Monday 31 May 2010

Civic Nationalism and British Nationalism

It seems some people do not understand the difference between British Nationalism and Civic Nationalism.

Civic Nationalism in contemporary British society is a variant of globalism in that it says anyone, from anywhere in the world are entitled to come to Britain and be awarded citizenship. Civic Nationalism does not protect British borders. It does not protect the interests of the indigenous British people nor those integrated and assimilated immigrants who are, and who regard themselves, as British citizens.

Civic Nationalism does not put the interests of the indigenous British workers, nor integrated and assimilated British citizens, first.

Civic Nationalism supports political correctness, affirmative action and positive discrimination.

It is based on liberal principles and hence is in direct opposition to Nationalist principles.

British Nationalism is based on putting the interests of all British citizens, indigenous and assimilated and integrated before all other priorities and creating a meritocracy.

British Nationalism supports the integration of all British citizens who are here lawfully in the country.

British Nationalism is not based on promoting assimilation eg the mixing of racial groups which comprise the British population, but demands that all British Citizens have the exact same rights as each other based on building a true meritocracy in our nation.

That means we are as opposed to the principle of inherited social status and power such as the vast wealth of the aristocracy that distorts social opportunities for the White Working Class and integrated British citizens as much as we are opposed to the principle of affirmative action, for both are exactly the same evils in our society.

Inherited social status is the antithesis of meritocracy and imbeds generational poverty in those not from the wealthy, and traitorous, social elite that have run this country for hundreds of years and who have abused their power to self enrich themselves at the expense of the White Working Class and the majority of the British people.

The same Establishment elite that benefit from inherited wealth and social status are the ones pushing for politically correct affirmative action for immigrants, such as David Cameron and Samantha Cameron and Nick Clegg all of whom are upper class aristocrats. They inherited their wealth and status, and hence increased social opportunity, and yet are now pushing for affirmative action for middle class immigrants whilst abandoning the White Working Class, and also the Naturalised Working Class.

British Nationalists support the immediate deportation of all illegal entrants into the UK and all those who have been granted British citizenship and committed a crime - regardless of their race or religion.

Whether they are from Australia or Zaire then if they are here illegally or have broken our laws or plot to commit Jihad in our country or work for the interests of another nation before their own eg Zionists then they must be removed from our nation.

In order to be be a British citizen ones loyalty must be solely to this nation and our people.

Those whose loyalties are divided, cannot be trusted.

Ethno-Nationalism is the right of all peoples to work for their ethnic and national interests eg the right of the ethnic English to work for the interests of the Ethnic English.

The BNP is not an Ethno-Nationalist organisation anymore as it has changed its constitution to allow in all racial groups as long as they are legitimate and integrated British citizens - it is now solely an British Nationalist organisation open to everyone who is a legitimate British citizen.

We support the principle of Ethno-nationalism and we should pass laws once we are in power to allow the Ethnic English, Irish, Welsh and Scottish folk the right to establish and run Ethno-Specific organisations, charities and pressure groups in our society to represent their ethnic and community interests - which is a legal right they are presently denied under multi-culturalism and political correctness.

Whilst all other racial, religious and ethnic groups in the UK can presently form their own ethno-specific organisations to represent their community interests, only the indigenous English, Welsh, Scots and Irish are denied that right.

That is racism, and we will not tolerate such a racist double standard.

There is not one charity in the UK that works for the interests of the indigenous English, Welsh, Scots and Irish as such charities are not allowed to be registered, whilst there are tens of thousands of charities for Jews, Muslims, Blacks, Hindus etc etc - and that is a perverse, cynical and racist abuse of the powers of the British state.

Ethno-Nationalism is a principle we can support eg the right of all British citizens to work for their ethno-communal interests within the context of the British nation state, but it is not a British Nationalist principle.

We will pass laws to allow people to establish such ethno-specific organisations for the indigenous English, Welsh, Scots and Irish - but the BNP must concentrate as a political party and a political movement on clear British Nationalist goals.

