Sunday 21 February 2010

EDL Leaders Arrested

Blow up British troops in Britain and Northern Ireland and you get to be invited to Parliament if you are in the IRA and to sit as a 'politician' in Northern Ireland.

If you are an Islamist terrorist held in Guantanamo Bay then Amnesty will pay you to sit on their policy board and the liberal media will love you.

If you are an supporter of Islamist politics, then Britain will give you asylum and allow you to organise Islamist terrorism around the world.

If you are Englishman and organise lawful demonstrations in Britain, then Gordon Browns Fascist ACPO pigs will order their police troops to arrest you.

First they came for the Nationalists in the EDL, and you remained silent.

Guess who is next on the ACPO pigs arrest list ?

Official Statement Regarding

The Arrest Of The EDL Leadership Team

On Saturday 20th February 2010 Members of the leadership team of the English Defence League were arrested as they traveled to Scotland to support the Scottish Defence League demonstration.

While in custody the team members homes and families homes were raided by police armed with automatic machine guns which terrified the leaderships family which included small children and other older family members. Computer equipment was seized during the 3 hour raid.

Leadership team members were banned from attending any meeting with more than 3 edl members then bailed to return to a police station in Sheffield in the near future.

We are asking every member of the EDL to be available to protest outside the police station when the team has to answer bail. (date to be confirmed).

We need to get the message across that we will not be silenced by being bullied by the authorities and our struggle against muslim extremism will continue.

We have agreed to cancel the Bradford demo as a small concession but will be announcing further protests as a result of the disgraceful treatment of our leadership team.

This is a call to mobilization.

We need every single person who supports the EDL to stand up and be counted and when required we need you to take to the streets in a peaceful and law abiding manner to support our leadership. More details will be released regarding demonstrations in the very near future.

If any EDL Members are arrested by the police please let EDL Media know as soon as possible as we are forming a group action and will be making an official complaint to the authorities in the near future.

Thank you in advance for your support.
A video statement will be released within 24 hours of this notice.

Released on Sunday February 21st @ 13.21

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  1. Who snitched on them?
    Their Zionist controllers or their UAF infiltrators?
    I wonder how the EDL members would feel if they discovered this to be the case?

  2. If they were a zionist front group, then why arrest them ?

    If they were a group out to undermine the BNP, why stop them ?

    It appears that the EDL are now regarded as a threat by the system, which is why they are being targeted.

    The recent story about suicide bombers targeting the EDL was a way for the state to try and scare people off from attending demo's.

    The raid was a co-ordinated one - first they are arrested and held the leaders in Scotland and then their homes were raided in England at the same time - that means this was an ACPO operation run by the government.

    Therefore it appears that the EDL were not Zionists, or if they were then the state is turning against the Zionists.

    The prosecution of Gert Wilders, the most pro-Zionist politician in Europe, proves that European politics is not dominated by Zionism - but that the real power over our nations still lies with the inner traitors of our own race who control politics and the law.

    That also includes Britain, as proved by the arrest of the EDL leaders.

    Of course they have been infiltrated, there will be BBC undercover reporters, special branch undercover agents, searchlight agents all through the EDL - but the state still seems as a threat.

  3. Thanks for this Lee.

    It does indeed seem the EDL are seriously bothering the establishment, but this fascist action by the police will only harden their resolve - perhaps also it might wake up some of the leadership of the EDL who think that the establishment and media can be won over by attacking the BNP and other inane statements.

    The fact is that if you oppose Islamification you are a target for the establishment. Islam is the most protected, most sacred and worshiped creed of the establishment.

  4. Lee,

    There are some issues as you point above that are conflicting, but dont worry your self about it for to long, cos we all be in the Goulag by the end of next year at the latest.
    I cant wait to be honest, im in training for it,then the fun will really begin.
    whos the fkn Daddy now ;o)

    Anyways, where the red pill gone ??

  5. the problem is lee, the BNP on demos act in a peaceful, lawful manner. the EDL on the other hand did act in a violent manner, a the youtube videos proved.

    the leaders will be charged with incitement to racial and religious hatred. plus the cops will now be rummaging through the hard drives linking as many people as they can to charge.

    people should just vote BNP, join peaceful BNP marches or demos and not get involved in street armies who have ulterior motives.

  6. off-topic

    update on the old man who defended himself on the bus, good news, his attacker had broke his parole and is now back inside, for 10 years!!!

    the attacker and his crew were even charged for criminal theft for stealing the guys bag.

  7. Thinking more on this, and call me a cynical old bastard, but this action by the stasi-police could be that the EDL have actually become a real threat, as opposed to their original purpose of a being a honey-trap.

    I think that the EDL have become a real factor and the establishment have acted. Why now? Because they have got serious.

    Just my two-penneth.

  8. EDL a clasic state op21 February 2010 at 19:56

    Lee the EDL is a state op, as is UKIP.

    Their goal is clear, draw support away from the BNP in a controled manner.

