Friday 20 March 2009

Alice Thomson - Times / Tory / Capitalist Propagandist

Well, well, well it appears that the Times is having a 'Bash The BNP' week along with the Telegraph - no doubt the Tory party supporters and owners of The Torygraph The Barclay Brothers, having in a fit of pique closed down all of Sark as the peasants on the Island dared defy their imperial orders ( Dont you know who we are - we are the Lord Vader Brothers ), have now ordered their Torygraph minions to attack the BNP, along with Rupert Murdoch who owns the Times.

Plutocrats of the world unite - press freedom is your bitch.

First we had Alex Simpleton yesterday now theis tory tart Alice Thomson.

Below here article I will write my response in italics between her vomiting.

Two nations: those who work, those who won't

Blaming immigrants for our unemployment levels misses the point: the problem is
people who are bone idle

Alice Thomson

Michael's alarm still goes at 5am every morning, by 7am he has cleaned his Notting Hill house, at 8am the children have a three-course breakfast and by 9 he has walked them to school and is sitting at his desk sending out his CV. Six weeks after he lost his job at Goldman Sachs, he still works a 14-hour day. He now waits tables at his favourite restaurant, sweeps the leaves from the communal garden tennis court and helps the neighbours' Filipina housekeeper to clear the drains.

( 'Michael' also known as Superman also wears his pants on the outside of his trousers and can leap tall buildings in one bound. If you believe this rubbish then I have a bank account in Nigeria with 7 million dollars that you can have if you send me a postal order made out to C.ash. Its just so nice to see him helping out her Filipina maid. How middle class is that. I wonder if Alice has a Filipina maid as well. Come alice whatcha say. )

Paul Bright, a factory manager for a paper doily factory in Essex who has also been made redundant, has the same drive. At 60, he could retire. “All I want to do is work again,” he says. “I am like a smoker who doesn't know what to do with his hands once he's quit. I need to feel useful.”

The Chawners wouldn't understand. Mr and Mrs Chawner and their two daughters insist that they are “too fat to work” because they have a combined weight of 83 stone - so they watch television all day living off their £22,000 benefits. In the past 11 years, only the youngest daughter, Emma, has attended a job interview and that was on The X Factor, where she was kicked out in the first round. Mr Chawner explains: “Often I'm so tired from watching TV I have to have a nap. I certainly couldn't work. I deserve more.”

( Here we see Thomson smear an entire nation by using just 1 , yes one, example of a family group of idiots. The fact is that it is this government that classified Obesity as a disease and therefore forced doctors to sign off obese people as unfit to work. At the same time the government have signed off as unfit to work a myriad other 'victim groups' - Heroin addicts, Crack addicts, AIDS infected prostitutes, diseased immigrants who have entered the UK with TB and AIDS and a myriad other self inflicted idiots and spongers. This is a problem of government, not unemployment. Pity Thomson is too dim to see that )

These are Britain's two nations. Not those born abroad and those born here, not black or white, rich or poor, men or women, North or South, public or private sector. But those who belong to the world of work and those who are alienated from it, living off the taxes from other people's earnings.

( More drivel. The unemployment rate in the white community is the lowest of all communities. The biggest recipients of welfare in British history have been WORKING BANKERS not unemployed workers. The money spent on the banks dwarfs decades of unemployment benefit. the rest of her drivel about black / white. private / state workers etc is crass and asinine irrelevant rubbish )

In the past ten years a chasm has opened up between the workaholics and the quaintly named “work-shy”. Labour still isn't working, claims a revised version of the classic Tory poster, as unemployment passes two million.

In fact, nearly eight million people of working age in Britain have been “economically inactive” for the past few years. More than 2.5 million of them are on incapacity benefit - of these 2,130 people are too “fat” to work; 1,100 can't work because they have trouble getting to sleep; 4,000 get headaches; 380 are confined to the sofa by haemorrhoids; 3,000 are kept at home by gout; and half a million are too depressed to get a job. According to Dame Carol Black, the National Director of Health and Work, one child in five now comes from a family where neither parent works, yet at the end of last year there were half a million job vacancies.

