Sunday 22 February 2009

Odin and Balder

There is a fantastic article in The Independent magazine about the work of the American photographer Anthony Karen ;

In his work he attempts to understand the human beings beneath the KKK hoods, those individuals whose humanity is denied by a media that demonises both the KKK and the individuals who are members of groups such as the KKK.

There is one image, published above, that is so powerful it inspired in me the need to write the poem below.

We live in a society where the media can dehumanise people simply because the media despise their politics.

Whilst the so called 'decent' people that the media like to publicise in their papers are frequently degenerate, criminal filth - the fact that they are liberal in their political opinions, or because of their race, colour or faith, means that how they actually live their lives is irrelevant.

The media fete people not because of what they are, but simply because of who they are, what colour they are, how much money they have and what they believe.

Mohammed Ali is a member of the Nation Of Islam, a racist para-military group whose members slaughtered hundreds of white people in the racist Zebra Killings, yet Ali is feted by the media and regarded as a black icon.

If white sportsmen had given white power salutes at the olympics they would be despised, but when blacks give the black power salute they get statues erected in their honour.

How many of the film stars, pop stars, media celebrities, writers and the rest of the pop elite of modern culture have betrayed their wives, families and children and dumped their children to take up with a younger woman, a richer man or because they simply wanted money or fame.

Most of them in fact.

Yet they are also feted by the media, not for the content of their character but because of their wealth, fame or race.

In a world where the sick are celebrated, the media have to create mass plastic demons for the degenerates in society to feel good about themselves.

The masses busy with their affairs, alcoholism, minor drug abuse, divorces, careers also require media demons in order to direct their innate self loathing at, and thereby make themselves feel morally superior to those they are taught to despise.

The main groups for this 'projection of the shadow' as Jung defined it are of course Nazis, KKK etc etc - the white underclass as the media like to call them.

These people, and they are people by the way, are able to dehumanised by the media simply because of what they think and because of the colour of their skin.

Black Nazis are feted - White Nazis despised.

Zionist Nazis are feted - German Nazis despised.

These 'white monsters' may be mothers taking care of their disabled children, single fathers taking care of their children and decent, peaceful people who simply hold political beliefs that the media and mainstream society despise, but the degenerates, hypocrites and criminals that control the media designate them as 'intolerable monsters' and can incite violence against them as they wish with never any censure.

The media would never dare allow their propaganda to depict black people today as the early 20th century media and Hollywood did as 'banjo strumming nigger servants' or Jews as blood sucking vampires as the Nazis did in their propaganda - but when it comes to those poor white people who dare believe politically what the wealthy hypocrites of the media despise, then the media may dehumanise them with total impunity, regardless of the violence generated against those individuals as a result of their crass propaganda.

The image above to me captures the essence of a great truth.

It shows a White father with his arms around his child, as if trying to protect him from a world that despises him and blames him and his child for every evil ever committed on the planet throughout human history.

The tattoos on his fathers back are the symbols of what a persecuted group of poor whites In America regard as the groups that are last defence of the white race, and of them and their families, against the hatred this world directs against them and the white race in general.

In the symbolsim of the swastika and the extremist political organisations that have adopted the swastika, they find the last refuge left for the despised poor white man and his children.

It is society that drives poor white people into these groups, it is the media that demonisies poor white people that means poor white people feel they need the safety of these groups and it is the hypocrisy of liberal society that allows the liberals to project their self loathing onto these people.

It is society and the media who are responsible for the continuing existence of the KKK and extremist groups like them.

It is the positive discrimination policies, affirmative action plans, the race quotas, the anti-white propaganda, the demonisation of white poor people as 'chavs' and the 'underclass', the celebration of Black History Month and the denial of a positive white idenitity and the rest of the endless psychological attacks upon whites that drives poor white people into these extremist groups.

If the KKK is a monster, then it is a monster that the media keeps alive and who feed it with their hate.

When you make a people strangers in their own lands, when you despise them as a group and when you demonise them then they will seek a home amongst those that will offer them a home.

Groups like the KKK are the last refuge of the abandoned, despised and hated in our society.