British Nationalism as a political movement must concentrate ensuring on the integrity of the British union, on working for the interests of Britain internationally, on repatriating all powers devolved to all supra-national institutions eg the EU, global corporations and NATO and bringing those powers back to Parliament, on dismantling multi-culturalism and imposing integrationism on all lawful British citizens prsent in Britain, on removing all illegals and colonists in the country, on ensuring British national security interests are protected, on building a British economy that works solely for the interests of British workers and not the interests of the globalists, on removing the Islamists and the Zionists from our society who work solely for the interests of another nation or the global caliphate and British Nationalism must also begin working to integrate British citizens into a meritocracy with an end to inherited social opportunities and affirmative action.

British Nationalism must encourage indigenous British families to have more children via imposing tax policies that support British families at the same time as we deport the millions of illegals and criminals in the country and we end all immigration.

British Nationalism must demand integration and an end colonisation.

British Nationalism will promote the interests of British culture and the indigenous cultures of our Islands.

Multi-culturalism will be dismantled and all children taught only British Culture and history in their schools.

Only British culture will be celebrated and all politically correct events such as ethnic festivals for colonists sponsored by councils will be banned.

No more money will be given for the translation of documents into other languages. You will speak English or you will be deported if you refuse to learn English after a period of five years.

No more buildings for the worship of foreign religions will be allowed to built and the burkha banned.

Sharia law courts will be banned and other courts that seek to bypass British law.

Trade unions that represent the interests of globalism and not solely the interests of British workers will be de-registered.

Religious schools that are based on foreign religions will be banned.

Those who come to to this country must obey our laws, fit into our society and abandon their attempts to impose their cultures, laws and way of life upon us.

If they refuse to do that then must be removed from Britain, regardless of their race or religion.

Multi-culturalism is the doorway to colonisation, therefore multi-culturalism must be dismantled and integrationism demanded and imposed.

British Nationalism does not support assimilation, which is the mixing of racial groups to form a homogenous population devoid of any ethnic identity, but British Nationalism does demand that all British citizens are integrated - regardless of their race or religion.

British Nationalism regards Corporate, multi-cultural and politically correct propaganda that supports and espouses race mixing as a simply a way to dilute our national identity, to destroy our indigenous identities and communities and to transform all British citizens simply into raceless, rootless consumers in a globalist economy.

We wish to preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity of Britain, but that does not mean we oppose any ethnic community or those who come from mixed ethnic or racial heritages.

Who British citizens choose to marry and have children with is simply their concern, it is not the role of government to intervene in human relationships.

We should though ban all arranged marriages and prevent all abuses of the law that seek to use marriage as a way to obtain a British passport.

It is the role of government though to ensure the children of all British citizens, regardless of their race or racial heritage, are integrated British citizens who actively promote and defend the interests of the British Nation and the British people.

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  1. I understand kin and kind to be the basis of organic british nationalism.

    To be civic british only relates to the legal corporate persona alloted you in relation to municipality.

    Meritocracy and Aristocracy can be the same thing, as a true Aryan caste system would be based on the best of your kind rising to the top, the cream of the crop leading the flock.

    military terminology alludes to our caste system, in that you rise through the ranks and troop the colour, fly the colours, colour sergeant etc etc.

    Rank is merit not racial supremacy and colour is not related to skin but coats of arms and family crests.

  2. The idea that the shower of traitorous shit that call themselves the upper class in this country, a cabal of greedy, stupid, corrupt money grabbing whores are 'aryans' is to disgrace the name of Aryans.

    They are corrupt greedy scum.

    They have betrayed our people, betrayed our nation and their greed has destroyed our society and meritocracy.

    They are shameful, and hence have lost any right to their wealth, status and lands.

    A new elite must be created to replace the Establishment traitors.

    An elite of Nationalists not aristocrats.

  3. Fortunately you are wrong.

  4. WOW !

    One charity for the ethnic english in the whole country.

    Ever heard the phrase 'The exception proves the rule'.

    One charity.

    Get that - ONE !


    I also know how long it took the Steadfast Trust to get registered, the struggle it had to stay registered and also the hassle it gets.

    In fact it wasnt for the fact that the Trust was set up by a solicitor dedicated to English rights who had to fight for months and months just to get the Trust registered means, in effect, that it is unique.

    One charity for the ethnic english when we are the majority in England.

    Thats truly pathetic.

