Tuesday 13 April 2010

Congratulations to Jobbik

Congratulations to our Hungarian comrades in Jobbik.

Yet again it is clear that the Nations of Europe are awakening to the the cabals of traitors that control us, and are voting for Nationalist Revolutions.

Yet again the press smear Jobbik with the usual smears.

Here is how to interpret the truth from media lies.

When the corrupt corporate media call any Nationalist political party in Europe 'Nazi' - then you can be assured that political party puts the interests of the people of that nation before the financial interests of slimy Zionist globalist corporate media scum like Rupert Murdoch.

When anyone calls you a 'racist' they are either a communist, a liberal or an idiot.

Therefore being called such names by the corporate media reveals no truth as to the reality of the politics of those parties, it simply reveals that the media in that nation are out of control and must be dealt with.

Any media organisation that defines Nationalists and nationalist parties as 'nazis' and 'racists' is an enemy of the people and the nation itself.

That corporate media group is usurping democracy with its propaganda and must be treated as an instrument of treason.

The time has come, we must now either defend our nations or watch them die from the pernicious poisons of mass immigration, corruption and political correctness.

We either rise, or we die.


Fidesz, Hungary's centre-Right party, won 52.77 per cent of the vote, based on 99 per cent of votes counted, in a blow to the Socialist government.

Jobbik, a far-Right party, gained entry into parliament for the first time after winning 16.71 per cent of votes, behind the ruling Socialists who took 19.29 per cent.

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Hungary's largest Jewish organisation warned that the vote was "the first occasion that a movement pursuing openly anti-Semitic policies" has taken a step to power since the Nazi era.

Hungary's election gains for Jobbik follow a upsurge in support for the far-Right across Europe.

Last month, French regional elections, dominated by debates over immigration, saw electoral revival for the National Front. In June, Dutch elections could propel Geert Wilders, whose anti-Islamic, hard-right Freedom Party leads the polls, into power.

Amid rising unemployment, Hungary was the first European Union country to turn to the International Monetary Fund for an £18 billion bailout last year.

Jobbik has risen by using Hungary's deep economic crisis to revive traditional Hungarian scape-goating of Jewish and gypsy, or Roma, communities for joblessness and poverty.

It has close links with the Magyar Garda, or Hungarian Guard, a banned paramilitary group with insignia modelled on the Arrow Cross of Hungary's wartime Nazis.

Gabor Vona, Jobbik's 31-year old leader, has vowed to be sworn in as an MP wearing the banned uniform. "I will keep my promise to go into parliament on the first day in a Garda vest," he said.

The Guards, founded by Mr Vona, have polarised Hungary by staging a series of marches against "gypsy crime" through small countryside towns and villages with large Roma communities. An unprecedented series of Roma killings in 2008 and 2009 claimed six lives in several villages.

Styled as the "Movement for a better Hungary", Jobbik has campaigned to drop free-market IMF reforms and to revive the gendarmerie to police the country's gypsy minority. Hungary's Csendorség, or gendarmes, were disbanded for its role in deporting 500,000 Hungarian Jews to their deaths in Nazi concentration camps.

"Jobbik is the only party which can put the country in order," Tamas Vardai , a university student said outside a Budapest polling station.

A recent copy of the party's weekly newspaper showed a statue of Saint Gellert, a Hungarian national, holding a menorah, a ceremonial Jewish candelabrum, instead of the cross. The picture's caption said: "Is this what you want?".

The Association of Hungarian Jewish Religious Communities, without directly naming Jobbik, has pleaded with voter to turn against anti-Semitic candidates.

Turnout was slightly lower than expected, at 64.29 percent, down three points from the first round of general elections in 2006.

The election results will not be final until a second round to be held on April 25.

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  1. I knew you would like that report Lee.
    I predict a United Europe of so called "right wing" Nationalist parties inside 10 years, there is absolutely no doubt about it.
    The Commie scum are dieing under the weight of their sleaze and the filth that is born from it.

    I cant wait to see it all turn around, we are well into its infancy.


  2. The media run this country the NWO run the media13 April 2010 at 09:35

    Well done Jobbik,

    off course you are right about the press Lee, and this needs to be highlighte more so everyone knows it.

