Wednesday 18 November 2009

South Africa - Racist State

Policewoman would have been promoted if black Comments
November 18, 2009

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Captain Renate Barnard would have been appointed superintendent had she been a black woman, the Labour Court in Johannesburg heard on Wednesday.

"Had she been a black female she would have been appointed because she would have advanced representivity... she was the best candidate," said Abraham Johannes Burgers, former head of the police's interview and selection panel.

On Tuesday he told the court Barnard's appointment would have also boosted morale within the police's national inspectorate division. Her subordinates would have served the public diligently in the hope of being promoted themselves.

"Those below her would have worked harder, seeing that there was room for improvement within the department," said Burger.

He had twice recommended Barnard for the superintendent position in 2005, and again in 2006, because "she was competent".

"I recommended that she be appointed. There was a vast difference between her and two other candidates and also because of her competence."

Following evaluations by the interview panel and a recommendation by Burger, former national police commissioner Jackie Selebi decided not to appoint anyone. Selebi felt Barnard would not advance the police's employment equity goals.

Barnard, an officer with 20 years' experience, was stationed in a unit dealing with public grievances at the time. The complaints she dealt with were mainly from members of the public who felt investigating officers were not giving their cases attention.

Advocate William Mokhare was expected to continue cross-examining Burger after the tea break. - Sapa

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1 comment:

  1. This is what the likes of Hain and co want to bring about in Britain, pending Harmans' "Equality" Bill.