( So the best that Thomson can do is find about 10,000 people out of 2.5 million whose situation she mocks and then she uses that 10,000 to smear over 2.4 million people. What a fucking bitch. As for the job vacancies - perhaps if the minimum wage were such that people could take a job and be able to buy a house, raise a family and pay their bills on a minium wage income then that would be a major incentive for taking a low paid job. As it is Thomson says half a million jobs exist - are they low paid, low hours, or low paid and long hours - she doesnt care of course, she just needs to print propaganda rather than explain the reality )

The BNP's message over the past decade has been loud and clear - your job is being stolen by the Somali next door. But it's just not true. The Somali and the Romanian, Chinese and Ukrainian are doing jobs that many British won't now contemplate. The majority of migrants to Britain - more than 80 per cent - are earning less than £25,000 a year in industries that have become unpopular for British people to work in.

( The BNP message has been about blaming somalians. What rubbish. I wonder if Thomson has read our website for the past ten years and found out the facts. Of course not, why let truth get in the way of lies. The BNP have merely pointed out that 'More Foreign Workers in the country = less jobs and lower wages for British workers'. We blame the bankers, economists, politicians and media not the immigrants. The reality of the BNP policy can be seen all across the country, except in the Torygraph where simpering tarts like Thomson do not need to worry about Slovenian or Somalian immigrants taking their jobs. As for the money that immigrants make - how much of that money is taxed and how many pay national insurance. 25 grand a year tax free a year is a nice lump sum if you can get it )

That is why immigration in Britain rose by 2.5 million in the past decade and why English is now a second language for one in seven pupils in primary school. Immigrants have kept Britain working. It is also why the Tories couldn't turn immigration into a vote-winner in the past two elections. People recognised that we needed the Chinese to pick our strawberries, the Czechs to blow our children's noses, the Pakistanis to sweep our hospitals, the Afghans to drive our minicabs, the Australians to pull our pints and the Poles to put up the scaffolding.

( Fuck me its like reading a Labour party election broadcast. Here we see the Capitalist scum supporting the Socialist scum, just in a more retarded way. Whilst New Labour have realised that the usual blah blah blah and blather about ' immigrants are good for the economy' doesnt work anymore, here a retarded tory is picking up the gauntlet. Somebody please tell the poor dear to read the Migration Watch website. She might learn something. Silly girl. )

Only last year £13 million of British fruit and vegetables went unpicked because farmers couldn't find enough British labour to harvest their crops, forcing the Government to raise the quota for migrants under the seasonal agricultural workers' scheme. As one man outside a Jobcentre Plus in Peterborough explained: “I'd prefer to sign on than do that. I don't want to work in no cornfield for £25,000 a year.”

( Here we go again - an an unattributed quote where the alleged comments of one man are used to slander a whole nation. Stupid bitch. Is there nothing this vile woman wont stoop at. I live in a village and all the agricultural workers are foreigners - and I suspect that many British large farming corporations would rather let fruit rot in the orchards and fields than pay decent wages to British workers. They would rather import in cheap, docile, underpaid foreigners who can live in shit caravans in sub human conditions than pay decent wages to attract British workers who would demand to live in decent accomodation on farm sites. )

Now, however, everything has changed. The new unemployed aren't those who don't want to work, they are the committed, driven employees who are horrified at the thought of no longer being able to commute into the office. They are the 3,000 people who are prepared to queue for 150 part-time jobs at Twycross Zoo in the Midlands and who bitterly resent having to sign on.

