasonable belief that he would have had the consent of the data controller if the data controller had known of the obtaining, disclosing or procuring and the circumstances of it, or

(d) that in the particular circumstances the obtaining, disclosing or procuring was justified as being in the public interest.

(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) is guilty of an offence.

(4) A person who sells personal data is guilty of an offence if he has obtained the data in contravention of subsection (1).

The fact that those who have been expelled are now using the stolen membership lists they have refused to return to the party to produce and issue illegal propaganda leaflets to send to the membership of the party, proves that Nick was 100 % correct to order the computers to be seized.

The issue of the protection of private data is one we see in the press every day, and unilke the government we will act to protect the membership in cases such as this to prevent that data ending up in third party hands.

5) Those who have resigned their positions in order to put pressure on Nick to either stop the disciplinary process or to put pressure on him to expel Mark Collet or others should be ashamed of themselves.

Those who resigned out of loyalty to people may come to regret doing so.

The time for resignations should have been after hearing all the evidence from both sides, after the disciplinary tribunal process had been finished and after the tribunal had decided its verdict.

The use of resignations to seek to put pressure on Nick, after everything he has gone though in recent years such as being prosecuted by the Labour government with Mark and all the attacks he has faced including physical violence, was a disgusting thing to do.

Those on both sides know that I am beholden to no one, and that I always speak as I think.

Nick gets both barrels from me if I think he has cocked up as much as I would give both barrerls to any other member for cocking up.

If I cock up I expect the same back.

I have not been a member of the party for the last few years as my role as Legal Officer could have been damaged by a conflict of interest if the Chairman had tried to impose party discpline on me over an legal issue we disagreed about.

My independence assured that the legal interests of the party were my sole concern - not promotions in the party, my position in the party, being loved or adored in the party and having to tow the party line when it came to giving the correct legal advice.

I could tell the Chairman what I thought at all times and not have to worry about overstepping the mark, and if mu judgement was questioned I had the option of resigning or being sacked.

As a result of recent days I have decided that I will rejoin the party as a sign of my confidence in the Chairman and the party itself.

I am disappointed at those people who I once regarded as efficient, intelligent, good people are now indulging in an infantile public spat because they have been caught out.

They say they are loyal to the party, but they have caused more damage to it with this idiotic behaviour than I have seen for many, many years.

Rather than trusting Nick, the disciplinary process, basic fairness and fair play they have indulged in infantile conspiracies.

They should now be questioning their behaviour, if they have any common sense.

The party constitution is not a joke, it is a document of rights and responsibilities and members should first read it and understand it before they indulge in behaviour that seeks to destroy it , and the rights for all members in it.

Those that do not understand the constitution only embarrass themselves when they seek to break it and and the law itself.

L. J. Barnes



    A few weeks ago it surfaced that Ketlin Ossowski and Denise Garside of LUAF had a meeting with Steve Thompson, Mr Fister. Things were bubbling up because the lesbian Garside thought Ossowski was a tosser for not checking his facts before posting his crap. They had a meeting in Manchester where Ossowski called Garside a fucking dyke. The UAFs leader Weyman Bennett ordered them to forget the personal crap and work together. Ever since then Ossowski made sure that Garside never got top billing at the LUAF blog and shredded her posts.

    Garside is pissed with Ossowski because of that and because they berried the hachet she thought and made an appeal for funds. Seems that Ossowski can't account for the funds and Garside is REALLY pissed.

    A UAF member posted this message today

    WHERE IS THE MONEY.we donated to luaf,whats it gone on ,it seems you've taken the money and done a runner and not spoken a word on it.l can't see what you've spend it on and thats why if this comment is witheld and not posted and answered.l will be withholding my donations as will my friends in future.denise and ketland you do a great job but the future is bleak for this blog if you don't be truthfull and come straight out with what you did with the money

    We moniter Red hate sites like LUAF and its obvious Garside and Ossowski don't think the same. Garside moded this afternoon and none of our test posts made it but Ossowski modded later and they did. We know a lot of UAF scum who gave them mioney want to know whats happened to it.

    We hear that Garside belled Bennett wanting to know when Ossowski will be sacked and Fister Thompson bought back. Ossowski gave away Fisters identity and had his Stalingrad blog shut down.

    They are split worse than the BNP, More soon

  2. Lee,

    In this post you have linked to "The Fallen List", shouldn't it be "Liars, Buggers and Thieves"?

  3. The list in the article is the list from the liars, buggers and thieves document created by Jlian.

    The link to the Fallen List was so that people got some perspective on this spat in relation to the murders of our people by ethnic shut such as the one reported in the paper today - the Rikell Patterson scum bag who killed Timothy Smith.

  4. Again, thanks Lee

    You worked hard on this one, mate.

    I will forward the link to folk here to make sure they read it. I too hope that some will recognise that their loyalty to those expelled has been grievously misplaced.

    It seems that to some, 'freedom' is defined as 'my crowd in charge' and 'victimisation' is defined as 'my crowd NOT in charge.'

    Thanks for the extra info. on Dennis Nielson. I only knew that he was the UK's Jeffrey Dahmer.

    DN was actually a good Nazi, if you go by The Pink Swastika by Lively and Abrams.

    Re: BfB. Hi, Phil. Good to see you here. Will be checking your site in a bit.

    The ratio of non-white+foreign white killings of white Britons versus the reverse now stands at 79:1, since January 2005, essentially in agreement with Tony Shell's findings.

  5. Lee,

    An excellent post.

    However you may have been misinformed about the computer.

    This is from the Enough is Enough blog.