If Jesus Christ were alive today he would be working and living with the people who are in the KKK and groups like them, not because he endorsed their politics but because of the fact that as a great human being he chose the poor, the hated, the hunted and the unwanted as his disciples.

Christ walked with those who his society rejected - political extremists such as Simon the Zealot, Mary Magdalene, poor fishermen and the Jewish underclass oppressed by the Romans, he forgave adulterers and healed the sick who had been forced from the villages for fear of others catching their disease.

Christ walked as a friend not with the great and good, but solely with the poor and despised.

If Christ were alive today he would despise those fat fools in frocks such as those that infest the Church Of England - for they are not Christians.

Christ chose to heal the sick, to walk as friend with the lost and to love those who everyone else hated.

Those who sully the name of Christ with their casting of stones at poor whites are not christians - they are apostates who worship the power of the Church not Christ.

It is you and your society that made the poor whites that join the KKK the exiles and outcasts that they are - and then you act surprised when they turn to hate.

In the end the picture captures a fundamental essence.

It is of a father who is protecting his child.

How many of the liberals have abandoned their children, how many in the media have abandoned their families and how many of the politicians have never cared for their own children.

How many liberals have aborted their children and left them as bloody piles of flesh in the buckets of abortion clinics in order to advance their careers and for the petty pleasures of their meaningless lives.

In that tender embrace I see only love and goodness.

The media will call that man a demon, but I see a father who takes care of his son and that makes him better than all the shit people in this country, and the shit people in America, who think they are morally superior to him because they despise his politics but who have abandoned their own children for their own petty pleasures and lives.

I may not support the mans politics, but as a man who takes care of his child I see more worth in him than I have ever seen in you.

Odin and Balder

What were the words that Odin whispered,
To Balder cold upon the funeral pyre,
Before the rising flames claimed his flesh ?
Was it that their kin, Loki of the Aaesir,
Had been the traitor who caused his death.

Hod whose fingers let fly that sprig,
Had carved nor notched the deadly dart,
He knew not what he had done,
His hands unstained with dark intent,
Were deceived by the deeds of the evil one.

Blind as Hod now are all our people,
Conditioned by Loki’s media,
Their minds enchained to illusions,
Exist in states of perpetual delusion.
Slaves to machines and false masters.

A wolf age, a war age, a world of death,
The skies boil black and poison breath,
Factories have replaced the family farm,
Then followed deadly human swarms,
And the folk bound with chains.

Into the darkness the old gods went,
And in silence made their solemn ascent,
Within Asgard’s wall’s still they wait,
For the Fimbul winter’s fury to abate,
And the Norns usher in Vidar’s reign.

Further and further the folk will fall,
As the old gods sleep in Valhalla’s halls,
Awaiting Ragnarok to purge its wrath,
And a rising red sun usurp the cross,
Ever darker dims the dawn.

In the darkness a father holds his son,
fearful of what may become,
Who will guard them when we are gone,
Who will teach them right from wrong,
When lies are lions and truth a lamb.

Father, he whispers, what is wrong with this world,
Who made our heaven into this hell ?
His arms tight around his fathers chest,
As the sun sets slowly upon the dying West,
They hold onto each other in silence.

From the sky there comes a mighty voice,
An old man rides forth upon a grey horse,
In ragged blue robes but forever a king,
With one eye blind he sees all things,
Dismounts and gives wise counsel.

The old man sits beside the camp fire,
And finally provides all answers,
‘We must return to the ancient ways’
Are the only words he needs to say,
As they are the only solution.

With a rural pen he writes in the dust,
The simple rules that we must trust,
'Abandon all delusions, you are not free,
This is your prison, not your liberty,
Seek all your inner enemies.

Back into the wild woods you must go,
Where only forest folk may roam,
Amidst sacred temples of leaf and light,
The Sun your king, Moon queen at night
Natures law your sacred creed.

Let the cities burn and towers fall,
Where traitors rule alongside fools,
Take your kin and flee the mad parade,
Build your forts amidst forest glades,
Where strangers dare not tread.