( But, but yesterday Alex Simpleton in the Torygaph said that there was no mass unemployment and that there are plenty of jobs in the country etc etc - fuck me alice do try and follow a clear party line on this. I wonder where all the unemployed bankers, middle class managers, proffessionals and other experts that alice eulogises in this article as the 'supermen and women' of Britain who are doing fifty jobs a day got their jobs from. These jobs that people like 'Michael' are doing seem to have appeared all of a sudden out of thin air. This is because whilst Alice is saying that the supermen and women are all now working fifty jobs a day none of these jobs they are taking appear to be making any difference to the overall amount of job vacancies on offer or affecting a reduction in the numbers of the rising and registerd unemployed. You see alice hasnt noticed the logical inconsistency in her article which is this - On one hand she says the LONG TERM unemployed dont want to take the half a million jobs on offer, but she doesnt explain why not, and then at the same time she says the newly unemployed proffessionals are working like superman and taking fifty jobs a day to get by. But they arent are they alice. If they were working at fifty jobs a day to get by then there would be no unemployed proffesionals and no job vacancies. If they were taking these jobs that the long term unemployed 'dont want' then the unemployment numbers would be falling and job vacancies numbers would also be falling - neither of which have happened. Instead we have rising numbers of newly unemployed proffessionals and stable numbers of the long term unemployed. It appears that both the newly unemployed proffessionals and the long term unemployed are not taking the exact same jobs on offer. The reason why they are both not taking those jobs on offer is for the exact same reason which is THEY CANT LIVE ON THE SHIT WAGES THAT THOSE SHIT JOBS PAY. So in fact alice has been talking a total load of bollocks. Idiot. )

These are the unemployed who keep Gordon Brown awake at night. The millions of British citizens who are already economically inactive will be eternally grateful to the former Chancellor for having provided them with such generous pocket money, but those now joining the unemployment statistics won't be bought off so easily.

( So when we pay into our national insurance and pay taxes we are not getting back what we paid in - but simply getting pocket money. What a fucking idiot this woman is. Alice seems to think becoming unemployed is not an essential part of the modern world and that unemployment is what happens in a modern globalised economy where businesses rise to meet demand and then die when demand drops, but rather she sees unemployment as a 'lifestyle choice' a symptom of individual feckless behavior. For Alice the actual operations of the British economy are irrelevant to individual employment - I am now convinced this woman is retarded. Perhaps she needs to be sacked and to live on benefits for w while. When we take power we will make sure she is so she can experience the real world. )

They are the newly unemployed dry cleaners in Didcot and Devon, the estate agents in Christchurch and Cornwall, the factory-floor managers in Swindon and Staffordshire and building contractors in Brighton and Bedfordshire - people who won't vote Labour again if they can no longer pay their mortgages and don't appreciate being forced to watch flat-screen TVs all day.

( Here we see where she is going - its an appeal to vote Tory instead of BNP. But poor old Alice doesnt realise that she is offering more of the same Labour poison in a new Tory Bottle. Its the same old policies if the tories get in as we have had from the Labour Party - except the Tories will cut puble services, cut welfare payments and offer no help to the 'feckless unemployed' in the most damaging economic crash in history. Regardless of the Second Great Depression, it is individuals who are unemployed who are the problem, not unemployment itself. what a Twat)

The Government's response has been to blame the immigrants who helped Britain for so long. Only this week Phil Woolas, the Immigration Minister, brought up Sangatte again. Yesterday, as the unemployment figures were released, Hazel Blears, the Secretary of State for Communities, suddenly announced a new migrant tax of £50 on overseas workers coming from outside the EU to pay for their public services.

(Good. Though it should be a £1000 pounds a year from each to pay for NHS services. If they dont pay up then piss off out the country. Oh those poor immigrants. Makes you wonder how this nation survived for so long without them eh. )

But the answer doesn't lie in supertaxing the migrants, cordoning off the white cliffs of Dover or forcing Ethiopians on to planes at gunpoint. Like drugs, immigrants will find a way into this country if the demand exists. They may be putting a strain on the NHS but many services wouldn't exist without them. In 2008, 14.7 per cent of health and social care workers were migrants.

( HAHHA AHA AHA AHA AHA AH HA HA - Here she gives us one of the greatest reasons to kick out economic migrants. If they are employed as social workers then sack them all now. The entire Servile State has to be demolished. That includes immigrant social workers. )

Attacking immigrants and talking about British jobs for British workers won't help anyone but the BNP. What is required now is the courage to push ahead with welfare reform despite the recession, and close the only gap that matters - between the active and the idle. Michael and Paul will find a job in the end, it's part of their DNA. Tackling the Chawners is the real challenge.

