Tuesday 13 January 2009

Mongrel Nation - BOLLOCKS

Here is the link for the 1911 census.


Just for a laugh type in Abdul, Mohammed etc etc and see how many names and addresses come up for those with a non-Indigenous name.

So far I have found NONE.

So much for Britain always being a multi-cultural nation.


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  1. The Marxist/lunatic left are always peddling their lies that Britian is a mongrel nation - typical history revision one expects of these self-loathers.

    They go about their work like Winston from 1984, editing, deleting and inserting their falsehoods into the past to maintain their totalitarian regime.

  2. Well said mate.
    The phrase mongrel nation makes my blood boil and is only used by those who wish to justify the creation of a mongrel nation for their own ends.

  3. Good reflection on the 1911 census.

    I dare not imagine what Britian will be like come the publication of the 2011 census.

    What a drastic and major change in under a hundred years.

    Btw, have you noticed that crap new group called 'Mongrel'? These multicultural fanatics , based on leftovers from the Arctic Monkeys and The Libertines, claim to want to make 'real' political music, and belittle the BBC and the NME as trying to ignore black musicians!

    Where have these mugs been for the last 20 years?

    Oh, but they really appreciate that idiot Lily Allen.

    'Nuff said...
