Thursday 26 March 2009


Please pass this on to all your e mail contacts ;

For the last three months the BNP have been liasing with the parents of young, sexually abused white girls in two Northern cities.

We have not accounced in public the information we have been given as we have been waiting for the Police to finish their investigations and arrest the scum involved, and to make sure they did not return to their country of origin.

Yesterday, the 25th March 2009, in just one Northern town the police arrested FIFTY suspected Asian Muslim paedophiles who have been involved in the racist sexual grooming and rape of young, underage white girls.

These men have been involved in the groooming and organised racist rapes of young white girls as young as 11 years old.

Today a press conference may be called where the news will be announced.

If the news is not announced in the media that these arrests have taken place then this is because the government has slapped a D-Notice on the media and have forbidden any news of this to reach the public.

If this is true, and the news does not reach the media, then the BNP are going to make this news public all over the internet anyway.

We have filmed interviews with the family members of these and other children who have suffered at the hands of these criminals and we are going to put an expose of this affair on BNPTV.

We have also filmed interviews with a family in another Northern town who have suffered the same thing involving over twenty young white girls. This paedophile ring is under police investigation at the moment and we cannot announce the location of the town where the sexual terrorists are operating until the police arrest them.

We also have an interview with other people who have gone through the same thing as these girls and the police have 'lost' evidence so that no cases come to court.

The prosecution of Nick Griffin was based on his revealing to the world that this organised campaign of sexual terrorism and rape against young white girls was going on all over our country, and for revealing this the CPS, Attorney General and courts prosecuted him for it.

Telling the truth is no longer a defence in law, telling the truth is now a criminal offence in law.

A few days ago I spoke to an Inspector in one town who has been dealing with this and explained to him that the police, government and councils are letting these abused children down.

The police and government will not look at the issue of organised rape by Asian Muslim gangs against underage white girls, the councils do not have a duty in law to protect the families and re-home them if they give evidence against these gangs and sexual terrorists, the social services are not warning foster carers to keep the young children in their care away from Asian males who may be threatening them for fear of political correctness and the government has not ordered a public inquiry into the levels of sexual terrorism and the rape of young white girls by Muslim gangs in the UK.

By refusing to acknowledge that this problem exists, and warning the public and parents to watch out for it, our children are being put at risk every day by this silence that is imposed upon the media.

At the same time the government and media pump out endless multi-cultural propaganda against 'racism' or 'islamphobia', it appears to demand silence when our children are the victims of organised campaigns of rape.

The government and the police appear to think that keeping these campaigns of organised rape quiet that this will prevent 'extremism' in the Muslim community as arresting and prosecuting these criminals may give ammunmition to some Islamist radicals to say they are being 'targeted' by the police.

But the government and the police have not the intelligence or insight to think about how these rape campaigns are radicalising our community.

The government through keeping silent on this issue are collaborating with the sexual terrorists, therefore we can only assume that the government are now hostile to us, our children and our communities.

This will have massive social implications for the future as more and more of these incidents of campaigns of rape and sexual terrorism occur.

The more the government remains quiet and refuses to investigate the attacks on our children, then the more the radicals in our community can assert with truth that the police and government are now complicit with the criminals who are terrorising our children and communities.

This is not the first time such campaigns of racist rape against young white girls by Muslims have been investigated and prosecuted - here are just a few examples over recent years ;

This is an epidemic of sexual terrorism, of child rape and grooming, of forcing young white girls onto drugs then molesting them and then passing them onto their friends to rape and molest.

These people are lower than animals, yet the government and police will not hold a public inquiry into just how endemic and prevalent this crime is in our country.

The BNP will be running a campaign to get a public inquiry started to investigate these crimes.

I will post more information on this blog as we get it.

In the meantime pass this information onto others and let us see whether the media cover this story or if it is covered up.

If it is covered up then we need to start asking ourselves how many other stories like this are being covered up, how many other rape gangs are operating in our country and also how we are going to get the publicity to warn parents and children about the dangers in their midst.


  1. Well done Lee to you and the BNP for protecting British children and their families from the forces of Islamic jihad. Or should that be a "tiny minoirty of extremists who misunderstand Islam and are not representing the Muslim community."

    But this isn't a surprise. What needs to made clear is the root cause of this: Muslims following the example of their perfect man for all time, the Islamic prophet Mohammed.