( Here we go again - she uses the Chawners as a way to smear millions. Its like saying ' one black rapist means all blacks are rapists'. If I said that I would be a racist, but when she says the same about the Chawners ( poor, white, stupid and one family amongst tems of millions) then thats okay isnt it. What is required isnt welfare reform, but a BRITISH NATIONAL WELFARE SYSTEM that serves the British people who have PAID INTO IT and that does not serve immigrants THAT HAVE NOT PAID INTO IT. At the moment we have an International Health Service and an International Benefits System that serves anyone who enters the country regardless of the historical contribution of their ancestors to this nation and also their direct financial contributions to the system. We do not have an NHS and a welfare system that serves the interests of the British people. We have a welfare system, an NHS and a council housing system that serves immigrants and foreigners before the British people. )

Alice you are one sad woman.

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  1. Tory bigots don't do pragmatism or facts, just dogma.

    We've had `kick the sick` Labour now we have `Kick the sick` Tories

    When do the poor white working class get their sew-on stars of David, or will it be cross of st geoge this time round?

    We need pragmatic solutions not dogma an ill informed hate from the priveledged.

    Only the BNP offer the working class this glimmer of light - make the most of it!

  2. Watch this video:-

    British Jews, it time to choose!

    Try this one:- .................. get it?

  3. Excellent response once again to yet more sneering tory bollocks Lee.

    This snooty cow thinks we're idiots who can be patronised and talked down to.

    Strange that she doesn't metion the industries the tories and labour have destroyed:

    Motor, Steel, Shipbuilding, Steel, Mining. British WORKING communities destroyed without a care by the lib/lab/con destroyers.

    Nor does she mention British companies built off the toil and sweat of British workers, successful companies who then ditched them and relocated overseas to take advantage of cheap slave labour. All down to global capitalist policies, the responsibility wholly lies with the lib/lab/con who pursued globalism and mass immigration with zeal.

    Now look what state we're in. Global capitalists have plunged the world into recession with the disgraceful, immoral spectacle of incompetent, greedy and failed bankers being bailed out by tax-payers.

    But lib/lab/con weren't so keen to bail out British manufacturing industries as they went to the wall though were they?

    If immigration was so good for the economy, why has it failed so disastrously? Maybe it's because immigration was only good for global capitalists who lined their own pockets and detroyed a nation as they satisfied their boundless greed. Bastards.

    No let's not mention any of that, let's blame it all on the white working class Brition.

    What a loathesome, condescending, nasty little twat Alice is. Don't see many Somalians or Czechs competing for HER job do we? Why's that then?



  4. Send her your comments, Lee

    Hre response would make an interesting read

  5. I expect what will happen is what usually happens when I post on The Times - my comments are never put up.

    It appears that press want free speech whilst censoring those that criticise what they say.


  6. I expect what will happen is what usually happens when I post on The Times - my comments are never put up.

    It appears that press want free speech whilst censoring those that criticise what they say.


  7. Their definition of free speech is pretty one-sided, for dure.

  8. Undoubtably marked dygenesis of the British indigenous population has occurred over the last fifty years as the state has subsidised those who are the least intelligent and skilled to breed at a faster and more frequent rate. That is obvious when you look round the street and is manifestly observable. Any nationalist government would have to try and rectify this.
    By encouraging immigration further demoralisation of the indigenous occurs, reducing wages for the skilled and unskilled alike. Technological development is deterred because there is plenty of cheap labour. Ever wondered why India didnt develop after 1400AD? Plenty of cheap labour.
    The British people need to redevelope their pride, something which has been destroyed psychologically by the Frankfurt school mob and their corrupt lackeys in the liblabcon.

  9. Are we not falling for the same old trick? This woman is following the blame the Poles routine at the same time giving them a free pass. Get out of jail free!

    It goes something like this.

