Friday 21 March 2008

Tony McNulty MP and the Kurdish Heroin Gang

Tony McNulty MP - accomplice to murder, genocide and drug smuggling.

Tony McNulty, the government minister for immigration at the time, was the person who allowed Baybasin British citizenship in 2005 even though he had been convicted of firearms offences and was linked directly to 25 murders and his brothers heron importation gang that dominated the UK heroin drug market.

Tony McNulty MP wrote a series of private letters to Baybasins wife concerning Baybasin whilst he was in prison in the Netherlands - what was McNulty trying to keep quiet ?

It was the government through Customs and Excise that allowed the Baybasins to import their drugs in to the country whilst they were acting as paid touts for the government.

Michael Howard MP was the Home Secretary who aloowed Baybasin to come into the UK.

Tony McNulty MP gave him British citizenship.

Questions raised here are ;

1) Did the Labour government allow these criminals to import heroin into the UK so as to create a generation of tranqulised and passive British youth who would not rise and demand political regime change in their country - the same as the CIA did with heroin during the vietnam war to undermine the civil rights movement in the US in the 1960's and the same as the CIA did with crack cocaine in the black ghettos in the 1980s just as the blacks were being politically radicalised by bands like Public Enemy and then the youth became crack addicts and prisoners instead of activists and role models ?

2) Is this process about to start again just when the White Working Class have become radicalised and politicised a new, cheap, easy to produce drug that has devastated white working class communities in the US has now been appearing in the UK - Meth Amphetamine ?

3) Why would a Labour minister for immigration give British citizenship to a convicted criminal and the organiser of the biggest heroin importing network in history British citizenship UNLESS it was to keep him quiet. What is the Labour government trying to hide ? Baybasin was INVITED by customs and excise to enter the UK and arrived via Gibraltar in in late 1994 or early 1995. He was working for Customs and Excise BEFORE he set up his heroin gang and was working for them all the time he was running the heroin importation business.

4) Also are the government assisting the flood of heroin into the UK now from Afghanistan - and were the Taliban targeted in Afghanistan to ensure that a new route for heroin opened up into the UK after the previous one closed down and the main importers jailed ? Is the war to allow the increase in heroin and opium production the real reason for the invasion of Afghanistan as the Taliban had begun to shut down opium growing in Afghanistan.

5) Why is Turkey being considered as a member of the EU when a third of its GDP comes from heroin sumggled into Europe, its political elite and government are all organised and linked with drug smuggling gangs, the Turkish security services supply fake passports and travel documents to heroin importation gangs and heroin is being smuggled via the Turkish Consulate in England - is the reason the EU want Turkey in the EU is to facilitate the flood of heroin into Europe so as to ensure the masses are opiated, tranquilised and drug addicted and therefore incapable of resisting the process of the take over of our nation states ?

Its what the British Empire did to the Chinese with the Opium trade, its what the CIA did with heroin in the Vietnam war, its what the CIA did with crack cocaine and the Contras - is it also what is happening now as regards Afghanistan ?

Members of an international crime gang were allowed to move to Britain while flooding the country with heroin because their leader had secretly worked as an informer for Customs & Excise, according to evidence brought before an immigration appeals tribunal.

The Baybasin Cartel, a notorious Kurdish gang, is estimated by police to have controlled up to 90% of the heroin which entered the country after its leading members settled in the home counties in the mid-1990s.

Gang members also became involved in protection rackets and extortion in the UK, and were linked to a series of turf disputes which resulted in up to 25 murders. On one occasion, Baybasin mobsters were involved in a shoot-out across a busy shopping street in north London on a Saturday afternoon.

The gang was already notorious among law enforcement agencies across Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia when its members were allowed to move from Turkey to London, allegedly after their leader, Huseyin Baybasin, agreed to tell Customs investigators what he knew about the involvement of senior Turkish politicians and officials in the international heroin trade.

According to evidence presented behind closed doors in a series of immigration hearings, Baybasin was encouraged by Customs to come to the UK and arrived via Gibraltar in either late 1994 or early 1995. He first met Customs officers in a hotel near Tower Bridge, London.

That evidence, which has been seen by the Guardian, suggests that many of Baybasin's associates were subsequently able to settle in the UK because Customs & Excise accepted that they would be in danger in Turkey once he had been recruited as an informer. They are thought to have entered the country illegally, using forged Dutch passports, and no attempt was made to regularise their immigration status for several years. Nevertheless, one witness statement prepared for the tribunal, from a man who helped to set up the meeting with Customs, talks of the UK becoming a "sanctuary" for the gang's leaders.

As well as continuing to run their vast drug trafficking operation from London, gang members were feared for their willingness to employ extreme violence, and terrorised members of the Turkish and Kurdish communities in the UK. They and their relatives also persuaded a number of politicians to support their attempts to obtain British travel documents. Among those who agreed to help was Tony McNulty, the current immigration minister, who wrote a number of letters on behalf of Baybasin's wife after her husband was arrested in the Netherlands.

Baybasin, 49, is now serving a life sentence in a Dutch jail for drug smuggling, kidnapping and ordering a number of contract killings. His wheelchair-bound brother, Abdullah, 45, who took the helm after his conviction, was also arrested and successfully prosecuted only after a lengthy operation by the National Crime Squad, during which detectives hid a tiny camera in the London office from which he masterminded the gang's affairs.

He is due to be sentenced on Friday after being convicted of conspiracy to supply heroin and admitting conspiracy to blackmail and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

It was at Abdullah Baybasin's asylum hearings that the alleged deal with Customs & Excise was disclosed. Despite having already served a prison sentence for firearms offences and despite having to give evidence from Belmarsh high security prison, where he was on remand, Abdullah was given indefinite leave to remain in the UK last year.

Several other relatives also remain in this country. They include Huseyin Baybasin's two other brothers, Sirin, 43, and Mesut, 33. Sirin was once extradited from Spain to Italy to stand trial on drug smuggling charges but acquitted. Mesut told the Guardian that he fully expects the National Crime Squad "to come for us" in the near future, but insisted that he and his brother were innocent and were being victimised.

It is unclear whether Customs was operating with ministerial approval. Michael Howard, who was home secretary at the time, and Ann Widdecombe, the then immigration minister, said they could not recall the name Baybasin. Revenue & Customs, which now includes Customs & Excise after a merger with Inland Revenue, said it could not comment on any matter concerning alleged informers.

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