Tuesday 12 August 2008

The Best Horror Movie Of All Time

The Best horror movie of all time is ...................

THE FOG (1980)


I can watch this film time after time.

This is a truly scary movie.

Not so much the special effects, just the creepy nature of the story and what happens in it.

The knock on the door by a rusty hook.

The corpse that gets up and walks.

The fog swirling round the town hunting them down.


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  1. Great film Lee, and the DJ (Adrienne Barbeau) had one very sexy voice.

    My choice would be The Shining. Really creepy story but Nicholson's performance was something special.

    The little kid screeching "red rum red rum" - how scary was that?



  2. Good choice mate - The Shining is superb.

    Jack Nicholson in that role was brilliant - only matched by Heath Ledger as The Joker in The Dark Knight I reckon.

  3. Eugh, I thought the fog was awful. Bought it a few years back and was greatly disappointed. I will however give it another go!

  4. Hi paul,

    watch it late at night with the lights off.


    Also watch the Night of The Demon and The Haunting - both super creepy films,

    let me know if you enjoy it,


  5. The Fog - yeah, superb. Watched it on my own one dark and misty night and sent the khybers up me!

    Still a clasic horror - as is The Haunting.

    Also The Exorcist - overrated but still a classic- and great Mike Oldfield score too.

  6. Alanorei said

    "My choice would be The Shining. Really creepy story but Nicholson's performance was something special.

    The little kid screeching "red rum red rum" - how scary was that?"

    Yeah, agreed. I put me money on the bloody horse- and lost.

    Then I realised that the IRA had abducted the expurgated equine.

  7. Alanorei said

    "My choice would be The Shining. Really creepy story but Nicholson's performance was something special.

    The little kid screeching "red rum red rum" - how scary was that?"

    Yeah, agreed. I put me money on the bloody horse- and lost.

    Then I realised that the IRA had abducted the expurgated equine.