  5. Heres just a few of the ethnic charities ;

    Listed below is a small selection of the ethnic charities in the UK.

    Adzido Pan African Dance Ensemble
    Africa Advocacy Foundation
    Africa Educational Trust
    African & African Caribbean Peoples Advisory Group
    African & Caribbean Elders
    African & Caribbean Evangelical Alliance
    African Caribbean Association
    African Caribbean Development Forum,
    African Caribbean Family Mediation
    African Caribbean Initiative
    African Caribbean Leadership Council
    African Caribbean Women's Development Centre
    African Community Development Trust
    African Community Welfare Association (ACWA)
    African Cultural Association
    African Education and Training Institute (AETL)
    African Families Support Services
    African Forum
    African HIV Policy Network
    African Refugees Project
    African Schools Association
    African United Action Front
    African Welfare & Immigration Advisory Centre
    African Welfare and Resource Centre
    African Welfare Organisation
    African Youth Organisation
    African Youths Initiative- Ikemba
    Africans and Desecendants Counselling Services
    Afro Caribean Centre Ltd

    Anglo-Chinese Arts Council
    Anglo-Indian Circle
    Angolan Civic Communities Alliance
    Angolan Women's Alliance
    Angolan Youth Alliance

    Arhag H.A Refugee / Migrant Forum
    Arhag Housing Association Ltd and Migrant Development Forum
    Ashanti Associates
    Asian Deaf Women's Association
    Asian Time; Caribbean Times; African Times
    Asian Youth & Social Club
    Asian Youth Forum
    Asians in Tower Hamlets

    Association of Black Planners

    Banga Bandhu Society London
    Bangladesh British Chamber of Commerce
    Bangladeshi Regeneration Network Trust
    Barako International
    Barnet Asians Old People Association

    Bengali Community Education Centre
    Bengali Cultural Association
    Bengali Workers Association

    Bexley Afro-Caribbean Community Association
    BIRS/African Caribbean Business Database

    Black & Minority Association in Disability
    Black & Minority Ethnic Residents Group
    Black & Asian Women's Network
    Black Advisors - London Underground Black Workers Group
    Black African Labour Committee
    Black and Ethnic Minority Business Federation
    Black and Minority Ethnic Health Forum
    Black and Proud at SOAS
    Black British Heritage Group
    Black Business Association
    Black Christians Civic Forum
    Black Comedy Club Ltd.
    Black Cultural Archives
    Black Environment Network
    Black Perspectives in Volunteering Group (BPVG Ltd)
    Black Section London fire and Emergency Authority
    Black Society of Lawyers - Student Members
    Black Training and Enterprise Group
    Black Women & Europe Network
    Black Women Mean Business
    Black Women's Health Project
    Black Women's Mental Health Project
    Black Women's Mental Health Projects
    Black Workers Group- Horizon Housing Group
    Black Youth & Community Workers Association

    Brent Indian Association (BIA)
    British Ethnic Broadcasting Association
    British Muslim Association of Merton
    Bromley Refugee Network ( BRN)
    Camden Black Sisters
    Camden Chinese Community Centre
    Camden Health & Race Group
    Camden Racial Equality Council
    Centre for Armenian Information & Advice
    Centre for Filipinos
    Chinese Community Centre
    Chinese Cultural Centre
    Chinese Information and Advice Centre

  6. Croydon Black youth workers grou
    East London Black Women's Organisation
    Eritrean Education & Publication Trust
    Esan Community Association
    Ese-oghene Associates
    Ethiopian Advice and Information Bureau,
    Ethiopian Advice and Support Centre
    Ethnic Alcohol Counselling in Hounslow
    Ethnic Community Service
    Ethnic Media Group
    Ethnic Minorities & Travellers Achievement Project (Brent Education Authority)
    Ethnic Minority Advocacy Group
    Ethnic Minority Enterprise Project Ltd & Brick Lane Business Association
    Fifty Plus Elderly Asian Group
    National Black Alliance-London
    National Black Police Association
    National Black Students Alliance
    National Black Students Association
    National Black Women's Network
    National Coalition of Black Volunteering
    National Convention of Black Teachers
    Somali Advice Bureau
    Somali Bravanese Welfare Association in Barnet
    Somali Community Organisation in Barnet
    Somali Education and Training Agency
    Somali Project
    Somali Project for Education & Training (SOMPET)
    Somali Welfare Centre
    Somali Women Association
    South Asian Association
    South Asian Literature & Arts Archive (SALIDAA)
    South London Black Women in Business
    South London Congolese Association
    Southwark Action for Voluntary Organisations
    Southwark Black and Minority Ethnic Tenants Organisation
    Southwark Black Mentor Scheme
    Southwark Black Women's Centre

