Tuesday 23 February 2010

Sunny Hundal - How The Media Help The BNP

Image - Sunny Hundal of The Guardian and Pickled Politics. He could only have got his job through affirmative action plans as he is a talentless hack.

His head also resembles a hairy testicle.

I will analyse a few points from the article below - but if you read the comments section of the online article you will read that Sunny says in response to someones statement that 'It isn't "far right" to want to preserve the existence of one's people'

Sunny replies with the comment ;

' Why isn't it? You're saying to me that trying to maintain racial differences isn't racist? '

Thats all you need to know about Sunny.

If you do not breed with a member of another race, and thereby accelerate the destruction of your own unique racial identity, then you are racist.

What a total twat Sunny is.

This sick, poisonous and warped 'definition of racism' comes straight from Sunny's deranged little mind.

Perhaps we should all be held down and raped / sperm drained so as to accelerate the process eh Sunny.

I dare you Sunny to go to any country in the world, from Pakistan to Russia, and say that to the people of that country and call them all racists for not misceginating their own people out of existence - they will call you more than a total twat, they will probably beat you to death as well you lunatic.

Note that even Andrew Gilligan took the piss out of the group that sunny is launching for peddling lies about Nick Griffin's appearance on Question Time that Sunny said lead to the death of two gay men from homophobic attacks.

The first gay man who was killed died a MONTH BEFORE Nick Griffin appeared on Question Time.

The other gay man did not die.



If Sunny is unable to even get the most basic facts such as those right - then he and his group are a total joke.

Yes Sunny, you are an embarassment to journalism.

When Sunny and his collection of sad media whores like Yasmin Brown and the terrorism supporter Peter Hain peddle such obvious bollocks, only a total mug would take anything that Sunny said seriously.

Sunny is a racist.

Not only does he deny the very existence of the indigenous British people ( which is defined as a 'Holocaust By Default' as if we do not exist then we can be exterminated at will and it is not a crime against humanity ) he is also a racist in that anyone who is indigenous British must be called a Nazi and denied the right to campaign in British politics.

My comments to sunnys article below are preceded by ######## and in brackets.


There was a brilliant column by Johann Hari a few years ago about his experience of appearing on a Sky News programme hosted by newspaper columnist Richard Littlejohn. Having admitted he didn't know how much an asylum seeker got in benefits, Littlejohn screeched at Hari: "It's people like you who help the BNP!"

Now, you could be forgiven for thinking that the election of two MEPs would bring the BNP under closer scrutiny since last year. Surely the media glare would expose its nasty underbelly? The party's deputy leader, Simon Darby, doesn't seem to think so:

"Dealing with the press on a daily basis it is hard not to develop a healthy disrespect for the people who quite rightly can be blamed for the state this country is in today. However, certainly over the last year I am not the only one here at BNP Towers that has noticed a distinct thaw in the attitude towards us from some aspects of the media."

The problem here is that while newspaper columnists and reporters keep stating they hate the BNP and all it stands for, they nevertheless keep promoting narratives that harden BNP support. Here is a short list I prepared earlier.

Blaming racism on immigrants

A common media theory is more immigration leads to a breakdown of social cohesion and hence more racism. If we want to stop racism then we must stop immigration, apparently. This assumes that people naturally hate those of other races or cultures – which isn't true. We don't have moral panics about Americans, Europeans or Chinese people coming here because there's no threat assumed from them. People don't naturally hate the other but are afraid if they think the immigrants represent a threat to their way of life.

There are different kinds of threats, of course, which may not even be to do with difference. Sometimes completely different cultures are tolerated as long as people "do their own thing". My point is that examples countering this myth are numerous. Social cohesion doesn't need to automatically break down but it sometimes does need to be managed if flashpoints take place (which could happen even in a racially homogenous country – for instance mods and rockers). However, I prefer a stronger sense of Britishness.

###### ( social cohesion of Britain broke down because Teddy boys and mods had a FEW punch ups in Margate in the 50's and 1960's. Oh right. Unreal. What a knob)

Blaming racism on minorities

You know the answer to this one – are Jews to blame for antisemitism? I think not.

######## ( Many people think that the actions and behaviour of many individual Jews over history, from Marx to Madoff, bear a lot of responsibility for provoking anti-semitism including many Jews from Gilad Atzmon to Norman Finkelstein to Noam Chomsky and Yoav Shamir. This is just Sunnys way of trying to blame British society for anti-semitism as well as blaming British society for Islamaphobia, rather than Islamists and Muslims being responsible for generating Islamaphobia or the actions of some individual Jews for generating Anti-semitism in society.

