Wednesday 3 February 2010

Tories Reveal Energy Security Plan = more globalism

Below we see the Tories energy security plan for Britain = more globalism, more dependence on foreign imports, more foreign wars, more energy imperialism and more terrorism.

Trust the dumb Tories to miss the obvious = create a 100 % national independence renewable energy plan as the BNP proposes so we no longer need to start illegal wars such as in Iraq to take their oil and in Afghanistan to secure the pipelines that transport the oil to the West.

Nor need we ever be again dependent upon Arab oil and Russian gas.

We shall be a free nation - and thats not what the Tories, Labour, UKIP and Liberals are in power for.

They intend to keep us slaves in the globalist nexus.

Military 'should protect energy supplies'
Ben Webster, Environment Editor


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Britain must prepare to use military power to protect its energy supplies as it becomes increasingly dependent on imported oil and gas, according to the Conservatives.

Nato should help to police sea lanes to keep supply routes open and prevent energy shortages from causing black outs and disruption to the economy. Baroness Neville-Jones of Hutton Roof, the Shadow Security Minister, said Britain could not depend on market forces to deliver security of energy supply.

In a report published today by Green Alliance , an environmental think-tank, she writes that, despite the plans for 6,000 off-shore wind turbines, Britain would remain heavily reliant on imported fossil fuels for many more decades.

“In 2050 imported fossil fuels could still account for 40-60 per cent of consumption, with virtually all oil and gas coming from abroad.
Related Links

* National Grid issues fourth gas shortage alert

* Manufacturers call for more gas storage

“In a situation where the greater part - some say up to 90 per cent - of the world’s known energy reserves are controlled by government-owned enterprises, not all especially friendly, the UK cannot just leave everything to the market: a totally laissez faire approach is no longer sufficient to protect the national interest.

“Resource nationalism is on the rise and politically motivated disruptions of supply are on the increase. Russia plays a petro power game and gas pipelines supplying Europe are also vulnerable.” The depletion of Britain’s North Sea oil and gas fields mean that it now imports around a quarter of it energy. By 2020, this is due to rise to 39-43 per cent and by 2025 to 47-50 per cent.

Britain is becoming particularly reliant on imported gas, which the Department of Energy and Climate Change predicts will account for 61 per cent of gas consumed here by 2025.

During last month’s long cold spell, National Grid cut the gas supply to dozens of factories to cope with increased demand from homes.

Britain has only 15 days of gas in storage in case of disruption to supplies. France has enough stored gas to last 122 days and Germany 99 days.

Even under optimistic estimates of the rate of construction of new gas storage facilities, Britain will still only have 36 days capacity by 2020.

Lady Neville-Jones said: “It seems doubtful, in the face of the multiplicity of risks in the international marketplace and the vulnerability of the UK to them, if this will be enough even to ensure supply through crisis.” Britain will lose a third of its electricity generating capacity over the next decade as inefficient coal plants are closed under European environmental regulations and 40-year-old nuclear stations reach the end of their working life.

Lady Neville-Jones said these closures “could result in blackouts by 2014-15”. With the population due to rise from 60 million to 70 million by 2029, rising demand would place even greater stress on the energy supply network.

She said: “British strategic energy interests and security of supply should be at the heart of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Ministry of Defence priorities and decisions.” The MoD needed to focus on “the tasking of our armed forces, especially the Royal Navy, concerning the security of the sea lanes and the safety of maritime traffic”.

She said energy security would be an increasingly important issue for the world and Britain should work with its military allies on securing supplies.

“Nato forces should help police sea lanes and provide solidarity and mutual assistance in the event of major disruption to energy supplies to member states.

“The EU must develop a coherent and consistent strategy in relation to Russia, improve the physical links in the European gas grid and take further internal liberalization of the European energy market.”

Baroness Neville-Jones said the Government needed better military planning to protect energy supplies from terrorism and piracy. She said there had been at least 330 terrorist attacks on oil and gas facilities worldwide between 1990 and 2005.

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