Thursday 10 September 2009

Tories funded by Chinese Heroin Smuggler

The Tories - the party of conctration camps, genocidal gas attacks and funded by arms dealers and chinese heroin smugglers.

Senior Tories `made a deal' with Chinese heroin trafficker

Steve Boggan and Anthony Bevins

Wednesday, 21 January 1998
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The Conservative Party came under increasing pressure last night to hand back the pounds 1m donation it accepted from a heroin smuggler. Steve Boggan and Anthony Bevins look at fresh details of an alleged deal made with the Tories.

The family of Ma Sik-chun, the heroin smuggler who gave pounds 1m to the Tory Party, yesterday claimed that three senior Conservatives knew that the money was given in return for "certain commitments".

In a letter to the party asking for the money back, Ma's son, Ma Ching- kwan, said former treasurers Lord Hambro and Lord Harris and the former Cabinet minister David Mellor were told the donation came with strings attached.

Mr Mellor, who was hired by the family's newspaper company as a consultant, firmly rejected the claims, while the lords declined to comment. Meanwhile, William Hague, the Tory leader, promised to return the cash if it was found to have come from an "illegal" source. The party's policy is never to accept donations with attached conditions.

In the House of Commons, the Labour MP Dennis Skinner said Ma Ching-Kwan "comes from a family of recognised heroin-dealers in Hong Kong," and said the pounds 1m should be given to charity.

"They [the Mas] did it because they wanted the father who had escaped to Taiwan to be brought back to Hong Kong," he said. "They used the offices of David Mellor and of Chris Patten. They handed over the money in the presence of the last prime minister."

It is understood the Ma family hoped the donation might smooth the return to Hong Kong of Ma senior, 59, who has been living as a fugitive in Taiwan since 1978. He jumped bail after being accused of involvement in one of South-east Asia's biggest heroin and opium rackets

The family sparked the latest funding row on Monday when it published details of the pounds 1m donation in its Hong Kong-based Oriental Daily News. It reproduced a Conservative Party receipt - numbered A10885, dated 29.6.94 - for the donation, accompanied by a picture of Mr Ma junior, CK Ma, with John Major at a Downing Street dinner. It also claimed that the party knew the money came from Ma senior, the fugitive.

In yesterday's edition, it reproduced a letter to Sir Brian Mawhinney, then the party chairman, dated 1 April 1997, CK Ma wrote that his family had been a "frequent and major" contributor but that he was "concerned that one of these contributions for pounds 1,000,000 was made with certain commitments that, with a general election only a few weeks away, and with the uncertainties that the outcome ... there appears to have been no satisfactory outcome to the explicit expectations of my family...

"Various conversations regarding my family's expectations in supporting you party at a difficult time in its history took place with Lord Hambro, Sir Phillip Harris, Rt Hon David Mellor and other senior parliamentary members of your party and there is no doubt in my mind that the expectations of my family were clearly understood by all concerned."

Mr Mellor issued a brief statement saying: "My dealings with the Oriental Press Group [the Ma family's publicly-quoted company] were entirely proper and I would strongly resent any suggestion to the contrary."

Mr Hague said he had blocked all further overseas donations when he had taken over from John Major, and he added: "We would not accept money from illegal sources. If ever that turned out not to be the case ... then of course the money in question would be returned."

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  1. OT. Lee can you please do a post kicking the shit out of Peter Hitchens... I need to vent my spleen and the Mail are not allowing my comments...

    Peter Hitchens Blog - Putting Nick Griffin on Question Time

  2. Nothing ever shocks me no more. For centuries we the working class of these isles have been indebted to the state; some paid their penance, some were 'exported', many were hanged. Today they are more devious not less. Now they try to drive us despair and misery and then have the cheek to tell us to admire their achievements and learn from their mistakes... the cheek of it all.


    That's 170,000,000,000 - and is there anyone who can't see that this is the reason we're broke.

    A4e is a back-to-work training company whose client is; The Government. So God knows how many others are out there.

    It's like a money-go-merry-around but none of us plebs are aloud near it, let alone on it!
