Tuesday 2 February 2010

Paedophile Media, Politicians and Teachers

We live in a sick society that sexualises children.

The media peddle sexual imagery to children, glorify sluts and whores who are celebrities, glorify pornstars and plastic titted slappers, demean women by having them in MTV videos gyrating in bikinis before rapper morons and we have a society that sexualises them at school and then forces them to sexually develop early.

Its a Paedophile Nation.

Children taught sex education are more likely to have intercourse younger, says study

By Anny Shaw
Last updated at 1:31 PM on 02nd February 2010

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Young teacher standing in front of the blackboard, talking about sex education and contraception, holding a pack of contraceptive

Children given lessons in safe sex are more likely to have intercourse younger, a study has found

Children given lessons in safe sex are more likely to have intercourse younger, a study has found.

Those who have sex at a young age can also lack the maturity to use contraceptives, exposing them to the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

Teaching abstinence is the best way to avoid pregnancy and STDs, according to researchers.

Children aged between 11 and 15 who were taught about safe sex were more likely to have sex in the following two years than those given a lesson on abstinence.

In a study involving 600 African American students, half of the group taught sex education reported that they had sexual intercourse over the next two years compared to one third of the group given the abstinence lesson.

Dr John Jemmott, professor of Communication in Psychiatry and of Communication at the University of Pennsylvania said: 'It is extremely important to find an effective intervention that delays sexual activity.

'The younger someone is when they have sex for the first time, the less likely they are to use condoms.

'Abstinence-only interventions may have an important role in delaying sexual activity until a time later in life when the adolescent is more prepared to handle to consequences of sex.

'This can reduce undesirable consequences of sex, including pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections like HIV and Aids.'

The study, published in the journal Archives of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, found there were no differences in condom use or unprotected sex across any of the groups.

The researchers said the findings do not suggest that abstinence is the best teaching approach or that all others should be abandoned.

The authors wrote: 'What the present results suggest is that theory-based abstinence-only interventions can be part of this mix.

'Using theory-based abstinence-only interventions selectively might contribute to the overall goal of curbing the spread of STIs in both the United States and other countries.'

In Britain sexual education for younger children is increasingly being focused on abstinence.

A spokesman for the Department for Children, Schools and Families said: 'We want to give young people the facts so that they can stay safe and healthy.

'There is no evidence that abstinence education is effective and even the authors of this report don’t indicate teaching abstinence is the best approach.

'We encourage all young people to delay sexual activity and help them to deal with pressure to become sexually active before they are ready.

'We know that 82 per cent of parents support the teaching of sex and relationship education in schools and young people themselves have told us how much they value SRE, telling us it helps them make sense of their relationships and the myths and images they are exposed to.'

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1 comment:

  1. This is all over the NY metro area news. Apparently, the abstinence education program works because it avoided the religious, moral,and preachy angle.
