Thursday 1 April 2010

You Cant Make It Up

If you want to know what the future will look like if the present Multi-cultural system is allowed to fester on, then take a look at the image above and the story below.

Its like Brass Eye come true innit.

Check out da picta wiv da artikle - its like wicked man !

BRISTOL T-shirt designers Shola Neathey and Candeace Moulton decided to send out a message of their own in response to British National Party leaflets posted through their doors.

They have produced a T-shirt with the slogan: 'BUN BNP'.

"We were getting these BNP leaflets through our doors, and we found them quite offensive," said Shola, of Totterdown.

Candeace, of Knowle West, added: "We didn't agree with what they were saying, so we decided to make our point with a T-shirt slogan."

The logo – which also glows in the dark – is the latest in a range of slogans that Shola and Candeace have put on their range of T-shirts.

Shola explains: "It means we don't agree with the BNP. To 'bun' something basically means to 'stuff it' in street talk."

Shola, 24, and Candeace, 23 – who are sisters – run online urban fashion company, Swagga Like Us, which specialises in T-shirts with logos based on street phrases.

They decided to create a political slogan in response to the BNP campaign that has been taking place in Bristol ahead of this year's election.

Prime minister, Gordon Brown was recently shown a Swagga Like Us creation with the logo 'If It Don't Make Money, It Don't Make Sense' when Shola and Candeace visited Downing Street as part of a Community Heroes event.

They set up Swagga Like Us with the support of the Prince's Trust and Knowle West Media Centre, and will be holding an official launch party tomorrow at the Warehouse nightclub in Prince Street, which will feature acts including Crazy Cousinz with MC Versatile; Slick Don, Flirta D and a dance performance by Phresh Boiiz.

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  1. Another T-Shirt might be useful, showing the party emblems of the lib/lab/con triad plus UKIP, aka the FNP, Fake Nationalist Party, who have pinched a raft of BNP policies for their election leaflets.

    These emblems could be set against the background of a burnt and torn up Union Flag, with the caption:

    'Genocidists together and proud of it!'

    As for the 2 bimbos pictured, I find their whole 'culture' not only offensive but abominable.

  2. I likes a nice bun...

  3. Daft idiots are actually PROMOTING the BNP, because most people outside the age group of 12-13 won't even know what bun means, thanks for enlightening me it will be sure to use the word in my vocab from now on innit man.

    Can't we order a job lot of these t-shirts? I'm soo tempted to order one........Donna
