Friday 25 April 2008

Community Security Trust and Red Ken Expose

The CST, Gerald Ronson and Red Ken.

Readers to this site will be aware of the Jewish Chronicle, the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Community Security Trust campaign against the BNP in the forthcoming London elections.

It now appears that the Jewish Chronicles attempt to portray this anti-BNP campaign by the various Jewish groups as being done in ' the name of the Jewish Community' and not as some part of an attempt to bolster the Labour Party candidate Ken Livingstone was a blatant lie.

The head of the Community Security Trust is Gerald Ronson, is the disgraced former director of the Guinness company ;

Ronson became known in the UK as one of the "Guinness Four" for his part in the Guinness share-trading fraud of the 1980s, along with Ernest Saunders and occasional business associates Jack Lyons and Anthony Parnes. He was convicted in August 1990 of one charge of conspiracy, two of false accounting, and one of theft, and was fined £5 million and given a one-year jail sentence, of which he served six months.

It now appears that the CST involvement in the anti-BNP campaign is based on the Chairman of the CST's support for Ken Livingstone.

As the Jewish Chronicle states in todays edition in an article with Ken Livingstone ;

" Despite his often trenchant views on the Middle East, he had appeared to enjoy a fair amount of goodwill among the capital’s Jews on his return to office in 2004, his campaign even having secured a donation from Gerald Ronson’s Heron group. "

Therefore how can the CST assert that it is representing the interests of ordinary British Jews when the millionaire and convicted fraudster Gerald Ronson, its chairman, has previously funded the campaign of Ken Livingstone in the 2004 London Mayoral Elections.

Isnt this an example of the sort of duplicitous double dealing and hypocrisy that gives the Jewish community in Britain a bad name, especially as it appears from the article below that Ronson sought to hide his previous support for Ken Livingstone by writing a cheque just ten pounds below the declaration amount as specified by law.

Also questions still remain unanswered as to how much has Ronson donated to Livingstone campaign this time around and most importantly will this money be declared and the expenses of the CST campaign be declared as part of Red Kens election expenses as required by law.

Ken Livingstone received a donation from a property developer with a fraud conviction after the London mayor championed the businessman's plan for a controversial skyscraper.

Gerald Ronson, the tycoon who was jailed for his role in the Guinness share-dealing scandal, wrote a cheque for £4,990 - £10 below the threshold for the public registration of donations with the Electoral Commission.

Mr Ronson made the payment just before Mr Livingstone won re-election in 2004 and two years after receiving planning permission for the 46-storey Heron Tower skyscraper development.

The 202m structure was opposed by English Heritage and the dean of St Paul's Cathedral because it would damage the city's historic skyline, but Mr Livingstone argued that it would "support London's economic future".

Payments to a political party above £5,000 must be publicly declared, but the threshold for individual politicians is only £1,000.

Mr Livingstone's campaign yesterday issued a statement confirming that the donation was received by the Labour Party, which funded the 2004 mayoral campaign, in compliance with Electoral Commission rules. It said the charges were "completely ridiculous".


  1. Just fuck off and die Barnes you piece of dog shit.

  2. Ahh I see zat ze Kosher Nazi Kapos of ze Zionist SS is back on ze site.

    Kapo SS Kosher Nazi Scum.