    Until the recent Italian power plant labour versus Brown's British jobs for British workers row, the European economic migrant has been scapegoated by the media to deflect the far more dangerous situation of thousands of unassimilable migrants arriving from the third world through the back door.

    Keep the stupid people looking the other way, blame the Poles or Italians who-ever. This tactic has been highly successful.

    Now the elites are on a different variation. The economic European migrant has suddenly morphed into the saviour of British social infrastructure without whom, Britain would become a failed state.

    A very clever transition.

    By adopting this new tactic Alice Thompson and her ilk now drive a wedge (divide and conquer) between the indigenous British neatly into those who will work and those who won't. Blame the lazy fatso’s watching daytime TV for Britain’s woes.

    This narrative now elevates the European migrant to a saviour and gives them a free pass, thereby handing the blame for the need of immigration solely to the stupid British. Clever eh?

  10. Alice Thomson is a joke - a bad joke, but a joke nonetheless - like a plastic turd or fart gas. Her scrawlings are typical of the sugar coated dog-shit which is nowadays planted in front of an unsuspecting public and passed of as intellectual comment - but for those who are brave enough to enquire further her joke is revealed - and her faux intellectualism is seen for what it really is, simply unpleasant toilet humour - Fruedian .

    And yet, this Alice Thomson, just another moronic establishment clown, doesn't even see the ringmaster who makes her perform - for she believes in the bullshit chirade, she is another perfect prop of the establishment. Blindly going about her business, full of self-righteousness and moral pretensions, schooled in self-love and narcissistic nothingness, and thus not for ability or merit but rather for her innate unawareness and arrogance she has been granted the arena to perform - she has been given the limelight because she is the complete stooge, the unwitting clown. Her perception has never gone beyond the circus tent - she does not know reality - she knows only one reality, that of her idiotic and farcical show, which she performs day in day out. Top billing tonight, Alice Thomson - The Solipsist. Step inside, step inside, and see her perform... it'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry... but you can leave tonight - and yet she remains forever trapped in her prison.

    ---- End of Show ----

    The tactics these fuckwits use is so utterly disingenious and contrdictary, enough to make any Church Of England Vicar proud. It seems in their state of desperation the myriad organs of this sick system are all singing from the same hymn book, in some vast massed Satanic choir - and that they are all joyous in their blind and pious communion, prostrating themselves before their altar of Satan's darklords ,the Princes of Hell; Mammon, Belial, et al, their mids possesed and repeating idiotically chapter and verse from their most holy of holies that infallable gospel of political correctness and liberal-Marxism.

    Remember that grand-twat Hichens when he proffered that his knowledge of the BNP had been singuarly garnered by his meeting with a BNP member at an election in Stoke, and this was enough for him to form his grotesque sweeping generalisation of the BNP which he know peddles to great pleasure of his Daily Mail paymasters. This is hardly scientific method, this is not an intellectual process... to properly understand anything one must gather information over a period of time, using many examples and analysis - and yet as demonstrated so abley by Alice Thomson, Hichens, Philips, etc, etc., when it comes to understanding the BNP they need know reliable scientific or intellectual measure... what's good enough for them is emotional rants based upon nothing other than their own mental projections... these people are masters of fantasy - they are religious fanatics, that's what attracts these types to Marxism, socialism, etc, etc, beneath it all is a need to blindly believe something - it doesn't really matter what it is, they must believe... and even if it means tearing apart science for their own prejudices and delusions they will set about turning reality on its head... these new fanatics of Marxism, the lunatic left are the new inquisition.

    See the Alice Thomson is a joke - a bad joke, but a joke nonetheless - like a plastic turd or fart gas. Her scrawlings are typical of the sugar coated dog-shit which is nowadays planted in front of an unsuspecting public and passed of as intellectual comment - but for those who are brave enough to enquire further her joke is revealed - and her faux intellectualism is seen for what it really is, simply unpleasant toilet humour - Fruedian .