    Sadie Graham said...
    They took every peice of office equipment in our house, just two items which belonged to the BNP, which I accept. However the computer and the majority of what they took is mine. They knew this but took it anyway.

    The above is from the comments section under the article called

    "Matt Single Comments On The Raid"

    There is also someone on there calling himself 'Lawyer' who seems to know what he's talking about.

    It's worth a look.

  6. For the person that said about the comments of a certain 'lawyer' about the RIP act, the 'lawyer' obviously needs to go back to university as the RIP act DOES NOT apply to EMPLOYEES. If the employer thinks the employee has been indulging in criminal acts eg data theft, hacking into private e mail accounts, conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to pervert the course of justice ( such as trying to fit up the party treasurer and then have him prosecuted ) , breaching the DPA 1998 - ad nauseum, then the RIP is irrelevant.

    as for the rest of lawyers advice -take it with a pinch of salt.

    The e mails showing a fw of the breaches of trust and the law will be on this site soon if anyone is interested.

    Soon the whole can of worms will be spilt and the illlusions many people still seem to have about the feigned innocence of some people shattered.

    Also note that the blog is still up attacking party members which is an ongoing breach of the party constitution.

    This means we are all still watching the crime being committed in front of our eyes every time the idiots put another post on the blog.

    Talk about digging a deeper hole for yourself.

    Heres a bit of advice - when in a hole stop digging.

    Every post that goes up on the site is just more ammunition to be used to prove their involvement in the plot and merely reinforces their breaches of the party constitution.

    perhaps 'lawyer' should advise his clients to stop committing crimes in full view of the public, if he wants to try and portray them as innocents.

    Every time one of the plotters puts another post on the blog, the more they merely reinforce their guilt, and the more people they try and organise to support them the more they prove their intention to damage the party.

    Sooner or later their common sense should kick in - either that or they have no common sense in any way, which seems to be proven really by their ongoing actions.


  7. The whole sordid mess illustrates the difference between professional politicians and mob rule.
    When an officer mentioned in Despatches for bravery was humiliated and sacked by David Cameron for saying "black soldiers sometimes play the Race Card", that good man said nothing and quietly accepted his expulsion for the good of the Party.
    The contrast could not have been more telling.
    The Jeremy Kyle "share the pain lay the blame" culture of some of the dissenters was nauseating to watch. Every post, using dafamatory and hysterical language exposed the glaring holes in the abilities to reason in some of our "grass roots" members.
    They employed the bully boy tactics of the mob, galvanising support with repeated use of the "P" word the way our detractors in the Left scream "Racist" to win an argument.
    The fact this was a lie didn't make them pause to think the damage they would do.
    Thank you Lee for putting this in perspective.

  8. I have been reading more postings by that idiot 'lawyer' who has been posting on the plotters site ,

    Heres a few facts 'lawyer' you idiot,

    1) Burglary is based on entering property to steal something in order to commit the offence as defined under s.9 of the Theft Act 1968.

    Seeing as the computer and all the information on it was owned by the BNP, and sadie only allowed to be in the possession of the computer and all the information on it whilst acting as an employee and agent of the BNP, then she did not own either the computer or the information.

    Therefore Martin Reynolds was returning to the BNP the computer with all the BNP information it not stealing it - and also provding to the BNP, her employers, the evidence to prove that hacking, theft of confidential data, their deliberate attempt to cause the accounts to be late in order to get the party fined and officers labelled as incompetent, etc etc was able to be proved in order to protect the party from further harm and damage.

    Read the statement of Nina Brown you prat and see that Nina VOLUNTEERED to open the door to the flat without Martin even asking for her to do so - therefore he was not even trespassing in the flat as he was let into the flat by someone with permission to hold the key and allow people into the flat. There was no deception and no trespass as he was given permission to be on the prmises by Nina Brown.

    I have kept a copy of her statement if you muppets try and remove it.

    So no deception, trespass and no theft.

    As explained before you complete arse, the RIP act does not apply to employees who are suspected of illegal activities and criminl acts ( such as breaking the DPA 1998 ) and therefore your bollocks about the RIP act was also bollocks, you thick mug.

    As for sadies hilarious statement on the South Park Blog about ' illegal entry by deception' which she reffered too and which must have come from you, the only offfence of 'illegal entry by deception' applies to illegal immigrants who enter the country via false documents etc.

    You dont know your arse from your elbow you prat.

    Note also that whilst sadie is crying crocodile tears about her 'privacy being violated' for all those mugs out there still believing the bollocks she is saying - very soon a whole avalanche of e mails from the South Park gang is going to be put online that will show that whilst she is weeping and wailing about her privacy being violated - that she and kenny were working with steve blake to hack, intercept and steal all the e mails from all party officials they did not like or that could be used to further their purpose. Steve Blake was using the BNP server to intercept all internal BNP e mails, opening them , copying them and the passing them on to sadie and kenny.

    Other e urgent mails were being deleted that were sent to BNP fundholders, organisers etc and to treasury so that people would think hannam and walker were arrogant and incompetent for ignoring the e mails sent to them.

    Theres gonna be some loud wake up calls for all those who have been misled by loyalty to stand alongside the South Park Gang.

    You lot have been taken for complete mugs.

  9. Thanks for keeping us up to date, Lee.

    Look forward to the up and coming disclosures.

    As an unknown sergeant of the 11th Hussars said after the charge of the Light Brigade, October 25th 1854,

    "We have tried to do our part. It will all come out some day."

    Some day soon, no doubt - for what promises to be a victory for the British Resistance, not a defeat.

    However greatly they suffered, the lads of the Light Brigade of course needed to have no sense of shame, guilt or dishonour.

    It appears that the same will not be so for many in the SP gang.
