Tuesday 20 May 2008

The (inter)National Health Service

Immigration and the NHS

The articles below reveal the extent to which immigration is damaging the NHS and placing strain on the UK health facilities.

The time has come to end all immigration into the UK and also to deport all non-UK citizen immigrants who are resident in the UK with medical conditions who have been allowed to stay in the UK and use NHS facilities.

This has to be done on the grounds that their presence in the country threatens the public health and is also diverting resources away from UK citizens who are entitled to use the NHS through their National Insurance contributions, and also due to the contributions of their ancestors whose sacrifices in two world wars led to the creation of the NHS.



There were 5,711 new diagnoses of HIV to the end of September last year, the highest since records began in 1987. The rest of the increase, from a total of 41,700 diagnosed cases in 2001, was due to sufferers' blood being tested without their knowledge.

The number of new cases was 15 per cent up on the 4,982 diagnosed in 2001 and is expected to rise to 6,400 when all the reports are received. The rate of infection has more than doubled since 1997.

Two-thirds of the cases were acquired outside the UK, triggering renewed calls yesterday for immigrants to be screened. The cases' overseas origin - most from sub-Saharan Africa - has changed the nature of the epidemic, with heterosexual cases now outnumbering homosexual/bisexual infections two to one.

Of the 1,850 cases of HIV acquired in the UK during 2002, about 1,500 - 80 per cent - were among gay and bisexual men and 275 among heterosexuals.


Heterosexually infected Africans are the second largest group affected by HIV in the country, according to the National Aids Trust.

More than a thousand are thought to have Aids and most children born with HIV are African.


An "increasing pool" of people in the UK are living with HIV and Aids, official statistics show.

The Health Protection Agency says around 63,500 UK adults were living with HIV in 2005 - with as many as a third unaware of their infection.

Most new HIV cases in 2005 were infected abroad, but more cases are being contracted in the UK, it said.

However, the HPA figures show a relatively small increase in new HIV diagnoses, ompared to previous years.

The total number living with HIV in the UK in 2004 was 58,300.

The figures show there were 7,450 diagnoses in 2005, compared to 7,275 revealed in last year's HPA report.

Two thirds of all new cases diagnosed last year were in people who contracted HIV in other countries where the virus is more prevalent, such as sub-Saharan Africa.

A third were among gay and bisexual men.



The rise in drug-resistant tuberculosis cases in the UK has been linked to immigration and inadequate attempts to control the disease.

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) found more TB cases are now resistant to any of the drugs used for initial treatment.

The incidence of TB in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is rising, with more than 8,000 cases reported in 2006.

Hepatitis B.


One in ten of the Chinese immigrant population in Britain is carrying the hepatitis B virus, a survey suggests, leading to calls for all migrants to be screened upon entering the country.

There has been a massive surge in migration to Britain from areas of high HBV prevalence and a report from the Hepatitis B Foundation UK estimates that more than 325,000 people here are chronically infected with the virus - nearly double the Department of Health's 2002 estimate of 180,000. Most people infected will eventually clear the virus from their bodies, but about 5-10 per cent become chronic hepatitis B carriers, often without even knowing it.

Although the prevalence of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in the resident population is only about 0.3 per cent, 96 per cent of new cases are imported by people who acquired the infection before coming to Britain.

Of 89 Chinese immigrants screened by the Chinese National Healthy Living Centre in London, 10 per cent were found to be hepatitis B positive.

There is a particular risk of transmission between children in playgroups, schools and nurseries as the virus is considered 100 times more infectious than HIV. At present in the NHS there is no requirement for doctors or nurses from overseas to be tested for infection and in 2003 alone, 700 doctors and about 6,000 nurses came to Britain from areas with a high incidence of hepatitis B.

Maternity Services.


The BBC has been told the influx of eastern Europeans to the UK has led to a
massive rise in pregnancies and abortion requests in some areas.

Health professionals warn that some antenatal services are stretched to
breaking point.

More than 500,000 eastern Europeans have migrated to the UK following the accession of eight new member states to the EU in 2004.

In one GP practice in Luton in Bedfordshire, 400 new patients register every month - and 80% are eastern European.
A decade ago one baby in eight (12.8%) was delivered to a foreign-born mother, figures from the Office of National Statistics show that in 2006 there were 154,000 births to foreign-born women, making up about one in five (21.9%) of the total births in the UK.

The number of births to European-born mothers other than from the UK and Ireland increased by 87% between 2001 and 2006 to 27,000 - almost 4% of all UK births.

While the number of babies born to British mothers has fallen by 44,000 a year since the mid-nineties, the figure for babies born to foreign mothers has risen by 64,000, the BBC reported.This 77% increase has pushed the overall birthrate to its highest level for 26 years.

The cost to the NHS of providing maternity services for foreign-born mothers has risen to more than £350 million a year, it has been reported. Record levels of immigration have pushed the cost up by £200 million in the past 10 years, according to analysis by the BBC.


  1. You’ve been strangely quite recently Barnes you fuckwit. Any reason?
    Come on son, get busy; we need a good laugh.

  2. Come on Barnes you cunt, where are ya?

  3. Talking of health services here is all you need to get some help yourself.


  4. I like your writing Lee, free thinking and no sodding about, as it is so to speak. It's a great shame you support Griffin and co who do not defend liberty.
