Sunday 4 October 2009

Labour Paedophile Protector Appointed to OFSTED

The Islington paedophile scandal should have led to the death of the Labour Party, instead the scandal was hushed up and the guilty scum protected by Margaret Hodge and the labour party itself.

The scum have never been prosecuted even though hundreds of kids were raped by homosexual paedophiles, the labour elite, whilst in care.

The day the BNP get into government the inquiry, then prosecutions then hangings of the pederasts and their protectors will begin.

The Government’s childcare watchdog has been heavily criticised after appointing to a senior post an official embroiled in a notorious paedophile scandal.

Ofsted has named John Goldup as its social care director – a job which gives him effective control of the protection of youngsters in care homes and nurseries across the UK.

At the time of his appointment, Mr Goldup said: ‘I am absolutely convinced that effective inspection and regulation are the key to driving up improvement.’
But during the Eighties and early Nineties, Mr Goldup was the second most senior figure in the children’s department at Islington Council in North London.

The council was savaged in a series of official reports after whistleblowers revealed how a child sex ring had operated throughout the borough’s care homes for a number of years.

An independent inquiry headed by Ian White – then director of social services in Oxfordshire – found that the council was in a ‘deplorable state’.

The report added: ‘Line managers should have visited children’s homes, should have taken necessary action, should have spoken to children and ... should have responded to allegations as serious as the ones made and now investigated.’

Mr Goldup had left his post by the middle of 1994 and has spent the past 15 years with another London borough, most recently in charge of services for the elderly and disabled.
In 1992, the council was asked by police investigating the abuse allegations for paperwork relating to Nick Rabet, who helped run one of the homes. He was later exposed as a key organiser of the sex ring.

Despite the existence of a number of documents raising concerns about him, in particular his unhealthy relationship with a 13-year-old boy, Rabet’s file had mysteriously disappeared.

At the same time, four staff who had raised concerns about the 58-year-old and other suspected paedophiles working in Islington’s homes were sacked, demoted or threatened.

Rabet killed himself in Thailand three years ago while awaiting trial there for child abuse. He was charged with molesting 30 underage boys and was believed to have abused up to 300 more.

Detective Chief Superintendent Kevin Moore, of Sussex Police, which investigated Rabet, said Islington actively thwarted attempts in the early Nineties to bring Rabet and his cohorts to justice.

He said: ‘If we’d had the usual co-operation that you expect and deserve from other agencies, it’s a very strong likelihood we would have got a conviction.

‘Clearly, if you don’t get that co-operation – and in this case we didn’t – you cannot get a case to put before the court, and justice was denied.

‘We are all in a position of trust and of trusting each other to do what’s right, but in this case that trust was abused.’

When it was founded, Ofsted was responsible largely for school inspections. But in 2007, its remit was significantly extended to cover children’s social care and support services.

A spokesman for Ofsted said: ‘John Goldup has a long and distinguished track record in delivering care services, most recently leading Tower Hamlets to an outstanding rating for its adult services for five years in a row.

‘There is nothing to question John Goldup’s integrity or his ability to fully and professionally carry out his role at Ofsted, a role he was appointed to following a fully independent and robust recruitment process.

‘The panel were fully aware of every aspect of his employment history throughout this process.
‘While allegations relating to Islington are ultimately a matter for the council, we are confident there is nothing to support suggestions that he acted, then or at any other time, in anything other than a professional manner.

‘Ofsted has full confidence in John in his vital new role as director of social care development.’

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  2. I except nothing less from a filthy Liberal socialist Marxist scum council

    but the same liberal pervert fascists teach our very young about gay sex, abortion and masturbation and hound decent BNP supporters who are teachers from their livelihoods

    diseased scum

  3. You would even beleive this is such a scandle under a Labour run Council, it is a rare Isolated incident; it is not.
    Do you remember "Neat farm" in Wales was undercovered about 10 years ago, where umteen social workers ,including Labour Councillors were prosecuted for raping little boys in their care, well my Brother was one of them. I only found out 10 years ago, he kept it secret from all of us for 20 fucking years and worst of all in all abuse cases, the victims blame their selves.
    Two of the inocent's hung them selves, some have spent a life time in and out of prison, like my Brother and some have spent a life time abusing them selves with hard drugs and alcohol.
    I have a lot to be angry about and it all evolves around the "Labour run Authorities", they are our eternal enemy.