Guard the nation and defend your folk,
Throw down your masters yoke,
Spurn the gold that makes all men slaves,
Seek no salvation in the groaning grave,
Your blood is your only sacred banner.

One day this land will be yours again,
From misty mountain to foetid fen,
All wounds will heal and hope return,
Paradise regained and all lies unlearnt,
Heroes will come to set you free.

Wooden bows will replace your rifles,
Forest trails usurp the concrete mile,
The cities will fall to weeds and storm,
A bright new world will then be born,
Upon the rubble and ruins of the old.

Then the old man rose and left
His words inscribed into their minds,
The fathers gathered up their families,
Then headed out into the wasteland,
To wait for a new world to arise.

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  1. The demonisation of white nationalism and ethnic identity by those in power with money is essential to their own groups survival. They got a shock in the 1930s/40s and they dont want it repeated. Therefore any method of propaganda is permitted to hoodwink the masses. Those who point out this publically are silenced.
    Bishop Williamson had the temerity to point out the truth on the "holocaust" R one of the bulwarks of the new Frankfurt school religion , and he is to be expelled from his work and country where he has lived for several years. Newspaper articles with ad-hominem attacks have appeared worldwide; and they didnt appear spontaneously! Yesterday we even had the Times printing the plans from Auschwitz with Gas chambers clearly marked to counter the good bishop. What it failed to say was that these " gas chambers" everybody knew about and were for disinfecting lice filled clothes.
    So you are up against powerful, clever wealthy forces Lee who control the media worldwide. They will try and control the out.

  2. This has got to be one of your better polemical pieces.I concur with all of its sentiments.

    It is written from the heart and inspired by love rather than any abstract, ideology or logic.

    You sum up the incestous relationship between the masses and the media, a revel of symbiotic prostitutional orgy designed to apease the self.

    You neatly expose the hypocrsiy of the media whores.

    Whilst your poem has to be one of your top 10, I would say top two or three.

    Superb lines below, particularly the last line which is so wel put:

    "In the darkness a father holds his son,
    fearful of what may become,
    Who will guard them when we are gone,
    Who will teach them right from wrong,
    When lies are lions and truth a lamb. "

    And these lines also,

    "With a rural pen he writes in the dust,
    The simple rules that we must trust,
    'Abandon all delusions, you are not free,
    This is your prison, not your liberty,
    Seek all your inner enemies."


    Now, when will we, The British folk, of Albion receive our long-awaited Odin and Baldur?

  3. All kinds of people love their families. There are gang members and drug dealers who can be seen hugging their loved ones. John Gotti was described as a loving father by his children, a murderer by those who claimed to be his victims. I've even seen pics of Bin Laden smiling at a wedding, Saddam with his children when they were young. No group is demonized more than Arabs...not even poor white people. I would ask, what's the difference between a terrorist, gang member, or kkk guy hugging his family member?

  4. The difference between todays "kkk" guys and terrorists and thugs is made clear in this excellent post:

    "...the celebration of Black[s]... the denial of a positive white idenitity and the rest of the ENDLESS PSYCHOLOGICAL attacks upon whites that drives poor white people into these extremist groups."

    Always when we consider Black misbehaviour, bleeding heart liberals demand we consider the context (ie the injustice that Blacks have been subject to and still supposedly are). Somehow when it comes to whites they are not interested in this - whites are just evil "racists". But isn't it "racist" to "stereotype" whites and isn't "racism" the supreme evil? Oh, they are not being racist in their "racist" characterisation of whites. Non-liberal whites are "racist". Oh, that explains everything.


  5. "Always when we consider Black misbehaviour, bleeding heart liberals demand we consider the context (ie the injustice that Blacks have been subject to and still supposedly are). Somehow when it comes to whites they are not interested in this - whites are just evil "racists". But isn't it "racist" to "stereotype" whites and isn't "racism" the supreme evil? Oh, they are not being racist in their "racist" characterisation of whites. Non-liberal whites are "racist". Oh, that explains everything.


    Excellent post Keith_SA. You sum it all up well in a nutshell.
