Sunday 1 March 2009

White Kids Fail = so what

Why are hundreds of millions of pounds a year being specially targeted at raising the educational standards of black kids when it is white kids who are failing at school ?

When the BNP are attacked for representing the views of white kids in our country, why is it those that represent the interests of black kids are not called racists ?

Ethnic minority pupils race ahead of poor white classmates in schools
Immigrant pupils are overtaking many white children at school because their families place more value on education, a key Government adviser has said.

By Julie Henry, Education Correspondent
Last Updated: 8:10AM GMT 01 Mar 2009

Ethnic minority pupils race ahead of poor white classmates in schools
Rapid progress was being made by children from Chinese, Bengali and Indian backgrounds, while white working-class boys, in particular, were struggling, according to Sir Mike Tomlinson, the former head of Ofsted.

In controversial comments which will raise questions about the focus of Government funding, Sir Mike said that white working-class parents failed to place the same value on education as their ethnic minority counterparts.

As a result, poor white children have low expectations of what they can achieve, leading to lack of effort and low results.

"We are seeing every ethnic group progress rapidly – Chinese, Bengali, Indian," said Sir Mike. "The results that are being achieved are higher and this has improved the numbers applying to university and entering professions such as medicine, veterinary science, law and accountancy.

"A very high value is placed on education among many ethnic groups, compared with white working-class families. There seems to be different value systems at work."

Sir Mike, now chief adviser on London schools, said that if parents could not support their children, schools had to raise their expectations.

"Raising aspiration is essential," he said. "It is difficult to tap in to parents and difficult to get to them as a group.

"We have got to try and get them involved but sometimes it is a losing battle. Which is why the school has to raise aspirations, if it is not coming from home."

The Government has poured millions of pounds in to tackling boys' underachievement, yet only 15 per cent of 16-year-old white boys who qualify for free school meals – an indicator of deprivation – leave schools with five GCSEs at grades A* to C, including maths and English.

The figure for black boys from similar backgrounds is 22 per cent and for children from Asian backgrounds, 29 per cent – still low but improving.

Some critics have argued that funding ringfenced for ethnic minority pupils should be redirected.

In a report last year, researchers from Manchester University identified a cycle of underachievement in white working-class families which was endemic in some areas.

The report, which focused on how some schools were bucking the trend, said that teachers had to abandon the mindset that poor white children were doomed to failure because of their background.

Head teachers who made a difference had high expectations and often came from poor backgrounds themselves.

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  1. Looking at the white population today and compairing it to how it was 50 years ago we see a big difference; dysgenesis in action. Those from the lowest IQ levels have been subsidised to reproduce frequently and in abundance. Often they are single parents and poor low IQ teenagers with mixed race children . All those traits in the white nation that we have always considered disadvantageous we have encoraged and subsidised for reproduction, ie the low IQ , the idle, the alcoholics, the drug abusers. No wonder this sub group of our nation are failing when they are up against poor chinese who despite their poverty have no intention of living off the state.
    Even twenty years ago it was rare to see fat slobs smoking and pushing their prams around, now ugliness abounds, subsidised by yours truly.
    As nationalists we need to think on this issue as well.

  2. "In a report last year, researchers from Manchester University identified a cycle of underachievement in white working-class families which was endemic in some areas."

    So, who do the white folks get to blame? No-one but themselves! And yet if black children are failing, guess what, it's the fault of the 'racist' system!

  3. A deliberately tipped playing field if ever you saw it. Results like this can only be obtained by deconstructing white pupil indentity.

    In any objective analysis, whites will always outperform blacks as a group academically and be on a par with Asians. When it comes to application, whites will invariably outstrip Asians, as the infrastructures of the UK and US show, before being swamped by "the worst of the heathen" Ezekiel 7:24, compared with those of India and China.

    These oriental nations have an uppercrust of advanced development (India has a space programme) but I would assert that the vast majority of the populations of these nations still live in conditions little better than those of the domesticated animals beside them. So much for oriental educational aptitude as a whole. Nobody emigrates to those parts of the globe, quite the reverse.

    But that is the aim of the NWO, degenerate the advanced white nations down to the level of their African and oriental counterparts. And the plan appears to ne working.

  4. No matter what race, sex, family, only those family, community and country who put education in higher priority are going to be thrive for long time. Parents should do their best on Family education.

  5. It appears that the problem is summed up below:

    "A very high value is placed on education among many ethnic groups, compared with white working-class families. There seems to be different value systems at work."

    The solution? Perhaps it is to get rid of the class based mentality.

  6. I wonder what LorMarie would be saying if her quote read:

    "A very high value is placed on education among many white people, compared with ethnic groups. There seems to be different value systems at work."

    I wonder if she would call that a racist statement? The solution? Perhaps it is to get rid of the lunatic-leftist mentality.
