Tuesday 30 March 2010

Nothing British About the BNP = not British At All

Here are some questions for Nothing British About the BNP.

I suggest everyone send them an e mail and ask them the questions below and if you get a response let me know :


What are your links with the Tories Maurice ?

Are you a member of the Tory Party Maurice ?

Are James Bethell and Tim Montgomery members of the Tory Party ?

Is David T a member of the Tory Party ?

What are the links of Nothing British About the BNP and ConservativeHome, Ian Dale and the Conservative Party ?

Why do Nothing British About the BNP hide their affiliations to the Conservative Party ?

Why does Baron James Bethell hide the fact he was stood as a Conservative Party candidate for election just three months ago, but was refused as the candidate ?

How many times have you Maurice stood as a candidate for the Tories ?

What are the links between Tim Montgomery and Boris Johnson ?

How much do the tories pay you to attack the BNP vie Nothing British About the BNP ?

Who funds Nothing British About the BNP ?

Are you going to publish the accounts of Nothing British About the BNP so we can see where the money to run the group comes from ?

How many of your donors to Nothing British About the BNP are also donors to the Tory Party ?

How many of your donors to Nothing British About the BNP are members of the Conservative Friends of Israel ?

How much does it cost to run the Nothing British About the BNP group per annum ?

What was David Camerons involvement in setting up Nothing British About the BNP ?

What are the funding links between Harrys Place, the Centre for Social Cohesion, the Conservative Party and Nothing British About the BNP ?

Why is ConservativeHome and PoliticsHome, all located at 5 The Sanctuary, SW1 ?

PoliticsHome is 58% owned by Lord Ashcroft, a resident of Belize. Is that correct ?

Whether the other entities are Ashcroft owned or not, Nothing British About the BNP and ConservativeHome owe the roof over there heads to said non-dom isnt that correct ?

How much money comes from Lord Ashcroft to fund Nothing British About the BNP ?

How much rent does Lord Ashcroft charge the Nothing British About the BNP group for their use of his offices ?

Does Nothing British About the BNP get the office paid for them by Lord Ashcroft ?

So There’s Nothing British about Nothing British after all….

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