Friday 23 July 2010

ACPO Idiot Alert !

Lets start sacking idiots like this instead of beat coppers.

The police are not 'social workers'.


The more coppers sacked who are like this idiot.

Politically correct idiot.

Policing is more about social work than catching criminals, says chief constable

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 10:26 AM on 23rd July 2010

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Police spend most of their time acting as 'emergency social services', according to a chief constable.

Julie Spence, head of Cambridgeshire Constabulary, said officers spent just a third of their time fighting crime. The rest they spend dealing with necessary but time-consuming work such as finding missing people and attending road accidents.

In a weekly internet podcast, Mrs Spence, pictured, called for officers to be given more time on the streets and less in offices.

She also attacked 'irresponsible' drinkers, calling for a new climate of responsibility to reduce pressure on hard-pressed public services.

'Someone has to deal with the mayhem, others have to patch up the wounded and yet others have to clean up the mess,' she said.

'It all takes time and money which would be better spent on dealing with crime and with the vulnerable who need real help and protection.

'I agree entirely with those who call for less paperwork and more action. My aim has always been to get officers and PCSOs spending less time in the office and more time on the streets'
Social solutions: Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire Police, Julie Spence

Social solutions: Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire Police, Julie Spence

She also said that the approach of characters in the television series Dixon Of Dock Green and Life On Mars would not work in 2010.

'These days, our task roughly comprises of one-third dealing with crime and two-thirds engaged as a uniformed emergency and social services' said Mrs Spence.

'Policing has evolved. Dixon Of Dock Green's homely approach, a pat on the shoulder for concerned families or clip round the ear for wrongdoers, wouldn't work today.

'Neither would the tactics employed in Life On Mars, though some, I suspect, regret their passing.

'Forms must be filled in and every contact between police and public must be recorded. That's how it is and much can be useful.'


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Old guard: Jack Warner as George Dixon in Dixon of Dock Green

Not for 2010: Dixon Of Dock Green

'There's no denying that we are obliged to keep records. We have no choice and, in any event, it would be a poor organisation which was unable to point to successes and failures.'

She went on: 'Even those with the least grip on reality know that the public services must make cuts and, if all the forecasts are right, they will become more savage as time passes.

'I have very little doubt that police officer numbers will eventually suffer as the screw tightens. Whether that will be next year or in five years is difficult to call.

'Whilst I can't and I don't have any quarrel with the need to economise, what I and other senior colleagues have been trying to explain is that there needs to be an acceptance at the highest levels that the answer is not - and never has been - as simple as just catching criminals.

'Someone has to deal with the mayhem, others have to patch up the wounded and yet others have to clean up the mess. It all takes time and money which would be better spent on dealing with crime and with the vulnerable who need real help and protection.'

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1 comment:

  1. Big Hairy Anglo Saxon Male23 July 2010 at 11:08

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