Sunday 21 March 2010

Still voting For the Establishment are you Mugs

Here we see New Labour now directly penalising whites, and the Tories are going to do exactly the same thing.

When are you people going to wake up you mugs.

If you are white working class and white middle class - and not one of the white liberal Multi-cultural pig elite of New Labour or the Tories - then you are voting for your children to be forced into poverty.

Wake up you morons.

A vote for New Labour, Camerons Conservatives, Lib Dems, Greens and UKIP is a vote for multi-culturalism, political correctness and poverty of our own people.

You deserve all you get you mugs if you vote for them.

And note the lie in this article headline - the club was closed as it was regarded as too white, not too middle class.

Even the Daily Mail is a cog in the machine of the Establishment, telling lies to benefit the tories.

Paint Potty! Council zealots close down under-fives' art club because children are 'too middle-class'

By Tom Harper and Amanda Perthen
Last updated at 11:02 PM on 20th March 2010

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A children's centre set up by Labour to provide care for local youngsters has been forced to close... because the families using it were judged too middle-class.

Paint Pots Arts Club was established in 2000 under the Government’s flagship £7billion Sure Start scheme, with the aim of teaching under-fives to paint, draw and sing.

It is one of the busiest of Britain’s 3,500 Sure Start centres and caters for 500 children of all backgrounds who live within a two-mile radius. But despite its popularity, council bosses withdrew the club’s funding after deciding its users were too affluent.
Paint Pots

Top draw: A little girl has fun at Paint Pots, which will now be forced to shut

Just last week Schools Secretary Ed Balls defended Sure Start, claiming that the
Conservatives planned to slash £200million from the service, and declared that the scheme meant that ‘every parent of a young child will get help and advice on parenting, childcare, health and employment’.

However the education department of Labour-controlled Hackney Council in East London – known as The Learning Trust – was concerned the Paint Pots Art Club was not being used by enough poor people and pulled the plug on it.

The area covered by Paint Pots is one of the most diverse in the country, including deprived council estates and houses worth £1million.

Paint Pots director Ella Ritches said the Learning Trust, which runs 19 childcare centres on behalf of the Government, ordered her to target more deprived families in 2008.

She and her co-director leafleted nearby estates and organised numerous meetings with leaders in the local Turkish and Kurdish communities to try to spark interest.

But in January this year, Mrs Ritches was called to a meeting with officials from the Ann Tayler Children’s Centre, a larger Sure Start programme which the Learning Trust used to fund Paint Pots.

She discovered that the Learning Trust had scanned the postcodes of all parents using the centre and decided the home addresses indicated users were not sufficiently ‘vulnerable’.

She said: ‘Sure Start services are supposed to be available to everyone. Middle-class mothers struggle with work, sleep deprivation and post-natal depression just like any other mother.

'But the Learning Trust officials concluded that 68 per cent of all users were white. I told them that just because they are white does not mean they are middle-class. But they said you could work out their properties’ value from the postcodes.’

Mrs Ritches then received a letter from the Ann Tayler Children’s Centre, dated February 3, which said: ‘I am currently reconfiguring the budget for the next financial year to ensure that we can support vulnerable families and link play services to their needs.

‘Based on our monitoring information, the Art Club is not reaching the families who have the most difficult needs. Accordingly, I have to advise you that the contract for the Art Club will end on March 31.’

Ms Ritches added: ‘For two years we tried to involve “hard-to-reach” families from the Turkish community and the council estates but most were not interested in attending.

‘This decision penalises the middle-classes for being good parents.’

Regular Paint Pots user Eva Hawkins, 32, who worked in television before giving birth to her daughter Olive 18 months ago, said: ‘I live in a one-bedroom flat with no garden, so I need to come somewhere where there is space for Olive to let off steam. It’s a disaster it is closing.’

A Learning Trust spokesman said: ‘According to data collected by the centre, 54 per cent of the children who use Paint Pots regularly live outside its catchment area.

‘In light of this information and an increase in the number of vulnerable families requiring additional support within the centre’s catchment area, a decision was made to divert funding into direct support for these families.’

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  1. The daily mail is known for it's unbiased reporting.
    Along with there numerous awards for reporting skills - oh hang on they aren't are they?
    Sure start primarily fund areas of deprivation, if they have found that the majority of those using the service do not actually reside in said deprived areas, they pull the plug on funding... It's not rocket science.

  2. If all of the youngsters who used to attend "Paint Pots" instead now turned their spare time and energy to vandalism and anti-social behaviour, the centre would probably be given funds to reopen in a jiffy!
