Thursday 4 March 2010

Thatcher, David Cameron and the South African Nukes

K, March 4, 2010 (Pal Telegraph) - What went missing on Prime Minister Thatcher's Watch?

As we discussed in Part 1 three nuclear weapons went missing from the US and now our focus must turn to the three that went missing from under the nose of the good old Brits. Don't you think it is ironic that over one million Iraqis may have died because of our gross neglect? Let's not also forget the thousands of troops who also died for nothing!

We have to turn the clock back to 1989 when a very young, wet behind the ears, David Cameron broke the stringent embargo on South Africa and paid a quick but purposeful visit to the Deep South. He was also accompanied by another illustrious Conservative figure who had a little bit more technical know how under his belt.

So why did dear Maggie take such a risk in sending her cavalry all the way down to South Africa? Was there something big to look at? Was their an opportunity for some shonky arms dealer to make big money and in turn possible slip a few thousand in the kitty fund of the Conservative Party? You bet there was!

Ok so lets look into this cloak and dagger operation that went terrible wrong and resulted in the assassination of dear Dr. David Kelly (Oh sorry I shouldn't have let that slip out it was suicide wasn't it?). Did this implicate David Cameron and his side kick in not only breaking international law but also in high level corruption? Surely no politician would put his reputation at risk, all for the sake of party funds donation?'ve got to be joking; they would sell their mother for much less!

What was going on in South Africa that basically became the source of going to war in Iraq and why haven't these culprits been punished and who else knew about this British monumental stuff up? Did the British Labour Party also know about this mess that Maggie Thatcher got us into? bet they did......Dear Dr. Kelly also knew in great detail!

It all comes down to a nuclear weapons programme that was kept hidden from the United Nations by both the US and UK governments....starting to get the picture? The South African Government hid an awful lot of extremely nasty stuff from the world but good old US of A and the UK knew everything....just like partners in crime.

Let's just turn the clock back a little further at the time when Rhodesia ceased to exist and became Zimbabwe. It was in Rhodesia that Chemical and Biological Weapons (CBW) were fine tuned and eventually moved lock stock and barrel to South Africa along with its team of experts.

All of this CBW transfer was under the watchful eye of the British Government who approved the transfer....needless to say the US also became tagged to this evil development.

We may find it hard to believe that way back in the 1960's the Portuguese used Chemical Warfare by poisoning water wells, drugged prisoners and threw them out of aircraft. It is also hard to believe that other evil ways were also developed in Rhodesia such as psychological warfare, covert executions, and the deployment of ingenious booby traps and toxic substances. They employed: poisonous chemicals in clothing, canned food, drinks, and aspirin; and, lethal biological agents such as cholera and anthrax to contaminate water supplies and farmland.

It was also reported in 1977 that several, 25-gallon drums of chemicals were delivered and, dried in the sun, and then ground into a powder. The noxious powder was later brushed onto the denim clothing favored by the guerrillas, mixed into processed meat such as bully beef before being repacked in new cans, or injected into bottles of alcohol with a micro-needle. In addition, several prisoners were forcibly used to determine the effects of the poisons, and their corpses were disposed of secretly.

The Rhodesians also made several attempts to disseminate lethal CBW agents, in particular Vibrio cholera and Bacillus anthracis. Rhodesian Special Air Service (SAS) also dropping anthrax spores from an aircraft near Plumtree on the Botswana border in experiments to try to kill cattle in the Gutu, Chilimanzi, Masvingo, and Mberengwa areas.

The main purpose of including this CBW programme in this nuke story is to reveal that historically the US and UK have been closely associated with WMD/CBW and willingly approved such programmes. If we can all recall the Anthrax letter scare in the US then one can see the way such practices can get out of hand and be used by some sinister groups. Again I would like to put an emphasis on the fact that the US and UK government always applied pressure on the UN in regard to Saddam's use of CBW on Iran and the Kurds when they themselves gave the Iraqi's the chemicals and know how to carry out these attacked. How two faced can you get?

We can now look at another special operation that followed on from the above transfer of CBW to South Africa with what was known as "Project Coast." This project was the development, testing, and utilization of a wide array of hard-to-trace toxic agents to assassinate enemies of the South African state but went far beyond its original intention. Some of the plans included drugging victims before tossing their bodies out of an airplane into the ocean, which was similar to the tactics used in Rhodesia.

The substances employed in the assassination program included potentially lethal chemicals such as aldicarb, brodifacum, cantharidin, colchamine, cyanide, digoxin, methanol, monensin, paraoxon, paraquat, phencyclidine, phosphide, silatrane, sodium azide, thallium, and vitamin D3; biological agents such as anthrax spores, botulinum toxin, brucella bacteria, salmonella bacteria, mamba venom, and cholera bacteria. A wide variety of foodstuffs, beverages, household items, and cigarettes were contaminated with these poisons.

