Thursday 20 August 2009

Lucy James Thesis on the BNP

I have just read Lucy James thesis on the BNP.

Basically it can be boiled down to the two following statements ;

1) Anything to do with Islam and Muslims = the source of all learning and goodness in the universe

2) BNP and Nick Griffin = The Empire and Darth Vader

Its like a childs fairy tale with the BNP as the big bad wolf.

My favourite bit though was this unintentionally hilarious statement ;

" Moreover, Muslims have been a part of the original fabric of Europe for many centuries. In Eastern Europe, particularly, places like Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Kosovo and Albania have seen significant Muslim communities living there
since the Ottoman expansion into the Balkans in the fourteenth century ".

Thanks for clarifying that point Lucy.

Seeing as you were born in about 1990, you probably dont remember the Balkan Wars do you dearie.

The problem is that in Kosovo, Albania and other Muslim enclaves today in the Balkans there are virtually no longer any NON-Muslims living there, and the few that do are living in fear from terrorists and criminals.

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  1. Europe was only Muslim due to Islamic imperialism, conquest and genocide of Europeans which was only halted thanks to men with balls, ie Charles Martel and his victorious band of brothers.

  2. It's pure fantasy, these people aren't interested in reality. As you said Lee they construct the bizarre world and then set about bending the laws of reality in order to make it conform. It's actually mental illness - what's the difference between a guy in a mental hospital who believes when he speaks on the phone MI5 are listening in? There is no difference, each have constructed their "reality tunnel" and then they set about contorting reality in order to prove their delusion.

    This seems a fundamental difference between people in the BNP and the left, you can talk to people in the BNP and they talk about reality, as unpleasant as it can be, but the left cannot accept reality and instead try to manipulate, distort, misrepresent and when that fails use physical force in order to maintain their belief structure. The weakest positions require the greatest levels of energy to maintain, truth sits in easy harmony and equilibrium, this is the what the left can't get their heads around, the fact that despite the vast ranks of the establishment, media and brain-dead goons leveled against the BNP still we prevail... that's because we represent truth, and they represent mental sickness, lies and evil.

  3. As you mention this part is indeed complete bollocks:

    "Moreover, Muslims have been a part of the original fabric of Europe for many centuries. In Eastern Europe, particularly, places like Bosnia-Herzegovina,
    Kosovo and Albania have seen significant Muslim communities living there
    since the Ottoman expansion into the Balkans in the fourteenth century ".

    She seems to completely disregard the Serbs battles against the Muslim invaders, which of themselves are no small part of the history of the area she is mentioning. These people are totally fucked.

  4. We are about to have a new brainwashing programme akin to superman on TV.
    The twist will be_ An islamic superheroes.
    Get this!
    To INSTIL in Christians-Jews-Athiests and target audience CHILDREN..Real islamic values.
    Here's an excellent book to remind folk what these values are.

    Here we learn of the religiously sanctioned forced conversions, daily humiliations, massacres, oppression, inequitable taxation, and the like, which eventually led to the near disappearance of the extensive Christian and Jewish communities which had flourished throughout the Near East and North Africa prior to the advent of Islam.

    As "dhimmi" (people of the contract) Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians and others of the accepted religions had no rights of citizenship within a Muslim state. As "protected peoples" they had no right to self-defense. They were at best tolerated and at all times living without security - subject to the law but not protected by it.

    We certainly need to know- but the truth not falsehood.
    TV Show is made by BIG BROTHER Makers!!

  5. Does this woman writ fairy stories for a living?
