Wednesday 11 March 2009

Al Qaeda In Ireland - Shamrocks and Suicide Bombers

Perhaps if this evil little Islamist turd wasnt in Ireland then the police could have the Real IRA and Continuity IRA under 24/7 surveillance.


He is Ireland's top alleged terrorist -- wanted by the US, Libya and Interpol and now the UN.

He is under 24-hour surveillance by the Special Branch but somehow was still granted Irish citizenship by the Dept of Foreign Affairs.

But Ibrahim Buwisir continues to live in a comfortable home in leafy south Dublin, receiving social welfare payments from the Irish state.

Now Buwisir (also Boyasseer) has been placed on a UN list demanding that his assets are seized and he be banned from travelling, due to his Islamic extremism.

The UN Security Council stated that the Libyan (47) is a close associate of Osama Bin Laden and has supported al-Qa'ida through funding and media relations.

The alert follows a "red notice" issued by Interpol last year for the arrest of Buwisir, who has been living here since 1981 and was granted a passport here 18 years ago .

In 2004, the US Treasury Department identified Buwisir as having "directed a European al-Qa'ida cell that provided support to operations in Europe by arranging travel and accommodations".


The following year, the Filipino Government's anti-money laundering unit ordered banks to freeze and report his financial assets. It has linked the journalist to the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, which attempted to assassinate Colonel Muammar Gadaffi on at least two occasions.

Buwisir lives in a quiet residential estate, Broadford Drive in Ballinteer, and claims that he works for a charity organisation.

Married with four children, he has previously claimed to be a journalist, and denies links to terror.

He works from a base at the South Circular Road and is involved in a local mosque.

A raid by gardai in 2001 on the SCR office caused alarm in the FBI when some documents found there mentioned a 9/11 hijacker.

Buwisir has travelled extensively in Pakistan, Egypt, Afghanistan, Jorda and Saudi.

As well as al-Qa'ida, it was also claimed this week that he has supported the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and the Egyptian Islamic Movement, according to the United Nations notice.

A spokesman for the UN Security Council in New York said this week that Buwisir was flashed as a terror suspect by the National Security Agency in the US.

Buwisir also travels under his father's name, Abdul Salam Boyasseer, or that of his grandfather, Mohamed Boyasseer, according to the UN notice.

Here he is constantly monitored by the Middle Eastern section of the Special Branch but he has never faced any terror charges.

But the Libyan has been brought before courts for alleged road traffic offences. He escaped convictions for the motoring offences and had charges against him struck out at Dun Laoghaire Court almost two years ago.

He was prosecuted after gardai caught him driving without an NCT certificate in Dundrum, and thanked the judge in Irish after the charge against him was struck out.

Why the authorities have not moved to deport Buwisir or strip him of his citizenship is a mystery.

The international notice issued by Interpol was done on foot of a Libyan arrest warrant.

However no formal extradition treaty exists between us and Libya. But that would not stop a deportation.

Buwisir himself admits that he has raised substantial funds for extremist Muslim projects. But he denies the cash was channelled to bin Laden's network.

He and four of his colleagues had their international assets frozen by the US Government, who said the funds were funnelled to bin Laden through Sudan.

Four years ago, US officials said the Islamic African Relief Agency (Buwisir is the Irish representative), "engaged in a joint programme" with a group controlled by bin Laden involved in providing assistance to Taliban fighters.

It all begs the question what are the Irish authorities doing?


- Cormac Looney

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