Thursday 6 May 2010

Best Wishes to Nigel Farage and the Pilot

Best wishes to Farage and the pilot in that plane crash.


That was nasty.

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    It is not true that one of the 40 Asylum seekers that farage was smuggling from the Jungle Calais took control of the plane to prove his martyrdom duties for UKIP.

    Nor is it true that Farage simply lost control, because the tiny plane was so grossly over loaded

    Nor is it true that he was bringing them over to vote for their Brother Muslim candidates.

    Also, it is strongly refuted that Mr Farage is a self harmer,Jihadist,attention seeker or deliberately trying to prove to his Asian constituents that he is waging a wholly War on election day.

    Mr Farage has refused to comment that is has been widely suggested that the real pro cause and name of his party UKIP really means UKimmigrationP

    Finally , Community leaders of constituents in heavily armed no go white zones across the country say that Farage's support has improved dramatically ;O)


  2. Yeah, now that's gotta hurt!

  3. NWO probably sabotaged his plane, just like they did with the Polish President and Joerg Haider's car.

    It's a stark reminder of just how low the NWO will go. On election day of all days.