  7. If we marched under family crests and coats of arms, lead by our strongest and boldest intelligentcia kinfolk, that indeed would be organic aristocracy.

    The body politics internationalist agenda is the legal instrument that allows for treachery.

    The current aristocracy is not merit based but privilage or bought into.

  8. Adrian Peirson31 May 2010 at 07:15

    Looks like my Video needs updating, does anyone know of any suitable pieces of music that are about half an hour long.

    Who stands for Britain

    Actually, I've just thought, the perfect piece of music is the Radestky Death / funeral march, that should get the message accross.

  9. I know the British National Party have been compelled to include non-White ethnicities in its ranks, nevertheless, I'm still not comfortable with the notion that such legal immigrants should enjoy the same rights as the indigenous inhabitants.

    How will it be possible to ensure that the indigenous peoples are returned their inalienable rights to come first in every area of society without non-natives constantly agitating and rioting in resentment?

    Miscegenation, unless outlawed, will also further greatly assist the gradual extinction of the native peoples.

    Besides, ending further immigration and deporting 2 or 3 million illegals and other undesirables, will not stem the demographic onslaught of them that are already here which will continue threatening the dispossession and disenfranchisement of the native peoples, It will merely delay it.

    The preservation of our race, homelands, cultures, heritages, languages, beliefs and traditions are going to require policies far more drastic than what's been proposed so far.

  10. Anon: The preservation of our race, homelands, cultures, heritages, languages, beliefs and traditions are going to require policies far more drastic than what's been proposed so far.

    Yes, it is called repatriation, among other things:

  11. British Nationalism does not support assimilation, which is the mixing of racial groups to form a homogenous population devoid of any ethnic identity, but British Nationalism does demand that all British citizens are integrated - regardless of their race or religion.

    We wish to preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity of Britain
    British Nationalism must demand integration

    How exactly can you preserve cultural diversity whilst also demanding integration? You can't. Integration destroys cultural diversity. You either have one or the other. Not both.

    You say you don't want miscegenation, but will do absolutely nothing to prevent it. That's like Labour saying it doesn't want immigration whilst leaving the door wide open.

    Can't you see that cultural integration is the first step towards miscegenation? Miscegenation can't happen if two groups aren't even speaking the same language as each other. The best defence against miscegenation is to enhance cultural separateness and yet you are wanting to minimise cultural separateness. You are wanting to ease the path towards miscegenation. That is not good.

    The BNP should become "liberal" with regard to all this. ie Don't force immigrants to become "British", let the immigrants carry on living as if they are in their home country. At the same time, let indigenous British celebrate their own identity, which is currently prohibited. Liberate the indigenous British from accusations of racism. Allow explicit indigenous British identity to flourish. If the BNP were liberal on this, nobody could critisise them for being "authoritarian" or "fascist". The BNP should become liberators of the indigenous British, but not oppressors of immigrant communities. The BNP should be liberators of everybody. Voluntary apartheid would naturally result. Voluntary apartheid is very desirable, but what you are calling for would not lead to it.

  12. 1) BNP policy is not to repatriate all naturalised citizens - only illegals and the ones who want to go

    2) The cultural diversity of Britain eg the english, irish, welsh, scottish indigenous cultures of Britain is what we want to preserve, not the cultural diversity of Pakistan, or India or Gambia which have been established in Britain dumbass.

    3) oh yeah the BNP should support the sterelisation of people or ban mixed race marriages - fucking dumbass. We are nationalists not nazis.

    4) You know the Nazis are desperate when they suddenly support multi-culturalism, colonisation and cultural diversity.

    Sounds like the fucking nazis have become the UAF.

