Sunday 7 February 2010

From Acorn to Oak

Part 1.

Buds bloom upon twigs,
Fragile green shoots of new life,
Growing beneath the sun.

Golden light beams glide,
Delicate upon the leaves,
Summers sacred kiss.

The prayer finds it form
The cupola and its green seed,
Natures holy grail.

The essence is unseen
Within the emptiness the meaning,
The secret in its shell.

From the acorn to the oak,
The sacred spirals unravel,
Seeking the shining sun.

Part 2.

Finally comes the fall,
Wind and storm conspire to strip the tree,
Banished to earth.

Squirrels scour the leaves,
Seeking easy meals to secrete,
In dark soil pockets.

Now the magic begins,
In its sunless cell of soil,
A seedling writhes free.

A stem strikes out,
Transcending its dark prison,
Gently striving for the sky.

Sun and rain entice,
The tender stem to reach new heights,
Whilst reaching for the light.

Myriad dangers gather,
Summer drought and heavy showers,
Perils every hour.

Stem is a sapling,
Safe at last from wind and plough,
Rising from the shadows.

Part 3.

Each season swiftly flies,
As the sapling becomes a tree,
Cloaked in leaves.

Lightning licks the branches,
Electricity sets the tree afire,
Ashes drift in the wind.

The axe man spares the bough,
Whilst others nearby are felled,
For homes and ships.

Centuries elapse,
Empires arise and fall,
As nations and men die.

The oak is now a queen.
The cycle of life begins anew,
Buds bloom upon twigs.

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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful

    ''The essence is unseen
    Within the emptiness the meaning,
    The secret in its shell.

    From the acorn to the oak,
    The sacred spirals unravel,
    Seeking the shining sun.'''