So Sunny has to defend the actions of Jewish criminals, extremists, crooks etc whose individual actions assist in the promotion of negative stereotypes about Jews because if he didnt then he would have to concede that Islamists and Muslims themselves are largely responsible for negative perceptions of Islamists and Muslims amongst non-Muslims. Especially those dead, maimed or limbless non-Muslims who have been blown up by Muslims and Islamist terrorists)

This trick is usually directed towards long-settled ethnic minorities and used to hold them responsible for problems as a whole. But rather than blame them directly, these days the vague punch-bag of "multiculturalism" is used instead. There is the strong insinuation for example that all black Londoners are to blame for knife crime (which has fallen hugely incidentally)

####### ( Another lie from Sunny, as we all know that the Black Christian church going people from the Commonwealth who live in London are not a problem in relation to knife crime. They spend their time in church praising Jesus not stabbing people. The idea there is just one set of 'black Londoners' is racist rubbish. West Indians hate Africans, Somalis etc. Sunny you are an idiot. )

, or "their culture" is to blame. That inevitably leads some to call them "savages". And because minorities are then labelled as backward or uncivilised, it becomes easy to blame them for hating them. After all, the mythical "race relations industry" is also commonly blamed for all the evils of the world, as is the funding of cultural festivals (I've dealt with this one in more detail here).

##########( would be that the same race relations industry that you exploited sunny in order to get your job on The Guardian, as you sure didnt get there for your talents as a writer or as a proponent of truth and facts did you sunny )

Overplaying BNP gains, underplaying Greens

Come election time, every media outlet is anxious to see how much the BNP vote will expand by. But despite the Nick Griffin on Question Time drama and two new MEPs, the BNP's electoral support remains woefully small at around 2%. In contrast, more successful parties such as the Greens are ignored by the media, because they're not seen as "dangerous". This always overplays the BNP presence in people's minds and gives the impression it has become a widely successful party.

######### ( Oh yeah, the Greens are ignored. What planet is he from )

Playing down impact of BNP victories

Racial and religiously motivated crime usually rises following election of BNP councillors, research has shown. And yet this fact is rarely highlighted.

######## ( The best one yet. If you follow the link on the article it reveals that the 'research' was done by The Guardian and Hope Not Hate. So we can all trust their research cant we. Then lets look at the figures. In 8 out of 29 wards hate crimes rose after a BNP councillor was elected - but the research doesnt reveal WHAT RACE the people were who were victims of that race crime. It is a fact that the election of a BNP councillor means whites then report race crimes when before they didnt. So the figures are related to whites reporting more crimes against them and also race crimes that are ethnic minority on ethnic minority. But the figures also reveal that in 11 wards RACE CRIMES DROP AFTER THE ELECTION OF A BNP COUNCILLOR. Which kinda fucks up totally sunnys bullshit thesis doesnt it. The article also quotes a police officer saying of the rise in race crimes in Solihull that " Detective Chief Inspector Sharon Goosen said: "None of the offences reported in the area since 2006 can be directly attributed to an elected member or political organisation."
So sunny was talking total shit. AGAIN ! )

But people who vote BNP aren't racist are they?

If you want to vote BNP and think people of different cultures and races are scary, why not just say so? Every modern interview with a BNP voter is prefaced with: "I vote BNP, not because I'm racist but ... ", which inevitably leads to a diatribe on why immigrants are leading the country into hell in a handcart. It has been repeatedly pointed out, even in most tabloids and broadsheets, that the BNP is a racist party. It is tearing itself over the issue right now. Surely it should be obvious to most what it stands for by now?

####### ( the BNP 'tearing itself' - ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha )

Debate on immigration is being suppressed

Probably the oldest trick in the book. The rightwing press talks about immigration every day. And yet commentators on the right maintain with a straight face that the debate on immigration is being suppressed. What they actually mean is: those immigrants who don't agree with us are all bad.

Let's be clear: Britain is now a multiracial and multicultural country. This means more mixing, which in turn means that racism can never become as socially acceptable as it was in the 70s and 80s. But people's attitudes are way ahead of many journalists – who are still happy to push their bigoted agenda. That is what keeps the BNP's agenda alive, and it needs to be exposed.

######### ( So journalists should not criticise Jews and Muslims, the government should force people to marry people from other races, the teddy boys nearly destroyed British social cohesion in the 1950's and the BNP have a time machine that enables them to travel back in time and kill gays - sunny you are the world smallest cockend. You even look like a cock you mug. )

• Sunny Hundal is speaking at the launch of Expose the BNP: media workers and students opposed to racism and fascism on Tuesday 23 February at 7pm at the Amnesty International Human Rights Action Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EA. Other speakers include: Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Mehdi Hasan, Peter Hain and Michelle Stanistreet


  1. So let get this straight.
    Hundal believes everybody in the world is a racist if they do not racially interbreed but on the other hand he believes in "diversity".
    Okay that's clear - AS MUD

  2. Part 1.

    Hundal is another prize establishment idiot.