    It is again a NWO Corporate issue, if more people were aware of it then it would not only lose its effect but would be counter productive.

    If we can illustrain the NWO aspect of the media then it is game over for them, just highlight Rockafellas speach where he discusses a NWO conspiracy with the media, it stumps all the people who like to use disstraction methods such as lizards etc, renders them the morons that they are for everyone to see.

    Everytime they smeared us they would in fact smear themselfs, and the beauty is, they have no plan B.

    They are stuck with it.

    Turkeys don't vote for Christmas (unless they are liberal bedwetters).

  3. The media run this country the NWO run the media13 April 2010 at 09:35

    Well done Jobbik,

    off course you are right about the press Lee, and this needs to be highlighte more so everyone knows it.

    It is again a NWO Corporate issue, if more people were aware of it then it would not only lose its effect but would be counter productive.

    If we can illustrain the NWO aspect of the media then it is game over for them, just highlight Rockafellas speach where he discusses a NWO conspiracy with the media, it stumps all the people who like to use disstraction methods such as lizards etc, renders them the morons that they are for everyone to see.

    Everytime they smeared us they would in fact smear themselfs, and the beauty is, they have no plan B.

    They are stuck with it.

    Turkeys don't vote for Christmas (unless they are liberal bedwetters).

  4. "The Association of Hungarian Jewish Religious Communities, without directly naming Jobbik, has pleaded with voter to turn against anti-Semitic candidates."

    The Hungarians have declared that they do not wish to participate in the Jewish "religion" as Noachites.. For this they are smeared as 'Anti-Semites'..

    According to the Rabbinate, there are certain consequences for Hungarians who choose emancipation and self determination over obeisance and slavery..

  5. Nationalists the need to be directing their readers to independent journalists.
    Nationalist websites becoming popular means that both will benefit.
    There are some decent journalists out there, not just those talking about nationalist issues, people like Stalker, Wayne Madson, Max Kaiser, Gereld Celente, Jane Burgermeister.Alex Jones. Russia Today.

    Perhaps the nationalist websites have a role to play in awakening up the masses to alternative views on world events.

  6. I note on the Telegraph site that Jewish organizations are 'concerned' about the rise of Nationalist parties in Europe.
    Parties that wish to preserve and protect their homeland.

    Yet it is Jewish Organizations that are voting AGAINST banning minarets in Switzerland, and mass immigration.

    Yet at the same time, they complain about the rise in AntiSemitism, failing to mention as they complain of course that this AntiSemitism comes mainly from Muslim migrants.

    Anti Semitism is a self inflicted wound, they ought to be helping us protect Western Europe.


    Jews oppose Mosque Ban

    Jews cannot walk the streets in Malmo, yet they say nothing, it implies that it is Western Europeans and say nothing about the real cause, mass muslim immigration.

  7. I believe the term 'racist' needs to be redefined. Unless, we patriots set about doing so, the Left Liberals will be able to reserve the term for perpetual indiscriminate useage even after they've been defeated which currently, they're in the process of being.

    Let me explain!

    Being 'racist' must be equated with the defence of one's ancestral homeland, native peoples, languages, heritages, beliefs, culture and tradition where it will become imperative to be 'racist'. Anything less, would be tantamount to Treason against one's own native ethnicity and homeland.

    In other words, the term 'racist' should be naturalised and normalised.

    All nations should be 'racist', but within the boundaries of their respective native homelands otherwise the term ceases to hold logical meaning.

  8. "Jews oppose Mosque Ban

    "Jews cannot walk the streets in Malmo, yet they say nothing, it implies that it is Western Europeans and say nothing about the real cause, mass muslim immigration."

    This is because they ARE still hell-bent on getting revenge on allof the innocent indigenous White nations of Europe for the
    WW11 halocaust, by engineering AND conducting a protracted revenge halocaust, this time, of ALL White Europeans including their diaspora which is very much under way at present, but by stealth (for the moment).

    I'm of maternal Jewish ancestry, so I know precisely what I am saying.

    It's time for White nations to act and act decisively regardless of the means.

    If the legions of traitorous Jews involved in this global genocide by stealth, think they can escape to Israel when the actual physical extermination of indigenous White Europeans and their diaspora begins, they have another thing coming!!!!
