Thursday 5 March 2009

How Many Asylum Seekers - None ?

I wonder how many of the millions of so called 'asylum seekers' given British naturalised citizenship status over recent decades after entering the UK have bothered to join the British Army to show their thanks for what Britain has done for them ?

None I bet.

Though we have had various scumbags, such as the ones below, given British citizenship after coming here and claiming asylum and then trying to bomb us !

It is a gift to anyone who dislikes immigrants and asylum-seekers: four young men, all from East Africa, were convicted at Woolwich crown court two days ago of plotting to cause carnage in the very country which gave them sanctuary.

Two of the men convicted of terrorist offences on Monday are from war-torn Somalia: Omar arrived in Britain via Kenya with his sisters in 1992, after their parents had almost certainly been murdered; Ramzi Mohammed fled Somalia at the age of 17 with his younger brother and was looked after by social services in Slough.

Hussein Osman was born Isaac Adus Hamdi in Ethiopia, and arrived in the UK in 1996, pretending to have escaped the Somali conflict in order to claim asylum in the UK. The leader of the gang, Ibrahim, grew up in Asmara, the capital of what is now Eritrea, and fled to Britain when he was 12 in 1990 to escape his country's war of independence from Ethiopia.

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