    And yet, this Alice Thomson, just another moronic establishment clown, doesn't even see the ringmaster who makes her perform - for she believes in the bullshit chirade, she is another perfect prop of the establishment. Blindly going about her business, full of self-righteousness and moral pretensions, schooled in self-love and narcissistic nothingness, and thus not for ability or merit but rather for her innate unawareness and arrogance she has been granted the arena to perform - she has been given the limelight because she is the complete stooge, the unwitting clown. Her perception has never gone beyond the circus tent - she does not know reality - she knows only one reality, that of her idiotic and farcical show, which she performs day in day out. Top billing tonight, Alice Thomson - The Solipsist. Step inside, step inside, and see her perform... it'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry... but you can leave tonight - and yet she remains forever trapped in her prison.

    ---- End of Show ----

    The tactics these fuckwits use is so utterly disingenious and contrdictary, enough to make any Church Of England Vicar proud. It seems in their state of desperation the myriad organs of this sick system are all singing from the same hymn book, in some vast massed Satanic choir - and that they are all joyous in their blind and pious communion, prostrating themselves before their altar of Satan's darklords ,the Princes of Hell; Mammon, Belial, et al, their mids possesed and repeating idiotically chapter and verse from their most holy of holies that infallable gospel of political correctness and liberal-Marxism.

    Remember that grand-twat Hichens when he proffered that his knowledge of the BNP had been singuarly garnered by his meeting with a BNP member at an election in Stoke, and this was enough for him to form his grotesque sweeping generalisation of the BNP which he know peddles to great pleasure of his Daily Mail paymasters. This is hardly scientific method, this is not an intellectual process... to properly understand anything one must gather information over a period of time, using many examples and analysis - and yet as demonstrated so abley by Alice Thomson, Hichens, Philips, etc, etc., when it comes to understanding the BNP they need know reliable scientific or intellectual measure... what's good enough for them is emotional rants based upon nothing other than their own mental projections... these people are masters of fantasy - they are religious fanatics, that's what attracts these types to Marxism, socialism, etc, etc, beneath it all is a need to blindly believe something - it doesn't really matter what it is, they must believe... and even if it means tearing apart science for their own prejudices and delusions they will set about turning reality on its head... these new fanatics of Marxism, the lunatic left are the new inquisition...

    "The Galileo affair, in which Galileo Galilei came into conflict with the Catholic Church (also known as the Roman Catholic Church) over his support of Copernican astronomy, is often considered a defining moment in the history of the relationship between religion and science.

    In 1610, Galileo published his Sidereus Nuncius (Starry Messenger), describing the surprising observations that he had made with the new telescope. These and other discoveries exposed major difficulties with the understanding of the heavens that had been held since antiquity, and raised new interest in radical teachings such as the heliocentric theory of Copernicus.

    In reaction, many scholars attacked the theory because it seemingly contradicted several passages of Scripture. Galileo's part in the controversies over theology, astronomy, and philosophy culminated in his trial and sentencing in 1633 on a grave suspicion of heresy."

    [From Wikipedia]

  11. Lee, in my mania I posted a garbled commment ;-) Please delete that one and post the follwing comment instead... thanks.


    Alice Thomson is a joke - a bad joke, but a joke nonetheless - like a plastic turd or fart gas. Her scrawlings are typical of the sugar coated dog-shit which is nowadays planted in front of an unsuspecting public and passed of as intellectual comment - but for those who are brave enough to enquire further her joke is revealed - and her faux intellectualism is seen for what it really is, simply unpleasant toilet humour - Fruedian .

    And yet, this Alice Thomson, just another moronic establishment clown, doesn't even see the ringmaster who makes her perform - for she believes in the bullshit chirade, she is another perfect prop of the establishment. Blindly going about her business, full of self-righteousness and moral pretensions, schooled in self-love and narcissistic nothingness, and thus not for ability or merit but rather for her innate unawareness and arrogance she has been granted the arena to perform - she has been given the limelight because she is the complete stooge, the unwitting clown. Her perception has never gone beyond the circus tent - she does not know reality - she knows only one reality, that of her idiotic and farcical show, which she performs day in day out. Top billing tonight, Alice Thomson - The Solipsist. Step inside, step inside, and see her perform... it'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry... but you can leave tonight - and yet she remains forever trapped in her prison.