    Some of the people arrested may not have been with the game or the arrests were just cover for the state opperatives.

    If the EDL really wanted to oppose what they claim to, they simply had to join or follow the BNP.

    Easy as that!

    Everything else is small details.

    To defend the EDL is insanity, especially for the BNP.

    Labour and the conservatives need the EDL more than the BNP ever could.

    and if the BNP think they could ever divert this group an use them then you are sorely mistaken for three reasons - 1, the state would never allow it to happen and will be deep within its ranks right from the start, 2. the rest are not much more than football hooligans looking for a fight, this taints the BNP.
    3. the EDL slag of the BNP as much as Labour and the Conservatives and UAF. The EDL is to draw away support from the BNP.

    I am amazed Lee that you seem to be getting drawn into it!

    Yes there will be some people within the EDL that are good people and have been duped, but all the while they are within that anti BNP construct, they may as well be in the UAF.

    Again I am amazed that anyone could think that anything positve could ever come from this, they are one of the BNPs greatest threats.

    Classic state op, infiltrait and take over the opposition.

    Now get some strong smelling salts Lee and smell the EDL bullshit.

  9. In Commie Russia, the gov't set up resistance movements, waited until they grew support, then executed them. In this way they scared the shit out of everyone and made everyone scared to join a protest movement.

  10. "Classic state op, infiltrait and take over the opposition."

    Oh really Andraste? What evidence do you hae to suggest this?

    Absolutely none, apart from hearsay and innuendo.

    The only reason that you are opposed to the EDL (which has its faults indeed) is because they refuse to submit themselves to the will of the BNP and its leader.

    Listen Andraste, there are more ways to skin a cat and the BNP is not he only nationalist party or organisation in existence in this country.

    In any case, why would ANY anti-Islamist or nationalist organisation outsuide of the BNP even wish to associate itself with the BNP, particularly under its undemocratic and dictatoral leadership and constitution?

    Like Lee says, whatever the origins and motivations of the EDL it has now become a theat and must be neutralised by the state for that purpose.

    As a footnote I know of the individual who first helped to set up the EDL in Luton and I can categorically state that he was no state plant, and although not a nationalist was a true patriot.the fact is that certain BNP members and a few football hooligans usurped it.

  11. @ Anonymous - 22 February 2010 11:45

    You have got confused and have misquoted me.

    But anyway in response to your points:

    "The only reason that you are opposed to the EDL (which has its faults indeed) is because they refuse to submit themselves to the will of the BNP and its leader."

    That's complete bollocks. The EDL are not a political party, therefore why would the BNP seek to have them "submit themselves" - it's apples and pears. Completely incompatible.

    "In any case, why would ANY anti-Islamist or nationalist organisation outsuide of the BNP even wish to associate itself with the BNP, particularly under its undemocratic and dictatoral leadership and constitution?"

    More nonsense. Anyways, the BNP are the only credible nationalist party.

    "Like Lee says, whatever the origins and motivations of the EDL it has now become a theat and must be neutralised by the state for that purpose."

    Yes, I agree this is probably the case.

    "the fact is that certain BNP members and a few football hooligans usurped it"

    Firstly, the EDL openly stated their numbers are made up of football hooligans, in fact this seemed to be a badge of pride for the EDL. As regards BNP members, well the EDL is a proscribed organisation therefore any BNP member involved in activity with the EDL is operating purely as an individual and most likely would be chucked out of the BNP.

  12. Andraste reckons that simply because the EDl isn't a political party then the BNP leadership aren't interested in it.


    Whether the EDL is a political party, a street organisation or an insurance scam makes not an iota of difference.

    Theplain fact is that the EDL are a patriotic group who are seriously challenging both the state AND the BNP, attracting nationalists away from the party and taking some effective action. Of course Griffin wants the EDL on his side and to control them. It doesn't amke any difference whether the two organisations are incompatible or not, they're both drawing on similar supporters and against the same enemy. This is the real world of realpolitik.

    As for the BNP being the only credible nationalist entity you are so obviously deluded and insular that you think that only the way to nationalism is through the BNP.

    Nationalism IS a MOVEMENT, not a party, not a single individual and not a single policy. It is arrogant for you to think that the BNP is the only nationalist orgainstaion in the UK. For some, the BNP has even sold out and perhaps can no longer be considered a racial nationalist party. But it most certainly isn't the only vehicle for British nationalism.

    Since some of the EDL leadership and organisers are (or were) BNP then why haven't these eindividuals been expelled or disciplined by the BNP, Andraste? The BNP leadership say one thing and yet act according to its own interests and whims if it makes their position stronger. One day Griffin-followers like you will perhaps realise that you have not always been told the full facts and the truth about quite a few things.

    Finally, Andraste you have given NO evidence to back up your wild asertion that the EDL is or was state-sponsored...

    "the EDL have actually become a real threat, as opposed to their original purpose of a being a honey-trap."
