Sunday 25 July 2010

More idiot coppers

What is wrong with the idiot police ?

Not content with killing killing innocent people they now recruit apologists for Al Qaeda into their ranks.

The whole police force ACPO idiots need sacking.

Scotland Yard will now face pressure to renounce Azad Ali, the new chair of the Muslim Safety Forum, which is recognised by the Met under a formal written agreement as "the principal body in relation to Muslim community safety and security".

The deal says that the Met will "use the MSF as a consultation body to help formulate policy or practice". Mr Ali was the founding chair of the MSF in 2006, but left that job in 2008 and resigned entirely from the group last year after publicity over his extremist comments. Last week, he was quietly reappointed as its chairman.

Mr Ali is a senior official of the fundamentalist Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE), which works, in its own words, to create an Islamic state under sharia law in Europe. The IFE and the MSF share the same offices.

He has previously praised a key mentor of Osama bin Laden. Earlier this year, he was filmed by an undercover reporter from Channel 4's Dispatches stating: "Democracy, if it means not implementing the sharia, of course nobody agrees with that."

When the documentary was aired, Mr Ali attacked the reporter on the IFE's official radio station, saying: "We've got a picture of you and a lot more than you thought we had. We've tracked you down to different places. And if people are gonna turn what I've just said into a threat, that's their fault, innit?"

Mr Ali's comments about terrorism were made on his official blog on the IFE website. Earlier this year, he lost a libel action against a newspaper which reported them. The judge, Mr Justice Eady, said that Mr Ali "was indeed taking the position that the killing of American and British troops in Iraq would be justified", describing his claim as "bound to fail" and having an "absence of reality".

Patrick Mercer, a Conservative MP and counterterrorism expert, said: "It beats me why the police should want to take the advice of this man. They should have nothing to do with him. I know for a fact that there are just as knowledgeable members of the Muslim community who do not share his subversive views."

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Lee,

    Not sure whether you have come across the following:

    Pakistan Aids Insurgency in Afghanistan, Reports Assert

    And HOW much has Britain been sending to Pakistan?

    Link provided by Vijay Kumar, Congressional candidate for Tennessee's 5th District:

    "I have said repeatedly that the Axis of Universal Jihad is Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Iran, and that Afghanistan is a client-state of Pakistan. Today secret documents have been released by WikiLeaks that fully support what I have been saying for years."