    The idea that we should support the colonisation of our nation, the cultural destruction of our nation and demand apartheid is simply bonkers.

  13. Why do you consider Nick Griffin, Andrew Brons or Arthur Kemp to be "bonkers" or "Nazis" or "dumbass"? UAF language. All of these great men would be in agreement with "anonymous" saying "Integration destroys cultural diversity. You either have one or the other. Not both."

    Or is the problem that "anonymous" is too honest? He doesn't get it that we should "play clever" and tout "Multiracial nationalism" because then the public is sure to vote for us rather than the other multiracial nationalist mainstream parties?

    Now that really is bonkers! Like a certain BNP member saying he married his half Chinese wife so he could stop her marrying a non white and having non white kids. Ingenious? Not.

  14. Because you are wrong.

    As long as immigrants are absorbed into a dominant culture with a demographic majority, as we have, then they do not undermine that culture.

    Culture is a product of genes, and as long as the genes that created the Nation remain the demographic majority, then the culture remains dominant.

    Our culture has been undermined not by fucking immigrants, as they are a fucking minority, but by our own fucking people.

    It was WHITE ARYANS that betrayed our nations in the name of liberalism and multi-culturalism and leftism.

    They SURRENDERED our fucking nation, they imported in the fucking immigrants and they surrendered our fucking culture.

    There are no multi-racial nationalist political parites you dumbass.

    They are all anti-nationlist, globalist, pro-multiculturalism, open borders, politically correct, capitalist, zionist, controlled by the corporate media traitors - not even the BNP is multi-racial Nationalist, in fact the problem with some people in the BNP is that they are suffering from political schizophrenia - the party has changed, they cannot accept it and are clinging to the comfort blanket of the past when they should be facing reality and trying to create an ideology that mirrors our constitution - and which allows us to become a populist movement that finally unlocks British Nationalists political power.

    You stay in the past, we want to move into the future.

    You want principled failure, we want populist power .

    You are not a revolutionary, you are a fucking idiot reactionary.

    The motto of the true Nationalist Revolutionary is 'WHATEVER IT TAKES', and that doesnt mean idiotic violence - that means pragmatic comprises that will take us into power.

    Fucking reactionaries make me sick.

  15. As long as immigrants are absorbed into a dominant culture with a demographic majority, as we have, then they do not undermine that culture.

    Culture is a product of genes, and as long as the genes that created the Nation remain the demographic majority, then the culture remains dominant.

    Not the demographic majority for much longer:

    The ethnic tipping point is getting close. The scale of immigration is simply too huge for integration. If we were to "integrate" such a huge body of immigrants, the indigenous British would be totally annihilated. Which is exactly what the enemy wants. When you demand integration, you sound suspiciously like phase 2 of the genocide against the indigenous English.
    Phase 1 = import loads of immigrants
    Phase 2 = Shut the door then make vigorous use of state power to enable "rampant miscegenation" (As Andrew Marr put it).

    the problem with some people in the BNP is that they are suffering from political schizophrenia - the party has changed, they cannot accept it and are clinging to the comfort blanket of the past when they should be facing reality and trying to create an ideology that mirrors our constitution - and which allows us to become a populist movement that finally unlocks British Nationalists political power.

    I don't think integration should ever be part of that ideology. Why are you so obsessed with integration for? Why not just be neutral on integration, neither for or against it?

    The idea that we should support the colonisation of our nation, the cultural destruction of our nation and demand apartheid is simply bonkers.

    I didn't *demand* apartheid. Only demanded conditions that would steer the peoples of various communities into naturally choosing it of their own free will. Muslims don't want anything to do with us, we don't want anything to do with them. Let's agree to live completely separately and not "integrate".

    3) oh yeah the BNP should support the sterelisation of people or ban mixed race marriages - fucking dumbass. We are nationalists not nazis.
    I didn't say sterilisation or bans. Only NOT to encourage integration. Encouraging integration is 50% of the way towards encouraging miscegenation. Most of the mixed race marriages happening today are from "integrated" couples.

    There are no multi-racial nationalist political parites you dumbass.

    Dumbass is an American word. I am deeply saddened that someone who thinks British culture is more important than British DNA will so happily trample on the memory of British culture by using an Americanism.
