Friday 11 June 2010

Salma Yaqoob on Question Time AGAIN !

We all know the 'hideously white' BBC is a politically correct joke that seeks to insert its tongue into the arse of whatever ethnic racial / religious minority group ticks its latest box - but the decision to invite Salma Yaqoob onto the Question Time show on Thursday was in complete breach of their own guidelines for the show.

Make a complaint here ;

Come on folks lets tell the BBC to stop arse kissing ethnics and obey their own guidelines.

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  1. Support our troops East London 15/6/1011 June 2010 at 07:07

    Springwatch on BBC 2 is hideously white, there will be a few sackings there soon.

  2. Springwatch lol. A token ethnic presenter telling a predominantly white British audience about the threat to the native wildlife from alien invaders, just the sort of hypocrisy the BBC loves. Diversity only lasts as long as the weakest population.

  3. Or call: 03700 100 222

  4. Springwatch on BBC 2 is hideously white, there will be a few sackings there soon.

    yes it occurred to me to....
