Sunday 11 May 2008

Sleipnir and the Northern Folk Soul

I have checked with some people I know and the gig below was not the one with Sleipnir, I have checked the line up it appears that Sleipnir were at another nationalist gig and not the Mersea Island one according to my programme.

From what I can remember of this gig there had been a few bands on at this gig and they had all been o.k. The atmosphere was good and eveyone was having a good time.

A group of Polish and German lads had been moshing at the front of the small stage in the hall but had stopped to breathe, sweat and drink more beer whilst the bands changed.

Then these two young lads came on to the stage to play, they were two skinheads in their early twenties. You could see straight away that the German contigent who were present were proud of these lads.

They may have been young but you could see the respect that a lot of the older skins had for them. It was in their eyes and the way they clapped them on the back as they passed, it was the beer bottles raised and tipped at them, the whistles and cheers.

Then they began to play.

Their songs were well crafted, superb musicianship and both lads could sing.

I remember that at the time I thought every single song was good, and for any band that is an unusual occurence.

I just hoped that these two young nationalists, their music and talent would not be ripped off financially by someone in the movement, that no drunked idiot at a gig would start a stupid fight and maim them or that no evil leftist terrorist would destroy them before they could achieve something great.

And they have done it. The band is now making music so good that it transcends a single language and that speaks direct to the Northern Folk Soul.

Like Sigur Ros and Wagner this is music that resonates in the Northern Folk Soul, and thereby transcends mere language. It connects people on an emotional level as part of an extended folk community.

The band Sleipnir can now count themselves as one of the greatest Nationalist bands ever to arise out of the Nationalist Movement.

The only real heroes in this world are those who choose to do what they think is right even when they know it could cost them everything.

Such heroes are the band Sleipnir.

They choose to honour their ancestors and country, and their kin who fell in battle at the Somme and at Stalingrad. They seek to honour their history and ancestors as we still honour our British ancestors who fought and fell at the battle of Tragalgar and at Dunkirk, just as the Zulu honours his ancestors who felled the British at Rourkes Drift and across the vast veldt, just as the American honours his ancestors who fell at Gettysburg and Omaha Beach and just as Israelis honour The Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War.

If that is controversial, then that is because we do no longer live in democracies.

This is a band of extremely talented musicans, writers and vocalists. A band who if they have sold out their principles and integrity (like Suggs of Madness ) would have today been rich, famous and respected.

This band chose to do what they thought was right and stand by their principals.

That means they earn my respect. Marco Laszcz is the main singer and writer I believe.

In every way this is an exceptional band, they are talented lyricists, superb musicians, consumate songwriters, superb producers and create fantastic musical harmonies when they sing together.

This is a band that deserves to be famous.

But in a corrupt society and a corrupt world, what matters is not talent but connections and a willingness to abandon your principles.

That is why Sleipnir will always remain a band that is promoted on my blog but not on the billboards charts, as until we change the system then those in the National Resistance will always be marginalised, oppressed and silenced.

Das Feure ( The Fire ) ;

Vater Odin ( Father Odin )


Listen to these songs and realise that Sleipnir have done what was hitherto thought impossible, which is that they have made songs that make the German language sound beautiful.

If you like Sigur Ros then you will like Sleipnir.


Lyrics here ;

Das Feure

Whenever you see this message again heard this message, it burns in the soul, hurts the heart.

When friends die, it is still around, always this question, why, why?

But the fire, it still burns and we will continue to go your way.

Nobody is immortal, at some point each, but your fight, which was not in vain.

Nothing in life is nothing that has been often said to me, it does hurt if it is only friends with the life bezahln.

For you, we will continue to fight for you continue our way, the memory of you will never fade.

But the fire, it still burns and we will continue to go your way.
Nobody is immortal, at some point each, but your fight, which was not in vain.

This song should be a last greeting, a last greeting to you, because I know you are not alone.

In Valhalla, Odin you, you to stand with you together through eternity .

But the fire, it still burns and we will continue to go your way. Nobody is immortal, at some point each, but your fight, which was not in vain.

But the fire, it still burns and we will continue to go your way. . Nobody is immortal, at some point each, but your fight, which was not in vain.

Their is no hate in this music, just pride and love.

If pride and love offend you, then you are the sick one.


  1. Many thanks for this article, Lee.


  2. I must say I wasn't expecting much, but watched the Vater Odin video anyway. But you're right Lee - very good music and vocals from Sleipnir.

  3. Sleipnir is absolutely one of my top German bands. Bis ganz europa fallt is a great song! They are great to learn German from too!
    A website that is good to go on for those new to our beliefs are
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