Friday 10 July 2009

The New Chosen Elites

The article below reveals just how corrupt our country has become under the New Labour Fascist Junta.

The first story reveals how our politicised police force has been ordered by the ACPO gangsters and the government to impose a Two Tier Justice system in our country - where there is one rule for muslims and one rule for non-muslims.

Note that the article comes just a week or so after the newspapers reported that the CPS have issued instructions to prosecute BNP leaflets even when they know that they will lose the case and regardless of how many millions are spent on these political prosecutions.

Therefore we can see that the justice system has now become an adjunct of the Labour Party.

The Labour party needs the corporate media to vote them into power - therefore it tells the police to hide cases of the Murdoch owned press illegally hacking into people telephone accounts as it needs The Sun newspaper to keep it in power.

At the same time we see that Muslims, who the Labour party need to keep them in power as the Muslim block vote is the basis of many of their MP's primary voting base, are being given a 'Get out of Jail card' at the same time as the murdoch press are protected by the police and the CPS from prosecution.

Therefore we have a politicised police force working with a politicised CPS BOTH OF WHOM ARE WORKING SIMPLY TO KEEP THE LABOUR GOVERNMENT IN POWER.

So much for us living in a democracy.

Police will be told not to charge Islamist extremists who are in the “grey area” of criminality in an attempt to stop them becoming radicalised further.

New guidance will instruct forces to avoid prosecution in cases where it is a borderline decision as to whether a suspect has committed a crime.

Examples could include allegations of incitement or the viewing of extremist material on the internet.

Government officials insisted there was no question of letting off those who committed clear offences. They said the policy would help ensure marginal offenders were diverted away from further extremism by keeping them out of the criminal justice system.

One concern is that those sent to jail risk being further radicalised by terrorist convicts. Officials also want to avoid alienating those facing court over minor allegations who could be persuaded away from extremism.

Critics who accuse the Government of excessively using its anti-terrorist powers are likely to welcome the strategy. A senior Whitehall official said it was being prepared as part of a drive to use persuasion rather than the criminal justice system to fight extremism.

“The aim is to stop people being dragged into extremism. We are not talking about letting someone off who has committed a clear offence, but there is a grey area where it is unclear if an offence has been committed,” he said.

“For instance, where there has been incitement or someone has been on the internet there can be a grey area where there is some discretion and it would be more sensible to avoid going down the criminal route.”

The guidance is being drawn up by the Government's policing counter-terrorism board and will be sent to major police forces, including the Met, later this year.

An updated Home Office counter-terrorism strategy earlier this year said preventative measures to win round potential extremists should be considered instead of arrest and prosecution. “We need to be able to provide support for individuals who are drawn into criminal activity,” the document said.

Councils, community groups and the Government's youth justice board will be asked to help identify those drawn into extremism or at risk. Staff in areas such as social services, health, housing and education will try to work with individuals to cut the likelihood of their becoming further radicalised.

The initiative builds on the Home Office's 2007 Channel Project, under which police, teachers and youth workers seek to identify children vulnerable to extremism.

How troop protesters would be affected

Today's new strategy will make it less likely that charges will be brought against Islamist radicals taking part in protests such as the anti-troop demonstration in Luton earlier this year.

There was public anger after a group of about 15 gathered at the 2nd Battalion, Royal Anglian Regiment's Iraq homecoming parade on 10 March. They carried placards calling the troops “butchers” and “animals”.

There were no arrests for incitement. An 18-year-old, who was opposed to the protest, was charged with racially-aggravated harassment — but police dropped the inquiry. Tarique Ghaffur, formerly Britain's most senior Muslim police officer, called for the demonstrators to be brought to justice and wrote to the chief constable of Bedfordshire to demand a “robust” investigation.

Under the new strategy they would be even less likely to face charges. Although officials insist those guilty of a clear offence — such as urging another to carry out a terrorist act — will be prosecuted, police will be asked to avoid action where the link between words and possible violent consequences is less certain.

They say dragging borderline offenders through the courts, and risking the possibility of them being jailed, could backfire by fuelling their extremism and by fostering resentment against Britain in their communities.

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  1. The telling part is the silence of the Conservatives, lib dems, and media who are also in the Treason game, to hand us over to the EU, they need to keep power long enough to complete the mission, and to do so they need to keep muslims on side, a side effect is they are letting Islam dictate and take over.

  2. When the hell did searchlight become a third party. l've always thought it should be illgel for searchlight to get involed in politics since they don't even stand for election.There interferning in the democratic process

    Searchlight Information Services Ltd (which campaigns under the name HOPE not hate) is a recognised third party under UK electoral legislation and is subject to legal controls over who can make donations for the purpose of producing election material for the European Parliamentary election and the general election. I understand that if I am an individual donating more than £200 my details will be checked to ensure I am registered on a UK electoral register (this applies to overseas residents as well as UK residents). If I donate more than £5,000 in the course of a calendar year, I understand that my name and the amount of the donation will be reported to the Electoral Commission for publication on its public register of donations to Searchlight Information Services Ltd.
    UK companies, trade unions and certain other organisations may make donations to Searchlight Information Services Ltd. If a permitted donor that is an organisation donates more than £200, checks will be made to ensure the organisation is actively based in the UK and, in some instances, complies with certain other conditions. If an organisation donates more than £5,000 in the course of a calendar year, its name and the amount of the donation will be reported to the Electoral Commission for publication on its public register of donations to Searchlight Information Services Ltd.

    surely trade unions donate more than 200 quid to them at a time ? blue state digital . Charge 10k a week.Searchlies dole scougers and pre teen lefties don't donate 10k a week. So surely all there funding must show up on the accounts then it must come from big trade unions ? it stinks