    This was a man who not only married a 6 year old and raped her when she was 9, he also regarded the women and children of his foes as "war booty", sharing them out to his men for their craven sexual gratification.

    It is happening all over the world but in Europe, France, Sweden and as your post shows, Britain, the rape of women and children is now an epidemic and unless it is tackled it will get worse and worse. The only way to stop this is to have zero tolerance of Islam in our land, there is no other way.

    This is Islam, and this is how Islam is wherever it goes.



  2. And today of all days I heard the following comment from a BBC reporter on the video on the attached link.
    "Most sex offenders are white"
    Now I can see his motivation for such a comment

  3. Well done Lee for your part in all this, but as expected no reports from idiot sites like LUAF. No-one will acknowledge these plain and simple facts....this is happening in our country EVERYONE WHO TURNS A BLIND EYE TO THIS SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES. LETS HOPE IT DOESNT HAPPEN TO ONE OF THEIR OWN. i WONDER IF IT WOULD BE A DIFFERENT STORY THEN?
    T.V& S.

  4. Would the town in question happen to be Rotherham? Simon Darby alluded to a news story about to break concerning this town in his blog yesterday. I've not seen or heard anything more about this.

    I find it astonishing how ostrich-like people can be when ignoring this problem. People simply don't want to hear that Muslims will naturally be more predisposed to this sort of activity because it was practised by the founder of their religion. What I always reiterate to friends is: if Mohammed is regarded as the finest exemplar of humanity by Muslims, given that he practised paedophilia, would it not logically follow that Muslims would see nothing wrong with this? As you can probably guess, all I have received from my friends is a torrent of indignant horrified verbal abuse based upon their ignorance of the central tenets of Islam and the degenerate character of its founder.

    Still, I don't blame them, as they are constantly drip-fed pro-Muslim propaganda by the BBC and Guardian, and with having full-time jobs and young kids to look after, they're too busy to spend their precious time reading about this wretched religion and its dogmas. I know that I must tell them the truth though, as I fear for the future of their young daughters. It is my duty to say that which must be said.

  5. Please don't use the term "Asian" as it tars law-abiding Sikhs and Hindus with the politically-correct brush.

    All and sundry know that this problem is one that emanates from the Muslim community (Pakistanis and Bangladeshis mainly at that).

    As a Sikh, I am not eligible to join the BNP. I can't say I agree with all of their policies either. Howver, I do agree with the vast majority of them. They are common sense and most law-abiding people in this country would like to see them implemented.

    I will be voting BNP in the June Euro elections!

  6. Great article Lee. If the media don't report this in more depth, then my god we are going to spread it so quick they wouldn't have enough time to slap a gag on us.

    Keep up the good work and keep telling the truth lee!


  7. I wouldn't want this to happen to anyone, but if it must happen please let the next victim be the daughter of a liblabcontrick MP,

  8. I really do hope that something is done about this. Are there no feminist groups in the UK that speak out? What a shame. One thing I cannot stand about such groups or any group on the left is that they are so quick to point out evils committed by "the evil white man" but crimes committed by minority men (against women and children especially) are hush hush. Sickening. I'm not saying this to stick up for white men or to imply that women don't commit crimes. But, attention needs to be given to those committing the bulk of crime. Changes won't be made if we continue to ignore.

  9. Good work all!

    However I doubt a "D" notice is involved. D stands for Defence and it would be difficult to spin this as a defence related matter.

    More likely the media has been asked to hold back to avoid compromising an ongoing police operation.

    But with the news plastered all over the internet I can see them holding back for long. The BBC will slavishly follow the government line, the Sun or the Daily Mail? It's meat and drink to them.

  10. ...... still waiting for official 'Press Conference' and the release of information.

    Perhaps the authorities haven't decided yet just how to 'media-manage' it.

    I suppose they are waiting arrest a few 'non-asians' so that they can issue the usual 'not a race issue' statement.

    But I will wait for the inevitable cover-up .......

  11. Credit where credit is due, Lee. Very good work.

    I shall put this article on my site and link to it here.

    Jack B.

  12. Any news coming out, or is being buried under "class d, dont upset muslims"


  13. I've found no corroboration of this story anywhere in the British or foreign press. It appears on some blogs which look as though they are related to yours but I couldn't even find any reference to it on Your own account is long on pointless racial and religious abuse but very short on detail. On what dates did these arrests occur? How many of those arrested were charged with offences? What offences? How many child victims were there and what had the suspects allegedly done to them?

