Thursday 23 April 2009

GOTCHA - The One Party Media State

For a long time I have been saying that the role of the media is to ensure the political status quo and that the media control our political system through the use of their propaganda that gets parties elected and undermines the support of other parties in elections.

The two articles below come from two opposed ends of the media political spectrum - yet both newspapers have run the EXACT same story in both newspapers.

This is astounding. This reveals that the media is not a free, fair and independent media but that the media is a mechanism that works for the interests of its own political puppets.

The BNP threatens the working class vote of the Labour Party and the vote of the Tory right - so both the Daily Mail and The Guardian have to undermine the support for the BNP by attacking the BNP.

But for both newspapers to use the exact same article without changing a single word of the article - one which originates from the BBC - shows that both newspapers are operating to the exact same agenda and being directed by the exact same people who are 'seeding' news stories to the media.

It appears that somewhere a group organised by the government and using the BBC as its broadcasting wing is seeding stories in the media to attack the BNP, and the media both left and right are operating to the agenda of this organisation.

The next time someone says we live in a democracy - this reveals it is a lie ;

The British National Party chairman, Nick Griffin, spoke today of a "bloodless genocide" as he defended a party leaflet which says that black Britons and Asian Britons "do not exist".

The BNP leader was referring to the party's Language And Concepts Discipline Manual, which says the term used should be "racial foreigners".

In a BBC interview Griffin said to call such people British was a sort of "bloodless genocide" because it denied indigenous people their own identity.

The leaflet was leaked to an anti-fascist group and seen by the BBC.

Commenting on the leaflet's content, Griffin told The Report on Radio 4 that although "in civic terms they are British, British also has a meaning as an ethnic description".

"These people are 'black residents' of the UK etc, and are no more British than an Englishman living in Hong Kong is Chinese," he said.

"Collectively, foreign residents of other races should be referred to as 'racial foreigners', a non-pejorative term ... the key in such matters is above all to maintain necessary distinctions while avoiding provocation and insult."

The manual describes the BNP's "ultimate aim" as the "lawful, humane and voluntary repatriation of the resident foreigners of the UK".

"We don't subscribe to the politically correct fiction that just because they happen to be born in Britain, a Pakistani is a Briton. They're not. They remain of Pakistani stock," he added.

"You can't say that especially large numbers of people can come from the rest of the world and assume an English identity without denying the English their own identity, and I would say that's wrong.

"In a very subtle way, it's a sort of bloodless genocide."

Griffin is standing in the European parliament elections in June as a candidate for the north-west.

• The Report will be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 today at 8pm.

British National Party chairman Nick Griffin spoke today of a 'bloodless genocide' as he defended a party leaflet which says that black Britons and Asian Britons 'do not exist'.

The BNP leader was referring to the party's Language And Concepts Discipline Manual, which says the term used should be 'racial foreigners'.

Mr Griffin said to call such people British was a sort of 'bloodless genocide' because it denied indigenous people their own identity.

The leaflet was leaked to an anti-fascist group.

Commenting on the leaflet's content, Mr Griffin told The Report on Radio 4 that although 'in civic terms they are British, British also has a meaning as an ethnic description'.

'These people are 'black residents' of the UK etc, and are no more British than an Englishman living in Hong Kong is Chinese,' he said.

'Collectively, foreign residents of other races should be referred to as 'racial foreigners', a non-pejorative term... The key in such matters is above all to maintain necessary distinctions while avoiding provocation and insult.'

The manual describes the BNP's 'ultimate aim' as the 'lawful, humane and voluntary repatriation of the resident foreigners of the UK'.

'We don't subscribe to the politically correct fiction that just because they happen to be born in Britain, a Pakistani is a Briton. They're not. They remain of Pakistani stock,' he added.

'You can't say that especially large numbers of people can come from the rest of the world and assume an English identity without denying the English their own identity, and I would say that's wrong.

'In a very subtle way, it's a sort of bloodless genocide.'

Mr Griffin is standing in the European Parliament elections in June as a candidate for the North West.

The Report will be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 today at 8pm.

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  1. I would hazard a guess that the broadcast version will be sliced, diced and half-baked.

    Is there a copy of the full interview between Nick Griffin and the BBC available for download?

  2. Well said, Nick

    The terms black Briton and Asian Briton are as inconguous as white Indian and white African