Methods of delivery included turning rings, screwdrivers, walking sticks, and umbrellas into assassination devices by adding poison compartments and injectors and firing mechanisms for poisoned pellets. As we can all see the true world of James Bond really does exist. It is also interesting to note that the evil regime that existed at the time also intended to create a "Black only Bomb" which would specifically target the black populations of South Africa. This bomb would directly attack their genetics with the minimum result of making black Africans sterile etc.

Before moving onto the nuclear industry in South Africa we should also mention Dr. David Kelly British arms inspector and micro biologist, Dr. Kelly, has always been linked to the fact he knew too much about the illegal arms trade to the Middle East, including the real story about WMD in Iraq. Although the official story of his 2003 death tells a tale of suicide, many observers close to the case claim Dr. Kelly was anything but suicidal. They also contend the follow-up investigation was appalling, claiming the Hutton Commission set up by the British Parliament to investigate Dr. Kelly's death covered up important facts that would have implicated high-ranking British and American officials.

It is believed that Dr. Kelly knew all about the "Black only Bomb" as well as missing nuclear weapons which we will talk about after this segment covering CBW. It would appear that he may have been assigned to look into some aspects of the above by both Maggie Thatcher and John Major and therefore his implication would have put two very senior politicians in the firing line had he divulged this knowledge to the media or in his book. It is also believed that Dick Cheney was also clearly disturbed that Dr. Kelly could spill the beans on all of the above as well as information concerning missing nuclear weapons. At the time of his assassination Tony Blair just happened to be in the United States and was awarded a Gold Medal but never received it.......maybe because it was tainted with blood!

Dr Kelly had really gone through a very rough patch with the British political elite and many people in high places were aware that he could spill the beans on dangerous and deadly secrets that could topple governments, especially the CBW programme in South Africa to which Thatcher was privy. Biological weapons research continues today and remains a subject one cannot talk about. The 2001 Anthrax attacks in the US proved that the programme was still very much alive. Obviously all of the above implicated the USA and big cover-ups were made by the FBI.

It must be clearly understand that Maggie Thatcher and certain members of the Conservative were not only aware but also supported the "Black only Bomb" and were also involved in many other under the radar operations. There existed an under the table illegal arms trade which at the time amounted to around 55 million pounds (as a starter). Money would flow from government sources to the arms dealers for weapons provided to both Iran and Iraq. One can clearly see this is not only an extremely two faced approach but also a clear case of "You reap in the harvest of your own making".

Now we come to the establishment of the South African Nuclear Industry that managed to make 10 nuclear weapons without the United Nations ever finding out. Needless to say the US and UK Government certainly knew about them but not the United Nations. I find it amazing that David Cameron and others travelled to South Africa during the embargo period and not only violated international law but also violated international law in dealing with nuclear weapons that were not known to the UN. Perhaps we could give a clue as to who else became involved in this of them had the initials DW and another person involved is a Knight with the initials of KW.

So what was this shonky deal that took place whilst the United Nations was sleeping and involved the South African Government, the US Government and the UK Government and dare I say the Israeli Government? Let's again re visit the nuclear research programme that went a bit too far....thanks to all of the above.

It is believed that South Africa started its weapons nuclear research programme as early at 1973. It wasn't until 1977 that the Atomic Energy Board completed manufacture of South Africa's first full-scale nuclear explosive device based on a gun-type design. It was with the help of Israelis that South Africa achieved it first success when on 22 September 1979, a U.S. Vela surveillance satellite detected a distinct light event off of Africa's southern coast and this was believe to be the first test of a nuclear bomb. South Africa in actual fact designed and built a total of 10 fully operational weapons, ready for use! One can clearly see that this left only 9 weapons in the stockpile.

In August 1988, Roelof Frederik "Pik" Botha, the South African foreign minister, announced that his nation had "the capability to make one [a nuclear weapon]" should it want to do so. A month later, in September 1988, South Africa sent a letter to IAEA Director General Hans Blix expressing willingness to accede to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) if certain conditions were met, primarily that South Africa be allowed to market its uranium subject to IAEA safeguards. Less than two years later, the de Klerk government terminated the nuclear weapons program. All nuclear devices were dismantled and destroyed........let me just hold it there one minute and clarify what was said in this paragraph "That in less than two years all nuclear devices were dismantled and destroyed....... This was not the case!!

In 1989 David Cameron and others went down to South Africa to carry out some sinister plan that resulted in only 6 operational nuclear weapons going back to the US for de commissioning.The other three were to be purchased by the British Government as a standby mechanism against Saddam. Remember this is all under the radar of the United Nations!

So who was involved in this under the table deal, who paid for them and where did they go? Did anyone in the UK receive a significant party donation and if so whom and by what amount? Did other leaders get to know about this and was their palms brushed? The answer is simply "Yes" and those two leaders were Tony Blair and Gordon Brown......stay tuned for more clever 007 stuff.

Peter Eyre - Middle East Consultant - 3/2/2010

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1 comment:

  1. Well that is a load of hogwash. I am sure Maggie wanted to support the development of a blacks only bomb! Delerious ramblings i am afraid.