  14. Are you a fucking idiot.

    Do you honestly think the media report these stories in a way to reveal to the public the truth - the media produce PROPAGANDA you dickhead not news.

    I have not been religious / racist against anyone - the people that did these crimes are animals as they rape children, not because they are muslims, pakistanis and asians.

    Read the update article above this one which gives the news story in the local paper and also read the latest article on my blog about more raids occuring today.

    I have been dealing with the families involved directly.

    Now grow up idiot and see the world as it is, not as the media wnat you to see it.
    You were given a brain to think for yourself, not to act like a fucking parrot and repeat the bullshit the media want you to know and believe.

  15. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my remarks.

    I do indeed think for myself. I don't take either the BBC's word or yours for anything that sounds improbable without looking for corroboration, if that's what you mean by thinking for yourself. I find the BBC news service is pretty good, so I trust it most of the time, their recent story about how eating 8 oz of grapefruit a day can kill you being a rare exception.

    I sought some corroboration of your story from sources unrelated to your own writings, and I couldn't find any, even on the BBC site. That was when I posted my comment. I still haven't found any corroboration, although that's hardly surprising because after the first two hours of drawing blanks I gave up searching.

    I don't live in the Rotherham area, so I have not witnessed the alleged offences nor seen the arrests take place. I have not met anyone whose friends and acquaintances were either molested or arrested. I looked in vain for this story on any serious news site which supports your politics (Daily Mail, Daily Express, for instance) and I didn't find them, so I conclude that your report may be a teeny weeny bit exaggerated. Why would the red top press not print such parts of this story as the D Notice allowed them to print? As stories in the red top papers go, this one would be rather good. It is not only salacious but it also implicates an entire underclass of dark skinned foreigners with smelly food, silly skull caps and squiggly writing in the most revolting of crimes. You would expect it to blossom into the headlines for several days at least.

    You may be right. The story may have been D Noticed in its entirety, but such things are rare in peace time. Sometimes, particularly in the case of kidnappings, the police request a news blackout so that the suspected criminals cannot discover the progress of the police enquiry by listening to it on the wireless. And there is no reason why the police should oblige the BNP by giving them the details of their operations in a press release. The justice must be seen to be done bit starts when the suspects arrive in court.

    In due course I imagine some of those arrested will be dealt with in court, and as the proceedings of the courts are open to the public, I will see them in the papers when the cases are opened.

    If you find, say, a story in Al Jazeera or the Wall Street Journal which tells the same story as you do, please post the link to it.

    May I also dare to suggest that you would do yourself a favour by growing up. You are not advancing your cause by descending into insults. I am not more inclined to believe what you say because you swear at me.

  16. Thanks you for exposing this story (it is about time someone did. For those of you who do not believe these sex crimes occur then please follow this recent link:

    It a bare face cheek that muslim men can have sex (underage also) with white girls but a white man - or non muslim can not date a muslim women. Another recent incident 6 muslim men gag raped a prostitute. Muslims are the biggest importer of heroine in the UK - 97% according to Tony Blair. This country have bent over backwards for these people enough is enough.

    Just in case you were wondering I'm a black man born in England whose parents is of Jamaican origin.
    I may not agree with the BNP policies but on this issue I'm behind the BNP 100%

  17. Its a known fact that most of the paedophiles in England and in the entire world are WHITE. WHITE. A simple search would confirm this.

    British nationalists often turn a HUGE blind eye on this issue. Hard working DECENT coloured people are often subjected to typical english racism everyday in the streets. Your the REAL animals here. Mass paedophilia, unbelievable racism from english youths, bestiality, slavery are just some of the shocking things to be created by the "great" white race.

    However, the few instances in which coloured men are paedophiles like this, should mean they should be locked away for a long long time. And btw, im indian but im not muslim!

  18. This is the easiest way to understand it.

    1 out of 100 of us maybe a Rapist, Pedophile. Murderer etc,for reasons that can only be described as completely abnormal,i.e. brain disorders, schizophrenia and so on. For 99 out of 100 of them it is normal because of their prehistoric unchangeable cultural norms and that's about how simple it gets.
    The odd one may have integrated into out cultural norms.


  19. The problem is muslims bring their daughters up to be pure, whilst whites bring their daughters to be whores. That IS the problem ! Learn some morals ! bring up your daughters properly !
