Saturday 28 February 2009

The Independent

Great comments on this article below ;

It's interesting that the label 'racist' is applied only to white nationalism.

No one calls black, brown, or yellow nationalism racist--Fjordman

Everyday, people stand up to support the right of...

Tibetans, to resist subjugation by the Chinese
Palestinians, to resist subjugation by the Israelis
Israelis, to resist subjugation by the Arabs
Kurds, to resist subjugation by the Turks and Arabs
Albanians, to resist subjugation by the ethnic Serbs
Georgians, to resist subjugation by the ethnic Russians,
Moras, to resist subjugation by the Filipinos
Aborigines, to resist subjugation by the white Australians
American Indians, to resist subjugation by the white Americans
Kashmiris, to resist subjugation by the Indians
Zimbabweians, to resist subjugation by Rhodesians
Uighers, to resist subjugation by the Han
Sami, to resist subjugation by the Swedes
Basques, to resist subjugation by the Spanish
Bangledeshis, to resist subjugation by the Pakistanis
Indians and Africans to resisted subjugation by the British and ...then, those same people turn around and demand that the British should stand down and let our culture be subjugated because to preserve WHITE BRITISH culture is racist.

Has it occured to any of you multiculti folks out there that it makes NO SENSE to support multiculturalism if no other groups support it?

You're setting up your grandchildren to be subjugated by others, i.e. it's pointless for the sheep to agree to be vegetarians if the wolf has other ideas, eh?

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  1. Has it occurred to those who made the comments that white nationalists are deemed racist because they generally are? All one has to do is glance at various forums and see the hate they spew. More often than not, they spend time attacking nonwhites than they do "asserting their whiteness." Thus, one can conclude that white nationalism is more about putting nonwhites down than being proud of their (white) race.

    I do agree with the point about perceptions regarding black or Asian nationalists vs. wn.

  2. I dont know what websites you have been visiting Lormarie but it appears that you are confusing Nazism with White Nationalism, an ideological mistake that is also made by a small minority of Nazis.

    There will always be a Malcom X, a Farrakhan, an Abu Hamza, Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe and Baruch Goldstein in all communities.


  3. If LorMarie took the time to visit the primary nationalist party in the UK, the BNP, she would see that there are no supporters of white supremecy there... only nationalists. As has been stated before, us in the BNP do no believe we are superior to other races, we simply believe in our right to exist and for our culture and traditions to be maintained, in the same way Tibetans believe the same.

    But don't expect LorMarie to acknowledge this, as she need to perpetuate her view that nationalism (for a white person) = white supremecy, because what she is talking about is not reality, the issue is really about her psychological need to believe that nationalism (for a white person) = white supremecy. And she will cling to this belief come what may regardless of the truth, because she is the real racist. She believes in the destruction of the white race, she, in fact, is the supremacist.

  4. Another robust response to a BNP related article, it certainly looks like the debate has notched up another gear (or two).

    With each fresh debate, it becomes clearer the left have no answers to the barrage of common sense that is thrown at them, in fact they are so pathetic I just scroll through them. The BNP bandwagon is beginning to roll but it’s no time for triumphalism, for the elites have a vast armoury at their disposal and we must remain vigilant.

    Make no mistake, like any war, the BNP will suffer setbacks.

    Was it Wellington who, at Waterloo, gave the order “Keep pounding Gentlemen”

    I think most leftist commenters on the Indie thread are clones coming off the Uni assembly line; they even repeat the same mantra.

    The term useful idiot certainly is certainly apt for these people, you must feel for them, they are so brainwashed.

    Here's something that does disturbs me.

    I don't know what to make of the female commenters who are vehemently anti BNP, they don't seem to have the same instincts on this matter as the BNP orientated male, and many of them are cool with bonding with the enrichers. In other words they mate instinctively and therefore are racially and culturally blind – I dunno.

    Given that half our population is female it doesn't bode well.

    Modern liberalism is a suicide cult. From whichever angle I question liberalism I ultimately come up with checkmate – our civilisation is doomed.

    An ideology that espouses mass immigration, open borders, multiculturalism, infinite tolerance allied with non discrimination, is to me a no brainer, a one way ticket to oblivion. Which of course is what they want.

  5. "I dont know what websites you have been visiting Lormarie but it appears that you are confusing Nazism with White Nationalism, an ideological mistake that is also made by a small minority of Nazis."

    I don't visit them regularly. But from what I've seen, there's an element of racism among those who identify as nationalist.

    There will always be a Malcom X, a Farrakhan, an Abu Hamza, Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe and Baruch Goldstein in all communities.


    Unfortunately yes, they do exist.

  6. The worry about "racism" is a leftist red-herring. The Nazis spouted propaganda about the German race, but as with all leftist totalitarians they were really just bullies who would oppress whoever they could get in their clutches. Nazis murdered those in a position of weakness, vis-a-vis themselves, of all nations and races including their own Germans, not just Jews. The communists murdered millions of those weaker than themselves: sometimes using class, sometimes even race as the excuse. But that is the point - bullies use any excuse to bully - RACE IS NOT THE ESSENTIAL ELEMENT.

    Accepting communist propaganda that Nazism is essentially rightist extreme racist nationalism is the diabolical trap that Stalin set to enable the "pure" leftist internationalists to get away with exactly the same mass murdering as the Nazis. Nazis used nationalist propaganda, but their bullying totalitarianism marks them as of the left: along with communists they are the Utopian extremist heirs of Robespierre.

    Love of, preference for, defence of, one's own race is not the criminal first step to genocide. It is normal, natural and right, and is the biggest stumbling bloc in the way of the NEW World Order Totalitarians. Even in the Soviet Union, those who had strong nationalist and racial bonds (such as those from the Baltic states) survived the Gulag camps better than others who'd been subject to intense internationalist Bolshevik deracination. GET OVER THE FEAR OF "RACISM". It is normal. Fight bullies and bullying whatever justification they use.

