Friday 24 April 2009

Obama, The Taliban and WW3

Obama is the puppet of Israel and AIPAC.

Therefore his foreign policy is Israels foreign policy.

The first announcement that Obama made when he became president was that he would send thousands more US troops in to Afghanistan and then demanded the UK Zionist puppet Brown did the same.

The plan is now clear.

The 'surge' of troops into Afghanistan was not designed to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan - the aim of the recent massive troop deployments into Afghanistan was designed to drive the Taliban DEEPER INTO PAKISTAN.

It was obvious to everyone that deprived of ground in Afghanistan the Taliban would drive deeper into Pakistan.

First they took the Swat Valley with the blessing of Pakistan government and now they have a base in Pakistan they are now spreading deeper into Pakistan itself - and they are now less than 60 miles from Islamabada the capital city.

The Obama plan has always been this ;

1) Destabilise Pakistan

2) Force the Taliban into Pakistan to start a civil war in Pakistan

3) This civil war will then allow the US to enter Pakistan and secure Pakistans nuclear weapons

4) US troops will be parachuted into Pakistan to secure the military installations that hold the nuclear weapons and secure them or remove them

This plan is now becoming obvious.

The plan was never to defeat the Taliban - a bunch of well armed goat herders - the plan from the beginning was to secure Pakistans nuclear weapons.

The Taliban were always sponsored by the ISI and Pakistani army and by confronting the Islamists in Afghanistan this would cause chaos in Pakistan and allow the US to enter the country and take the nuclear weapons.

The fruits of this plan could be WW3 for if the Americans fail to secure the weapons then thousands of US troops may die in the attempt and leave the Taliban with the weapons in their hands.

Pakistan will be torn apart by civil war as the Pakistani nationalists wage war against the Islamists that want Pakistan to be another part of the global caliphate.

Yet again the Zionist agenda dominates US foreign policy and threatens world peace.

The war drums are already being beaten by Clinton and the Zionist media in the UK and US ;

Clinton says Pakistan poses 'mortal threat'

By Arshad Mohammed, Reuters

Thursday, 23 April 2009
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Pakistan's government has abdicated to the Taliban in agreeing to impose Islamic law in the Swat valley and the country now poses a "mortal threat" to the world, the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.

Surging violence across Pakistan and the spread of Taliban influence through its northwest are reviving concerns about the stability of the nuclear-armed country, an important US ally vital to efforts to stabilize neighboring Afghanistan.

US President Barack Obama, who on March 27 unveiled a new strategy that seeks to crush al-Qa'ida and Taliban militants in Afghanistan and those operating from across the border in Pakistan, meets the presidents of both countries May 6-7.

The talks illustrate US anxiety that Afghanistan could again become a haven for al-Qa'ida militants to launch foreign attacks more than seven years after US-led forces toppled the Afghan Taliban regime that sheltered the Sept. 11 attackers.

Speaking to US lawmakers, Clinton said the Pakistani government had to provide basic services to its people or risk seeing the Taliban, and other extremists, fill the vacuum.

Under pressure from conservatives, Zardari earlier this month signed a regulation imposing Islamic law in Swat, a northwestern valley once one of Pakistan's most popular tourist destinations.

Asked about the matter, Clinton bluntly replied: "I think that the Pakistani government is basically abdicating to the Taliban and to the extremists."

Speaking before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Clinton said, ominously, that the situation in Pakistan "poses a mortal threat to the security and safety of our country and the world."

Swat was a major tourist spot until 2007, when militants infiltrated the valley from strongholds on the Afghan border to the west in support of a radical cleric.

After inconclusive military offensives and a failed peace agreement, Pakistani authorities accepted an Islamist demand for sharia, or Islamic law, in February.

Teresita Schaffer, a former US diplomat who served in Pakistan and now heads the South Asia program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank in Washington, said many analysts share Clinton's assessment.

"There is deep concern in the US government, and elsewhere in this country, about the implications of the deal in Swat," Schaffer said. "It represents a cession of state authority to people who have been slitting the throats of policemen in the public square."

Schaffer said she did not believe Clinton viewed the Pakistani state itself as a mortal threat.

Rather, she said Clinton may have been suggesting that events in the country, where militants are believed to have plotted foreign attacks and set off a series of domestic suicide bombings in the last month, threaten other nations.

The White House says the May 6-7 talks between Obama, Karzai and Zardari will include a three-way meeting. The talks represent the US president's effort to ease tensions and forge more cooperation between the two countries.

Kabul has accused Islamabad of not doing enough to stop militants crossing the border to launch attacks in Afghanistan. However, ties have improved under Zardari, whose country is facing its own Islamist insurgency.

Obama has authorized the deployment of 21,000 additional US troops and hundreds of new diplomatic and other civilian officials to Afghanistan to try to quell the Taliban insurgency in the south and the east of that country.

A senior US commander said US and NATO forces were close to achieving "irreversible momentum" in their battle with insurgents in eastern Afghanistan, saying this was partly due to an influx of some 4,000 US troops to the area this year.

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