    Hundal: "Why isn't it? You're saying to me that trying to maintain racial differences isn't racist?"

    Surely trying to engineer the destruction of racial identity is racist?

    United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples:

    "Affirming that indigenous peoples are equal to all other peoples, while recognizing the right of all peoples to be different, to consider themselves different, and to be respected as such"

    Link to declaration

    Notice the "right of all peoples to be different" part Hundal? Or is the UN racist?

    Fact is Hundal can get away with his vicious racism because he is part of the insane establishment, that is committing genocide against the indigenous British folk.

    Hundal got his facts wrong about the gay attacks because in his demented mind the BNP are the root of all evils; the evil of the BNP is so profound that it operates beyond the realms of the known universe and can affect other dimensions both past and future.

    Hundal is not interested in facts. Like all mainstream hacks he routinely makes unqualified statements, such as:

    "Surely the media glare would expose its nasty underbelly?"

    What nasty underbelly is that exactly? Or is this the nasty underbelly that exists in Hundal's mind, and because he is part of the ingratiated liberal-fascists he must therefore be correct. His statements do not require evidence.

    "A common media theory is more immigration leads to a breakdown of social cohesion and hence more racism. If we want to stop racism then we must stop immigration, apparently."

    I have never heard or read anyone from the mainstream media make such assertions. But again, Hundal must be correct, because he says so.

  3. Part 2.

    "People don't naturally hate the other but are afraid if they think the immigrants represent a threat to their way of life."

    Oh, you mean like how the Tibetan's are reacting to the mass influx of Han Chinese?

    "There is the strong insinuation for example that all black Londoners are to blame for knife crime (which has fallen hugely incidentally)"

    No, the facts are that knife crime in London is an overwhelmingly non-white phenomena:

    Knife Crime in London: Police Admit What Everyone Knows

    "After all, the mythical "race relations industry" is also commonly blamed for all the evils of the world, as is the funding of cultural festivals"

    You mean the cultural festivals that celebrate the cultures of any racial groups except the indigenous British? But surely Hundal would not approve of such celebrations as he wants their to be one mixed-race culture (or, more correctly, a single anti-culture).

    "Overplaying BNP gains, underplaying Greens"

    What an idiot this guy is. The Greens have no achieved any notable electoral successes, whereas the rate and magnitude of BNP success makes the BNP far more significant. This ain't rocket science Hundal you retarded knob.

    "It is tearing itself over the issue right now"

    This is a common fantasy amongst the mainstream media; they believed the acceptance of ethnic minorities into the party would cause division. And yet no such division has occurred, in fact the party is incredibly unified.

    However, this doesn't stop Hundal, et al, wanking lyrical about it.

  4. Part 3.

    "Probably the oldest trick in the book. The rightwing press talks about immigration every day. And yet commentators on the right maintain with a straight face that the debate on immigration is being suppressed. What they actually mean is: those immigrants who don't agree with us are all bad."

    Total bullshit. There is a difference between talking and debating - and what we only ever hear is meaningless and empty cockwaffle about immigration, there has never been a genuine, open and free debate with all views represented.

    "Let's be clear: Britain is now a multiracial and multicultural country. This means more mixing, which in turn means that racism can never become as socially acceptable as it was in the 70s and 80s. But people's attitudes are way ahead of many journalists – who are still happy to push their bigoted agenda. That is what keeps the BNP's agenda alive, and it needs to be exposed."

    Wrong. The massive invasion of immigrants and the aggressive pro-immigrant bias, and the persecution of the indigenous British folk by the liberal-Marxist-fascist genocidalists is in fact polarising society. People are becoming more and more aware of race in a much more sophisticated way than how race was understood in previous decades. And it is actually scum like Hundal that are educating people about race by their aggressive attacks upon it, or specifically the indigenous British folk who Hundal loathes. That's why you have white-flight and immigrant enclaves, because the people are voluntarily segregating themselves (by race). Therefore contrary the fantasy nation dreamed of by Hundal (and those like him), Britain will in fact become more divided - mainly by race. This is the only result of forcing different peoples together.

    If mass immigration continues Britain will eventually become divided into broadly three sections of society that will live pretty much geographically separate (with some small cross-over) and each group will be very aware of their racial/cultural heritage. These three groups will be: i) the indigenous British and European peoples or those of such descent; ii) longer settled immigrants; iii) and liberal-Marxist-fascist multi-culturalists and recent immigrants. This trend is already occurring. The structure of British society will eventually mirror American society; where you have the white dominated states; the black dominated states; and the metropolitan multi-ethnic states.

    Map of US by race

  5. f**g holier than thou racist

    is that what spurts from miscgentaion

  6. Well said Andraste

  7. Here's what Mehdi Hassan thinks of the kuffar.
