Thursday 1 October 2009

Our Sick Society Revealed

Whilst the political elite get pissed and dance, our disabled soldiers are abused in the streets.

Image 1 - After a hard day at the Labour Party conference, Keith Vaz MP likes nothing more than to let his hair down.

The Leicestershire East MP is pictured getting into the spirit of things with two belly-dancers at last night's diversity fringe party.

Mr Vaz, who hosted the event, showed he wasn't afraid to have a go himself as two glamorous dancers pulled him up on to the stage.

Image 2 - A SERIOUSLY wounded soldier who lost three limbs while serving his country in Afghanistan has been mocked over his horrific injuries — on the streets of Britain.

Callous yobs abused brave Sapper Matthew Weston who lost both legs and his right arm as well as most of his hearing after he stepped on a bomb while on patrol in Helmland Province in June.

Sick thugs directed vile jibes at 20-year-old Matthew during family outings into Birmingham while he was being treated at the city's Selly Oak hospital.

Outraged mum Rena said from her home in Taunton, Somerset: "When we took him out people said things like 'haven't you forgotten something? Oh yeah, your legs'.

"One shouted at him 'If you didn't want to be blown up don't go to war'. It's disgusting."

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1 comment:

  1. The CONservatives are no better, they were seen quaffing Champagne at their Conference after George Osborne had said that "we were all in it together", i can't believe people still actually vote for these parties.....Donna
