Tuesday 23 February 2010

Labour Destroys the White Middle Class

The race war against indigenous whites continues - this plan is to drive the white middle class into poverty by ensuring their wealth is seized by the government when they die and then passed onto the new ethnic middle class rather than their children inheriting the wealth of their parents.

Dont say you werent warned.



Gordon Brown's pay-as-you-die tax bombshell could force people to give up their home on their death

Monday February 22,2010
By Martyn Brown

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GORDON Brown will clobber the elderly with a savage pay-as-you-die tax bombshell that could force people to give up their home on their death, it can be revealed today.

Millions of householders will be encouraged to sign away their estate to foot the bill for soaring council tax demands.

Under the scheme ratepayers can defer inflation-busting council tax payments until they die.

Town hall chiefs will then be able claw back the cash, with interest, from the value of their estate. Over 20 years, for a couple with a typical home, that could amount to more than £73,000.

For those also facing Inheritance Tax and Labour’s proposed death tax to fund its planned National Care Service, the levy could almost wipe out any inheritance parents were hoping to leave their children.

But critics last night warned that Mr Brown’s latest tax could force struggling couples into giving up their homes to fend off the bailiffs. The Tories said it puts pensioners under pressure to sign up to pay taxes from their estate because their ever-decreasing pension funds leave them unable to meet rises in council tax introduced by Labour.

Caroline Spelman, the Conservative Shadow Secretary of State for Local Government, said last night: “Gordon Brown has been caught red-handed at planning a barrage of tax rises on pensioners. He has already deprived the elderly of security in retirement through his pension tax hikes. Now he wants a death tax for social care and a pay-as-you-die levy on council tax."

“People who have saved and worked hard all their lives deserve dignity and respect, but Gordon Brown only wants to tax middle Britain from cradle to grave. Conservatives will scrap Labour’s tax hike plans, take more families out of unfair inheritance tax, and freeze council tax to help struggling families and pensioners.”


Campaigners said raiding estates may prevent people from saving and urged Labour to shelve the plans. The Institute of Revenues Rating & Valuation has warned of a “perception that the ratepayers and their offspring are being robbed of their birthright”.

Matthew Elliott of the Taxpayers’ Alliance said: “The only certain things in life are said to be death and taxes, now the Government is doing its utmost to add a third – death taxes. Ministers and local authorities should focus more on cutting council tax, rather than whacking people even harder.”

Ministers sneaked through new rules before Christmas which allow Britain’s 11million pensioners to put off their council tax bills, using their homes as security. The scheme is to be rolled out first in Northern Ireland after the Rates (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2009 received the Royal Assent late last year.

The law says that eligibility will be subject to the person being an owner occupier aged 60 or over. Instead of struggling to pay on a pension, the elderly would be able to put off payments until they or their spouse died or they sold their property.

A charge could be placed on the home, putting the town hall in second place to recoup cash after the taxman has taken his 40 per cent inheritance tax on all homes worth more than £325,000. Under Labour, council tax bills have more than doubled, now averaging £726 more than in 1997.

It also emerged last week that Labour has been polling on plans to slap a 10 per cent tax on homes to fund costly social care reforms. The revelation comes as the row over Labour’s death tax escalated.

Health Secretary Andy Burnham hosted a conference with care charities on Friday. The Conservatives, who plan to fund elderly care with a one-off £8,000 payment into an insurance scheme, boycotted the meeting.

In a letter to Mr Brown, Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said: “The public have a right to know – do you intend to pursue a compulsory insurance levy or not?”

The Department for Communities and Local Government was unavailable for comment.

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  1. Yes the NWO will hammer for massive inheritance tax.

    It robs the middle classes of their power, which to some degree threatens the NWO as money is power. personally I am all for it, but not for the reasons they are.

    I think it helps to stem elite groups from gaining dominance and corrupting society same as the scaled income tax, it also reduces the incentive to not put anything back into society, as the money can not go with you.

    and it helps to redistribute wealth where it may be better needed, not nessesarily the poor but also state infrastucture, better roads trains medicine and science, which will benefit all.

    This lifts society rather than drags it down like the class system, which excists mainly due to the two tier education system.
    a system that rewards those with finance rather than ability.

    However all this means nothing when the NWO supper rich elites will find ways round it, making it worthless from a nationalist perspective, as self interest for the elites is the only consideration here.

    rather than the lifting up of a whole nation.

  2. If you are a member of a provident fund, you can choose to take your entire retirement benefit as a lump sum. A portion of this may be tax-free, but you will be taxed on the portion which is not exempt from tax.
