Friday 4 December 2009

UKIP Supported By Zionist Porn Baron

Image - Ertcha cowson, I peddle porn dont I. Wanna see some big tits in me paper The Daily Express ? Ertcha cowson, I also peddle war bullshit for Blair.

Lord Pearson of UKIP has just had an article published in Zionist rag, The Daily Express.

What a surprise.

UKIP, a US backed Zionist front group, are being supported by the Zionist porn peddler Richard Desmond whose paper published bogus propaganda about WMD and Al Qaeda in order to get the public backing for Tony Blair to illegally invade Iraq.

What did I tell you.

UKIP are a Zionist joke, run by the British Zionist Network of media porn barons and Thatcherite Neo-Conservatives like Lord Pearson.

A vote for UKIP is a vote for Zionism.

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  1. Most of the girls are painted orange to please his sick demented head into assuming they were Jewish girls since its rare to find decent looking Jewish girls.

    Artificial tanning for white girls whether by paint or foundations should be banned just as people do not tolerate white people blackening their faces.

    Racism in media and pop culture of this type should be recognised as offensive and condemned world-wide.

  2. UKIP are a Zionist organisation?

    Backed by the media?

    Are you having a laugh?

  3. This is for the purpose of understanding the barely whispered and often unspoken nature of Zionism…..
    It is transcribed from page 419 of a book by Max Dimont entitled The Indestructible Jews, where Max gives his opinion on the destiny of Western civilisation and by inference the UK and Europe.
    Max is or was a Zionist.
    “According to the author:
    The diasporisation of man into one world, and a synthesis of the Western, Slavic and Sinic civilisations into one universal culture having the ethics of the Torah for its moral foundation and Jerusalem as its spiritual centre..”
    It should now be clearly evident to all afraid of being labelled “Anti-Semites” that you will inevitably be smeared as such for the simple fact that in attempting to preserve your own culture outside the context of what has been ordained above, you act counter to the will of the Zionists who seek and require your diasporisation then subjugation.
    The Anti-Fa are often Zionists who work for the Zionist diasporisation through “Multiculturalism”.
    To kneel as a diasporised Noachide is an act of shameful deference deserving of euthanasia.
    Do not be defined by a political construct as they do in labelling you “Nazis” if you seek self assertion. You are Anglo-Saxons and Celts and you answer only to yourselves, your future and your ancestral heritage.
    They did not fight Two Wars and More for this.
