Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Common Purpose and the Paedophiles

Common Purpose trained James (Jamie) Rennie Paedophile previously with Scottish LGBT. (09/07/2009)

Sky News article reports on James Rennie and Scottish paedophile gang. Rennie was a Common Purpose graduate. Synopsis: "On the surface, Neil Strachan and James Rennie held down good jobs and were trusted members of the community. But the pair, both from Edinburgh, had a shared interest in youngboys and had collected some of the worst child abuse images ever seen by police experts. They were also responsible for the abuse of very young children - one as young as three months old. Strachan, 41, also hid a dark past, in which he was jailed for three years for molesting a young boy."

It is assumed that Common Purpose was unaware of Rennies' perversions. However he would have been selected by the local CP Advisory Board away from the eyes of the general public, under Chatham House rules. It is alleged that the Advisory Board that selected him included a senior Police Officer. A detached third party observer might well consider that Common Purpose's operation in secret, network of undeclared graduates, and proximity to school children and teenagers provides an attractive environment for men such as Rennie. Rennie is listed under JAMIE RENNIE on the graduate section of this site. Remember different individuals can have the same first and surnames.

CP trained West Midlands Fire Service Chief resigns after child porn arrest (09/07/2009)
West Midlands

West Midlands Fire Service chief Frank Sheehan resigns after child porn arrest. Cpexposed note: He took the Common Purpose 20:20 course in 1998. 20:20 is a five-day residential programme. This high-level programme is held just twice a year. The 20:20 week includes days in both London and Brussels visiting key institutions in the cities and examining how they operate and who holds power. For those interested in NLP, practitioners PPD Learning Ltd boast West Midlands Fire Service as one of their clients.

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1 comment:

  1. Another link between homosexuals and paedophilia. This is an area that needs to be researched more thoroughly but probably is not allowed as the liberal university types won't dare go there. It appears there are just as many if not more homosexual paedophiles i.e. men who go after young boys rather than young girls, yet they're never described as homosexual paedophiles. The liberals pretend the homosexual aspect of the paedophilia is not important but it clearly is more prevalent than the % of homosexuals who lives in society.
