Friday 4 January 2008


Why is that Barack Obama is called 'Americas first black presidential candidate' when he is in fact half white.

Ever wondered why the media keep banging on about Obama being 'black' all the time, when he is about as 'black' as Hilary Clinton when you put him alongside the average American black living their lives as an atypical black american.

Barack aint black.

Barack has a black father and a white mother, therefore he is mixed race not black.

Nor is he 'culturally black' as he doesnt do bling, wanna be a rap star, run his own gang, play in the NFL, sell drugs and talk about his ho's which are all features of the predominant black ' Bling Culture ' infecting the wider black community at this moment in history. Nor is he one of the afro-centric 'Black Isis' cultists nor is he a sports star nor a black radical.

He is simply a typical colourless liberal with a melatonin gene that gives him a dark skin.

He is neither black nor white, he is the pap of the future race - a misceginated, cultureless, consumer in the American consumer society.

He is the ultimate rootless consumer adrift in a flood of media created false needs whose existence and status is predicated solely on what brands he wears and not what he is or where comes from.

He aint black, he aint white - he's Armani and GAP.

He represents nothing but the dead soul of the once great America, an empty void of endless desires, a landfill of discarded commodities, a lackey in a land of crack heads, fundamentalist christians, criminals and obese idiots that will eventually be ruled by an raceless elite bred simply to ensure the system continues to run.

So he is neither racially black, nor culturally black - but they still call him black.

Why ?

The reason is because the media and Hollywood in particular have been flooding society with the notion of a black president for decades. America has been conditioned to support Barack Obama as a Black president through their TV's since the 1967 film The Heat of the Night which first featured the Black Hero as the archetype of the New Politics.

The New Politics is no longer about politics.

The New Politics is all about conditioning.

The New Politics is the use of the media, TV, Hollywood movies and all cultural transmitters to use the issue of race and anti-racism as the basis of individuals political choices.

The New Politics is about the media creating 'false needs' and then satisfying them -such as it has been doing with advertising for decades. In this case the false need that has been generated is within whites, who have been conditoned to believe that America 'needs' to 'heal' to 'recover' from the 'racism' of the past and to 'unite' under a 'black man' as a way to show their 'guilt' and 'repentance' for the crimes of the past - and the guilt they feel for being white, wealthy and not black.

Because Whites built America and made it rich and powerful, the media have made them feel guilty for this and blamed the whites and the white culture for black underachievement - instead of blacks being responsible for themselves whites have been made to feel guilty for their failures.

This is not only inherently racist in that it presupposes that ;

1) Blacks are incapable of standing on their own feet without whitey helping them

2) That blacks are somehow less responsible for their own actions and therefore that we should cut them some slack simply because they have black skins

3) That whites are somehow uniquely evil as it all whiteys fault for da state of da black community (and never the fault of the blacks themselves)

4) That whitey has a 'racial obligation' to help those racial groups who do not achieve whiteys level of culture

What Americans have been taught to feel is that they are all criminals simply because they are white, and that therefore they should atone for this by prostrating themselves at the feet of a 'black president' as a way of redeeming themselves from this racial inherited sin.

In every TV show or Hollywood film these days we have the same figures, the Black Hero fighting racism/social injustice against bigoted/priveliged whites.

From David and Wayne Palmer in the 24 series, Morgan Freeman as God in Bruce Almighty, Will Smith as the hero anti-racist / scientist who saves the world in I am Legend, the black Jesus in the Maddonna Like A Prayer video, the endless Black cop / fireman, rocket scientist etc in the US tv shows to the endless crap TV dramas about 'racism' on US tv.

The process of preparing the US public for voting for a 'black president' has been part of Hollywoods agenda for decades, filled as it with idiot white liberals, black radicals and Jewish activists.

The fact is that every American is born and raised sucking on the big TV tit.

They are stuck in front of the TV from babies and once hooked, are never weaned off it.

The TV tit is what controls America not the president.

Americans, and most Europeans and British people, are slaves to the media.

They never stop sucking at that tit. They crave it as the junkie craves the fix that he knows is slowly killing him.

As we live in atomised societies with no meaning anymore and with no central directing purpose, there is no meaning to existence anymore.

God is dead, the universe is infinite, Man is an ape, nationalism is a crime, moral and cultural relativism rule alongside mindless obedience to consumerism, ethnic loyalty is racism - there is no meaning anymore for the average Mass Animal that eats, sleeps, works, consumes, reproduces and then dies.

Therefore in the absence of meaning, the media is god.

As long as that TV tit keeps pumping out its poisonous milk, the more they will keep sucking on it.

And the older they get the more infantile they get. The longer they suck on the tit, the faster they replace their individuality with consumer obedience.

All that is left is for them to believe in is what they see on TV.

Note that you never see documentaries about The Zebra Killings, the Death Angels of the Nation of Islam, the mad black serial killers, the Beltway Snipers - instead you see films about black presidents and black gangsters.

The Black President saves the world, whilst the black gangster kills his black athlete cousin in a drug deal going down wrong but blames the white man and 'racism' for his crimes and then dies at the hand of the brutal white cop, coughing up blood and repenting his sins.

Its all total bollocks.

Its all so boring.

Its why all the bad guys are only allowed to be white in films these days and usually blonde, English or Russian and a racist.

The black guy is always the president, cop or detective that saves the day.

This is not an election, this is a media coup d'etat.

This election is not about politics, but about conditioning.

Every time some journalist talks about a 'black president' then analyse the image that comes in your head.

If you have the vision of morgan freeman or David Palmer in 24 then you are a victim of conditioning.

If you vote because of that image - then you are nothing but a brainwashed slave.

If you vote Obama simply because he is black, then you are the sort of person that would vote for Shrek if told too.

That means you are not an individual, that simply means you are a slave.


  1. Where have you been hiding, a remote farmhouse in Wales?

  2. Spot on Lee! I think if anyone was ever in doubt about this they should check to see just how many conditioning comics like the sun and mirror are bought every day.

  3. *Perfect* and totally true!!!