    ---- End of Show ----

    The tactics these fuckwits use is so utterly disingenious and contrdictary, enough to make any Church Of England Vicar proud. It seems in their state of desperation the myriad organs of this sick system are all singing from the same hymn book, in some vast massed Satanic choir - and that they are all joyous in their blind and pious communion, prostrating themselves before their altar of Satan's darklords ,the Princes of Hell; Mammon, Belial, et al, their mids possesed and repeating idiotically chapter and verse from their most holy of holies that infallable gospel of political correctness and liberal-Marxism.

    Remember that grand-twat Hichens when he proffered that his knowledge of the BNP had been singuarly garnered by his meeting with a BNP member at an election in Stoke, and this was enough for him to form his grotesque sweeping generalisation of the BNP which he know peddles to great pleasure of his Daily Mail paymasters. This is hardly scientific method, this is not an intellectual process... to properly understand anything one must gather information over a period of time, using many examples and analysis - and yet as demonstrated so abley by Alice Thomson, Hichens, Philips, etc, etc., when it comes to understanding the BNP they need know reliable scientific or intellectual measure... what's good enough for them is emotional rants based upon nothing other than their own mental projections... these people are masters of fantasy - they are religious fanatics, that's what attracts these types to Marxism, socialism, etc, etc, beneath it all is a need to blindly believe something - it doesn't really matter what it is, they must believe... and even if it means tearing apart science for their own prejudices and delusions they will set about turning reality on its head... these new fanatics of Marxism, the lunatic left are the new inquisition...

    "The Galileo affair, in which Galileo Galilei came into conflict with the Catholic Church (also known as the Roman Catholic Church) over his support of Copernican astronomy, is often considered a defining moment in the history of the relationship between religion and science.

    In 1610, Galileo published his Sidereus Nuncius (Starry Messenger), describing the surprising observations that he had made with the new telescope. These and other discoveries exposed major difficulties with the understanding of the heavens that had been held since antiquity, and raised new interest in radical teachings such as the heliocentric theory of Copernicus.

    In reaction, many scholars attacked the theory because it seemingly contradicted several passages of Scripture. Galileo's part in the controversies over theology, astronomy, and philosophy culminated in his trial and sentencing in 1633 on a grave suspicion of heresy."

    [From Wikipedia]

  12. Sorry Lee, me again, please post this comment up and disregard the previous ones:


    Alice Thomson is a joke - a bad joke, but a joke nonetheless - like a plastic turd or fart gas. Her scrawlings are typical of the sugar coated dog-shit which is nowadays planted in front of an unsuspecting public and passed of as intellectual comment - but for those who are brave enough to enquire further her joke is revealed - and her faux intellectualism is seen for what it really is, simply unpleasant toilet humour - very Fruedian.

    And yet, this Alice Thomson, just another moronic establishment clown, doesn't even see the ringmaster who makes her perform - for she believes in the bullshit chirade, she is another perfect prop of the establishment. Blindly going about her business, full of self-righteousness and moral pretensions, schooled in self-love and narcissistic nothingness, and thus not for ability or merit but rather for her innate unawareness and arrogance she has been granted the arena to perform - she has been given the limelight because she is the complete stooge, the unwitting clown. Her perception has never gone beyond the circus tent - she does not know reality - she knows only one reality, that of her idiotic and farcical show, which she performs day in day out. Top billing tonight, Alice Thomson - The Solipsist. Step inside, step inside, and see her perform... it'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry... but you can leave tonight - and yet she remains forever trapped in her prison.

    ---- End of Show ----

    The tactics these fuckwits use is so utterly disingenious and contrdictary, enough to make any Church Of England Vicar proud. It seems in their state of desperation the myriad organs of this sick system are all singing from the same hymn book, in some vast massed Satanic choir - and that they are all joyous in their blind and pious communion, prostrating themselves before their altar of Satan's darklords ,the Princes of Hell; Mammon, Belial, et al, their mids possesed and repeating idiotically chapter and verse from their most holy of holies that infallable gospel of political correctness and liberal-Marxism.

