Sunday 27 December 2009

The French Rise Up

When governments do not listen to the people, then the people will rise up against the government.

This is not a crime, this is an act of National Liberation.

Arsonists attack 'new Sangatte' centre in Calais

Arsonists in France have attacked a new Sangatte-style welcome centre which was due to open for UK-bound migrants in Calais this week.

By Peter Allen in Paris
Published: 3:47PM GMT 27 Dec 2009

They set fire to prefabricated units which were due to house showers at the controversial structure close to the town's ferry port.

"A great deal of damage was done,' said a Calais police spokesman. "One of two structures earmarked for use as a shower block was badly damaged by fire. It was due to be part of a unit containing lavatories and bathrooms.

"We have launched an inquiry into this act of vandalism and arson. Our fear is that local people opposed to the setting up of the new centre may be responsible."

Earlier this month French administrative judges approved the opening of the new centre next to an industrial estate.

It was immediately described as "Sangatte II" after the former Red Cross centre which attracted thousands of illegal migrants before it was razed to the ground in 2002.

The new centre is just a few hunded yards from the site of the notorious "Jungle", a shanty town in woodland which was populated mainly by Afghan migrants before it was dismantled by the authorities in September.

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