Thursday 19 March 2009

Smash Celebrity Culture

In the time of Shakespeare the trade of actor was on equal par with a prostitute, yet today the actor is at the pinacle of our social pyramid - for no other reason than they are rich and famous or they espouse the same vapid liberal bullshit as the media.

The power of celebrity is farsical - the very fact that Bono whose sole talent is writing songs, is able to tell politicians how to run the global economy is insane. He is not an economist nor is he trained in macro-or micro-economic theories - he simply knows how to write songs with such fanastic lyrics as 'I am a mole, in a hole - elevation'.

The massive publicity given to the death of an actor / actress is not just pathetic it is a sign that our country is degenerate and debased.

What is the contribution to our society of these actors / actresses - they make their money in films protraying stereotyopes of the British and English that mock us, our way of life and that depict us criminals and evil.

Anyone who sells themself to Hollywood should be despised not respected, and despised as much as the prostitute that sells themself for heroin.

This week Colonel David Wood died.

No doubt most people will never have heard of him.

His death was not mentioned on the news.

Children will not have been taught about him at school.

The very fact that the death of an actress is headline news whilst the death of a hero is a byline on the back pages tells you all you need to know about how degenerate our society and how warped our values have become.

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  1. Perfectly put Lee, wholeheartedly agree.



  2. It's not only actors and singers who are the adored celebs.
    There have recently been miles of column inches and TV footage, publicising the imminent death of a Big Brother evictee, whose only claim to fame was calling a fellow (Indian) contestant a poppadum.
    Meanwhile, the Common Purpose sponsored MediaWatch ensures that the media toes the establishment line and does not report negatively about the turmoil in our society.

  3. Parasitical comes to mind

  4. I can see your point about giving war heroes more attention. But I don't necessarily think that covering the death of an actress proves an ill in society. I assume you are referring to the Richardson coverage. I think the frightening manner in which she died had a lot to do with the coverage rather than it being solely based on her "vocation."