    Remember that grand-twat Hichens when he proffered that his knowledge of the BNP had been singuarly garnered by his meeting with a BNP member at an election in Stoke, and this was enough for him to form his grotesque sweeping generalisation of the BNP which he know peddles to great pleasure of his Daily Mail paymasters. This is hardly scientific method, this is not an intellectual process... to properly understand anything one must gather information over a period of time, using many examples and analysis - and yet as demonstrated so abley by Alice Thomson, Hichens, Philips, etc, etc., when it comes to understanding the BNP they need no reliable scientific or intellectual measure... what's good enough for them is emotional rants based upon nothing other than their own mental projections... these people are masters of fantasy - they are religious fanatics, that's what attracts these types to Marxism, socialism, etc, etc, beneath it all is a need to blindly believe something - it doesn't really matter what it is, they must believe... and even if it means tearing apart science for their own prejudices and delusions they will set about turning reality on its head... these new fanatics of Marxism, the lunatic left are the new inquisition...

    The BNP stand for reason, the lunatic left are the insane zealots -

    "The Galileo affair, in which Galileo Galilei came into conflict with the Catholic Church (also known as the Roman Catholic Church) over his support of Copernican astronomy, is often considered a defining moment in the history of the relationship between religion and science.

    In 1610, Galileo published his Sidereus Nuncius (Starry Messenger), describing the surprising observations that he had made with the new telescope. These and other discoveries exposed major difficulties with the understanding of the heavens that had been held since antiquity, and raised new interest in radical teachings such as the heliocentric theory of Copernicus.

    In reaction, many scholars attacked the theory because it seemingly contradicted several passages of Scripture. Galileo's part in the controversies over theology, astronomy, and philosophy culminated in his trial and sentencing in 1633 on a grave suspicion of heresy."

    [From Wikipedia]

  13. Hi Lee i think you may want to visit this popular blog and give the guy a lession in nationalism and while he is woefully ignorant, you do it so much better than i ever could!

  14. Lee, you say:

    ....but a BRITISH NATIONAL WELFARE SYSTEM that serves the British people who have PAID INTO IT and that does not serve immigrants THAT HAVE NOT PAID INTO IT.

    I quite agree. But, surely, the logic should extend to those 'British' who have never paid into it either - and they certainly do exist, more so than the one family that is quoted here - those who can in effect go to cradle to grave with never working at all, nor members of their family.

    Those 'feckless' ones, who incidentally I have heard Nick Griffin refer to with use of phrases such as ...'many of us HAVE forgotton how to work' (meaning indiginous) or '...under a BNP government we will certainly not be funding people to drink special brew all day!' Quite right too. It is a problem which government has not tackled or is afraid to.

    In mentioning earlier, Lee, you write "the entire Servile State has to be demolished." This would mean the Welfarism that is innately part of it. I agree here too. I am not the only one who has heard 'I'd be better off on benefit than working!' The trouble with the benefit system is that, sadly and injustly, some do see it as a 'lifestyle' choice, one may quibble about the numbers, though I'd say it is pretty significant. Get one benefit and the rest all follow. Claim no benefit (for one is working, maybe low-paid), then you will get nothing. The reform that welfare needs is not to pay so much in free money so to allow people to say 'I'd be better off on benefits...etc'

    It should be remembered, that tax payers object to those 'feckless' (and they exist) who have NEVER paid into the system, and exploit it as the system allows it to be exploited - this goes equally for foreign scroungers and our own, never worked, scroungers!

    If, as I may suspect you might object to my saying, there are more feckless spoilt cretins than we give thought or credit to their size as a population, why are there so many, 1) people on incapacity/sickness benefit. and 2) many many 'NEETS' (not in education, employment, training).

    My point in posting is that while I do not accept most of Alice Thomson's analysis/diatribe, I suggest only that Welfarism amoungst a significant section of our society is higher than you were alluding to.

