Thursday 20 November 2008

Make a Complaint - get your name off the list

All those who wish to remove their names from a public list are asked to send the e mail below with the required fields of your name and address and the date you send it filled in to the individual named, Peter Marshall, to remove your names from the list he is hosting a formal .

If anyone wants to get damages out of Mr. Marshall let me know I will let you know how.

Please circulate this PDF to people and let them know Mr. Marshalls contact details so they can serve the data protection act notice below by e mail and letter ;


For the attention of ;

Date ;

Re ; Data Protection Distress and Removal Notice.

Name ;

Address ;

Without Prejudice.


It has come to my attention that you are hosting the BNP membership list.

At your personal website -

On your blog with list - which links to - and also

I require the storage and processing of my personal data to cease within 14 days from receipt of this notice.

Also that you cease proccessing any and all personal data concerning either myself or my political opinions and any other data relating to myself both now and in the future.

This data you have gathered and are using unlawfully is causing me substantial damage and distress.

You have 14 days to remove all references to myself on the list else we will be lodging an application for damages in court. I will also be imposing a costs order on you.

I will also be issuing formal complaints to the police as regards ;

1) A breach of Section 55 of the Data Protection Act 1998

2) Harassment as defined under the revised Protection of Section 1 of the Harassment Act 1997

3) The Malicious Communications Act 1988 section 1

4) Telecommunications Act 1984, Section 43

I will also be issuing a civil action to recover damages against you personally under the DPA 1998 for breaches of the act.

Unless you write to me and assure me that the list will be removed from your site within 14 days, and that the list will not be placed on your website again which in any way refer's to me, then I will serve the writs on you either there or at your place of work.

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