Wednesday 19 May 2010

Voice of Africa Radio

I have just done a two hour live phone in radio show with Voice of Africa radio on issues like Africom, Mugabe, Colonialism, and inter-racial dating.

Yep, 2 hours and live.

I like doing their shows as unlike the idiots in the BBC and others they actually allow you to answer the questions. The presenter is a really nice guy and I enjoy the interaction with him and the listeners.

I enjoyed chatting with a Rastafarian guy a lot.

But I have a headache and sore throat, so no audio updates right now until the cough sweets work.

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  1. Great work Lee...Donna

  2. Lee here's one for you, a man Joe Wallace is claiming he was abused as a kid and even though he's been to the Police and certain politicians nobody is helping him.See
    Our MEP's i'm sure will help him.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. And the music!? I've heard better things come out my rear end than on that station.

    Blimey Mr Barnes, you better not go Rasta, or worst, African mama on us.

  5. Now, now.

    Just as I condemn the racism of Mugabe, I wont allow racism on this site, especially as it breaks the law.

    Havent you heard - the scientists tell us we all have a little bit of Africa in us.

    The bit of Africa in me is my superb sense of rhythm, as I used to have 'da moves' on the dancefloor when I was a teenager.

    Oh, yes, just ask the ladies of the Medway Towns.

  6. There are no ladies in the Medway towns!At least those that might qualify get out fast ;D

  7. The bit of Africa in me is my superb sense of rhythm, as I used to have 'da moves' on the dancefloor when I was a teenager.--DOL

    And now?
