Tuesday 10 March 2009

Searchlight / Lancaster Unity = Collaborators and Apologists

I wonder if we will see this story appear on the Lancaster Unity or Searchlight site - dont hold your breath.

Searchlight = Zionist front group

Lancaster Unity = collaborators with soviet genocide

Most sickening of all though is the picture of the Queen with communist muerdering scum.

The Queen has shook the hand and dined with the most evil people in history from Tito, Mugabe to Idi Amin and the rest of the dictators of the 20th century. The Queen has even appointed Nelson Mandela to the Order of Merit, something which can only be done by her own personal invitation.

Yet we are supposed to respect the royal family whilst she has done nothing to stop the surrender of our nation to the EU and the inmmigration invasion.

The Queen and the entire royal family are a complete waste of time.

Better a Nationalist Republic than we bend our knee to the royals who collaborated and assisted our betrayers.

The Queen and the Church of England are both collaborators of the betrayal of our nation.


The Slovenian and Croatian delegations have laid a wreath at the entrance of the mine near Lasko, where a post-Second World War mass grave was discovered last week.
Croatian Deputy Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor told the Slovenian news agency, STA, that she was horrified by the sight of the victims in photographs.
The mass grave in eastern Slovenia is believed to hold up to 300 victims killed after the Second World War by the former communist regime, authorities confirmed.
Enlarge Remains of victims believed to have been killed after the Second World War, have been found in a mining shaft in Huda Jama, Slovenia.

The victims are believed to have been pro-Nazi soldiers killed by the former Yugoslavia's communist regime.

‘We’ve found the mummified remains of between 200 and 300 people,’ Marko Strovs, head of the government’s military graves department, told journalists.
He added that the victims ‘appeared to be killed with gas’ since there were no visible signs of wounds from firearms.

Investigators and historians on Tuesday removed concrete walls built after the Second World War to close off the Huda Jama cave near Lasko, some 90km east of the capital Ljubljana. They discovered the remains in the Barbara-rov (Barbara’s trench) section.

The investigation of the Huda Jama cave started last August as part of a long-running probe of more than 500 suspected mass graves throughout Slovenia.

Croatia's Deputy Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor (left) prays near the Huda Jama mining shaft where remains of 300 collaborators have been found
They are believed to contain the remains of pro-Nazi collaborators who sought to escape from the former Yugoslavia’s communist regime in 1945. Slovenia was part of Yugoslavia before becoming independent in 1991.

The identities of the victims in Huda Jama remain unclear. However, accounts from local residents indicate they were pro-Nazi collaborators from Slovenia or Croatia, said the head of the Slovenian Research Center for National Reconciliation, Andreja Valic.

‘Current information, based on oral testimony, indicates that the slain people could have been Slovenian or Croatian citizens,’ Valic told the STA.
State prosecutor Barbara Brezigar also visited the site and described seeing the remains as ‘horrible’.

The Queen pictured with Yugoslavian president Josip Tito, front left, in 1978 after hosting him at Buckingham Palace. Behind them stand Prime Minister Lord Cardiff and Prince Philip.

The grave is believed to contain bodies of people fleeing Tito's communist regime

‘It is one of the most shocking things you could see in your life,’ Brezigar told journalists.

She said any investigation into the crimes would be difficult since most of those responsible were probably dead.

Joze Balazic, of the Institute for Forensic Medicine, Ljubljana, who took part in the excavation of the mass grave, said that at the entrance piles of military shoes were found.

‘It seems that they [the victims] had to undress and take off their shoes before they were killed. We did not see any small-size or children’s shoes,’ Balazic told reporters, suggesting that most of the victims were soldiers.

Most of the bodies were found in a 15m-long and 2.5m-wide underground passage some 400m from the entrance to the cave.

Members of a forensics team stand outside the Barbara-rov mining shaft in Huda Jama, where they are documenting the gruesome discovery

He added that there are another two passages in the cave where more bodies could be found, but that these will only be investigated in a month’s time, after the first one is documented and a way through is opened.

Strovs explained the good condition in which the remains were found was because of the fact that the cave had been sealed with several walls of concrete separated by layers of barren soil.

‘At the end, we came to a long passage that was all in white. Soon we understood the white mass were the bodies that had been all covered with lime,’ Strovs said.

After initially refusing to comment on the discovery, Slovenian President Danilo Tuerk has strongly condemned ‘the crime’, adding: ‘as I condemn all executions during and after the (Second World) war’.

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1 comment:

  1. Isnt it interesting that we only find mass graves with victims of the post war red terror which engulfed Europe the most beautiful and civilised continent. Who would have guessed in 1913 that the next thirty years would have brought so much terror and destruction to Europe. Dont forget that Churchill and Roosevelt were enthusiastic supporters of the Red army, coveniently destroying whole cities with thousands of civilans and refugees such as Dresden to expedite their advance. Germans were evil according to Churchill and had to be destroyed.
    Last month they found another mass grave of 2000 German civilians in what was eastern Germany; Now part of Poland , the former 15 million Germans who lived here having been expelled.
    Of course the Germans committed dreadful massacres but they have left no mass graves behind.We are told that they murdered 3/4 million people with a diesel gas chamber at Treblinka, then buried them , then dug them up and burnt them. When ground radar was done at Treblinka they showed the soil had not been disturbed in the last 500 years. To prevent further embarassing forensic research certain groups have persuaded 11 western European countries to introduce laws which harshly punish such investigations; the so called "holocaust denial laws". I am sure one or two of the perpetrators of the Slovenian massacres are still alive but they will never be prosecuted unlike the wretched John Demyanyuk who at 90 years old will not be left in peace despite being found innocent of any crimes. You see the groups after him are highly motivated and are motivated by vengeance.
    As for the Queen well her whole family are to be frank a bit dim! I not sure in which generation this dumbing down occurred but they certainly havent the brains of Henry the VIII. Prince Andrew is embarassingly stupid and this was noted when he was in the Navy. Lets have a true republic with our President chosen by the people and let the queen retire to Bournemouth.
